
Chapter 28: 123 Hours Left

Hunger rumbled my stomach. Its severe emptiness had gnawed holes into my sleep, and I sat up in the dark with a gasp. Had I turned into a vampire? Would I even know if I had before it was too late?

But my heart still beat, as strong and true as it always had. Unless that sound was false and some kind of coping mechanism of the brain, I was still me. Still here. And starving.

I shifted on my mattress, careful of my bandaged leg, and knocked on the door. "Hendry? I think I'm okay. Would I know if I wasn't?"

No answer. Maybe the sun had already risen, and he'd gone to collect Bast. A deep sadness welled inside me at the rush of memories from last night. I hoped we would have a memorial for him like we did at the church when someone died outside of the ritual. It seemed the least we could do for him as we celebrated his bravery up until the very last seconds of his life.