
Fourth (Ñame)





Evening has approached yet I felt leaving my apartment is now useless, eveywhere seems bored and dry to me. I have lost my part time job which cost my life, after leaving Middletown and into the city of newyork. I thought it would be easier for me but it was tough.

I went round asking connecting with people so i could get a job but at the end I got this little coffee cafe. The salary paid is quite enough to make a living than other places. I had now lost a friend who i had just spoken to yesterday and his last word rings in my head.

'Are you really leaving?'

It all feels like I am hallucinating and that he wasn't dead, yet I saw it with my eyes where his been buried. I wanted to make dinner before that pervert returns, he had dropped me a sticky note telling me he would go for a walk. I had no idea of what to cook and i was out of food stuffs that I need to go to the store to get some so instead i procrastinate on going either so I'd just wait for him to return.

Picking up my laptop I placed it on the center table of the sitting room while I sat crossed legged on the carpet. I needed to find out for myslef if all the stories I heard was true about the wolves and He just wont tell me. I feel his hidimg something, something really big but what ever it is. Is better hidden that way.

I spent almost an hour finding about wolves and if they exist but there was no true fact that they exist but just the tales and the wolves here on the webpage is very different from the one in my dream. The eyes could define pain, but the one here was normal. I tried to reach, Valeria, Talon or even May if anyone had contacted him before he died but none did.

I can tell how my dream was true but how do i go about believing it. Everyone will now think that I have tumor, I was already getting pissed and exhausted yet the jerk hasn't come back, what if he goes out to check out other apartment and leave here? Maybe i would go easy on him.

Tired of waiting and how bored I was becoming, my eyes starts to water due to how i strain them on screens. I decided to cool down and let my eyes and the whole me get a hold of myslef by placing my head on the table.


He returnes when the darkness of night has taken over, he thought he'd see her watching or even making dinner but instead he found her sleepimg on the table close to her laptop, he starts to admire her caramel brown wavy hair and how it has fallen on her beautiful face, he took silent steps not to wake her up as he reach to move the fallen hair away.

She must have been tired and replacing all the sleeps she had sacrificed, he decised to cover her with the blanket as he moves closer his heart starts to beat face to the scent of her blood and faze of dizziness hit him but he stayed strong. There was this urge to snap at her neck but he fought the urge and the fangs that were trying to reveal itself. He need to get away from her.

Just when he steps away from her, his eyes caught the screen of the laptop which reads. _Do werewolves exist_ he found his eyes popping out of their socket. "Why?" He mutters trying to take a closer look, she moans and his heart beats slower than normal, he hissed and walks to the kitchen. "This can't be happening" he breaths hitting the wall angrily.

She shouldn't find out because if she does, they would kill her.

He was already done with the dinner so instead of serving two plates he serves one. When the full moom is approaching, he gets weaker and then can't eat human food but the desire of human blood. He cant lose control not at this very state he is. He calmly setsbthe table yet he was trembling inside wondering how he was going to control himself.

As he was dropping the glass of water with his trembling hands, he mistakenly drops a stainless spoon to the ground and the noise suddenly wakes Alisa in fright. "What the hell!"

"Sorry, dinner is here!" He yells from with in the kitchen. She stares at the blanket and it took her few seconds before her brain was stable to register that she was alseep and he had covers her. "Woah!" She pushed away the blanket realising she has slept of while she was researching.

"If you're awake you should come eat!" He calls again. She walks to the kitchen and found him seated with nothing served other than water and while on the other end there was pasta and a pepper sauce. She raised her brows in question. "Why is there only one served dish?" She asked walking to her seat.

He shurgs. "I have eaten enough, you should eat up, you need it more" he says and she nods picking the fork as she starts to eat, he stares at her quietly while he sips his water like some win. The silence grew bigger and just the sound of the utensils and her chewing, until she broke the silnce with her question.

"Hey, where do you think wolves stay?" And he almost chocked. Haven't they spoke about this, "you still ask?"

"I am curious because I believe in my dream, I don't know what this world is filled with but i have one request from you" she says, as she looks into his brown eyes. "What is it?"

"I want you to help me find Mike killer" she mentioned.

He sighs, dropping the glass cup and clasping his hands on the table giving her his full attention. "Alisa, listen. Mike was really a good person to you and his family but..." He paused when the thought of Harry hits him. He cherish him so much until the very last he couldn't save him and that same way he feels Alisa's wish to find who killed him. But things don't seem right to him.

She's stubborn.

"But why?"

All he can do now it make her trust him in what he will never do because its life risking, he wants to hypnotize her but making her forget her friend isn't the best idea. So he reached out to her plams on the table and slowly slips it into his as she flinch a little when she felt how cold he is. "You're cold!"

"I will try my best to find out who killed Mike and why!" He says with a grin as she held into his hand and beams, "well I guess now you are warmly welcome to stay here as long as you wish"

A sudden relieve chill runs down his spine, happy that she will get over finding out about the wolves but whether he wishes it or not, there would come a day where she would encounter with one. Her scent its just so familiar.

"What's your name?" She asked and his face lift up in Amaze that she has finally come to ask for his name. "Rodolfo Holloway" he introduced. She nods. "Welcome Rodolfo, I own you" she says before she continues to eat. He sat there admiring every bit of her and wish that he or she wont be around when the full moon befalls because its a day where he will go wild and hurt who so ever is close by.




What do you think will happen during the full moon?

How do you imagine Alisa's apartment? Do you think it better she got the suspension?

Where did you find this story?

Word counts: 1336