
Chapter 13

I had nothing to use against a vampire. Nothing but a spell to make my coming death smell better, and I couldn't even say it out loud. Not unless I wanted to drive her mad with the sound of my voice. In that case, the sunlight between us might not matter.

I backed into one corner of the ladder, nearly tripping over it in my rush to get to Hendry. His whole being turned lethal as he stood from his crouch next to the glowing ladder. He pulled sharpened wooden stakes from his pocket and stalked toward her, his body rigid as if marching into battle.

The vampire's gaze darted to the rectangular door in the roof, still open because I hadn't closed it, where a lot of unsuspecting people could be made into a midday snack below.

Before Hendry reached her, he let his wooden stake fly.

She flung herself into the sunlight toward the door, avoiding the stake completely. Smoke curled off her body with a stomach-churning sizzle.

Hendry lunged after her.