
Chapter 24

Dread rattled down to my knees as we settled the ladder in place with barely a clink. I couldn't do this. It was a terrible idea, one that could get our throats eaten.

Hendry did a double-take when he glanced at me, concern digging a groove between his eyes. After taking the whiteboard and marker out of his pack, he quickly scrawled, You can change your mind if you want.

He was giving me a free pass out of this impossible situation, but that was just it - the situation would stay impossible unless we did something about it. Humans and witches would continue to starve while trapped inside their houses like the bird's nest girl. They would needlessly suffer from the Rift Curse, and would never feel the stunning night sky take their breath away. Plus, I would die in just a few days. Something had to change, and despite all my prayers to Sandreka that someone else could do it, there were only three of us here. Three of us willing to change things one slow step at a time.