
Chapter 19

A figure appeared in the doorway, an hourglass in a gorgeous green dress. Today, it was strapless with a slight V to reveal the seam of Tessa's breasts. The color brought out the creaminess in her skin and the luster of her upswept blonde hair. She strutted forward, her hips punching the air on either side in time to her clicking heels. Her blue eyes flitted over the map as she stopped at the side, regarding it, then me, with a chilly, blank stare.

"I put you in the kitchen," she finally said. "Starting tomorrow, you'll work from seven in the morning to seven at night."

Twelve hours slaving in a hot kitchen for a roof over my head. I could definitely deal. "Okay."

She lifted her hand to one of the candles and snapped off some of the dried wax that had dripped over the holder. "You blow it once, I'll put you on bath duty. You blow it there..." She rubbed her fingers together and flicked the wax to the floor. "Well, I will have fulfilled my word to Hendry."