
Chapter 12

Hendry stepped around the tight turns, careful of the ladder slanted upward at a weird angle, his hand sliding up the railing toward me. Even several steps down, he stood at eye level since he was so tall. The heat had caused sweat to drench his curls, and it dripped off the ends down along the short scruff at his jaw.

"Can you...?" He pointed to the side.

"Right." But I didn't have a whole lot of options. I pressed myself sideways against the ladder so he could squeeze past in the four inches of space that were left.

He turned and wedged his body between mine and the railing, but there wasn't enough room for him to slide through. I backed up as far as I could into the ladder, its sharp edges digging between my shoulder blades. His smell enveloped me as he neared, crisp and salty like I imagined the ocean would be. I breathed it in, memorizing it.