
Chapter 10

Hendry led the way out into the baking sun. We moved quickly to the middle of the road, making sure not to linger in the small patches of shade from nearby cars parked along the curb.

I took the end of the ladder closest to us since that was what we'd planned, and Hendry moved past to pick up the end closest to the building we aimed for. The metal scorched my fingertips and dug the embedded window shards deeper into my skin, but I swallowed back the pain and ignored it the best I could.

We sped for the front doors, which were made of glass and boarded up from the inside. Garlic bulbs hung from twine on the outside. A patch of shade clung to the ground in front of the door. Hendry didn't slow, but surely we were looking at the same entrance. Was he going to try to barrel through? If he rammed it enough times with the ladder, he'd still be caught in the shade for however long that took.