


/"Oh my God...Adele./"

Another shot goes off, and that galvanizes him into moving even faster along the dirt track towards the farm. In the distance he can see the lights of the house burning, as well as the glare from the spotlights at the back, he stumbles, as he hears the howl, and his cell phone fly’s from his hand, into the brush alongside the road.

Adele frantically tries to call David to warn him and to tell him to go back. The phone rings and rings, its face lighting up the grass that covers it on the side of the road, to go unanswered forever, lost and forgotten.

Terror grips her at the thought of David out there, she grabs the flashlight, rifle, and snatches the keys off the coffee table and leaves by the front door, unlocks the gate and starts running up the dirt track in the direction of her husband.