
Blood Moon Awakening; Blood and Bones

John passes away after cutting his finger. An angel, who found the situation humorous, thought he would be the perfect candidate for a magical world. John wakes up believing that he is in a dream and decides to make the most of it. The angel sends him to this new world as Veronica Dracula, the Vampire Queen. Veronica is the only vampire in this world. After rescuing Lilith and making her her first follower, Veronica discovers creatures known as bone fairies that stir up conflicts so they can collect the bones of the dead. One particular bone fairy, known as Viper, takes a special interest in Veronica and often tries to either cause her trouble or even kill her to get her bones. Veronica realizes that bone fairies are essential to the world, so she works to prevent as many conflicts as possible by gathering allies. ----- Note This is my first novel, well I think it's technically a novella, so don't expect much. while this is my first one to be honest I am excited for it. The cover of basically a collage of AI generated art. This is an ongoing project. I believe most people know what this means. I'm pretty sure there will be a point writers block is going to hit, so if it does I just ask for patients. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it.

S_A_Sylph · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

II: The Fiery Nightmare

Veronica's face was illuminated by the moonlight. She sat up and watched as her bats swarmed around her, reverting her to her adult form. She learned of the four bosses of the forest, she remembered that one of them had been the unicorn she had slain the day before. There was another boss nearby, but the details were unclear. She prepared to take off, but then realized that the dragon might spot her and view her flight as a provocation. She called on one of her bats to lead her to the boss.

Veronica raced through the forest with the bats guiding her. She noticed her speed had increased, and the unicorn's blood must have been responsible. She thought to herself, 'The wyvern helped with my flight and aerodynamics, so it makes sense that the unicorn's blood increased my speed.' As she emerged from the trees, she spotted a sleeping lion with a scorpion tail tucked in beside it. When Veronica approached, the beast stirred and spread its enormous bat wings before flying away. 'Run away, my little snack,' she thought, 'I'll ready the feast for when you return.' She found a spot out of sight and settled down to wait as the ground beneath her began to rumble.

Veronica found her seat and transformed into a child-like state, sending her bats out to the woods in search of a large prey. Unfortunately, she was still hungry as she had not been able to catch anything to eat that morning. As she looked for something to eat, she noticed the creature again. Seeing an opportunity, she sent her bats to attempt a surprise attack. The second bat managed to steal a bit of blood, but the creature used its wings to push the bats away. Realizing this would be fruitless, Veronica gave up the pursuit.

As she reclined against the tree she detected a well-known aroma. Veronica then shifted into a flock of bats and spotted another flower beside the lake. It was the same flower she had conquered in the castle. She surrounded the bulb of the flower and heard the same screech emanating throughout the woods. Unable to fight back, the flower soon gave up and Veronica returned to her spot and changed back. Satisfied, she decided to take a short nap. She hoped the creature would come back soon, but was aware that searching for it might take a while.

The moon shone brightly as Veronica watched a dark shape move across its face. She recognized it as the same creature from a video game she had played before - a manticore. As it touched the ground, vines grew and entwined around it. Veronica launched into action, determined to drain it, as she had done with her earlier quarry. Suddenly, she felt a strange feeling as the manticore struggled to break free. Veronica had a mental image of the manticore safeguarding the castle. The unicorn was making an attempt to bypass the manticore, but the manticore refused to move. Veronica let the creature go, and before it left it bowed to Veronica. Veronica felt like she had started something.

She felt a newfound respect for the manticore. Veronica knew that she would have to be careful in the future, but she also knew that the manticore had trusted her, and that she had gained a valuable ally. She pivoted and made her way to the fortress Knowing that she would need more vigor if she was to confront the dragon, she thought of the two additional adversaries she needed to face. She was hoping the situation would resolve itself as it had just done. She didn't want to have to bring about the demise of these creatures, but wouldn't think twice about defending herself.

As Veronica drew closer to the castle, she noticed a huge bear in the courtyard. It was the same one she had seen the day before. When she tried to land, the bear attempted to crush the flock of bats. Veronica realized that this must be another forest guardian."Not again," she said as she prepared to defend herself. She summoned her magic and created a giant shield of vines to protect her. The bear roared and charged forward, but Veronica was ready. She used her shield to deflect the blows. Veronica felt stronger than usual.

The bear was relentless and kept attacking, but Veronica managed to hold her own. She used her shield to block the bear's swipes and strikes. Eventually, the bear backed away, defeated. Veronica, feeling relieved and powerful, dropped her shield and exhaled, feeling accomplished. She had defended herself against a massive beast with nothing but her own magic. She had won. Veronica was greeted with a bow from the bear, just like the one from the manticore she had defeated. She had overcome three guardians, with one of them being killed in the process.

Veronica lay down on the flower she had grown familiar with, wishing she could bring the petals with her into the real world. She was however, interrupted by the thought of the dragon that was preventing her from enjoying this dream. She had to be at the dragon's dwelling no later than noon. As she settled into the flower, she pondered if that would be the night she finally awoke from her sleep. She had no clue that her dream would be destroyed in an unforeseen manner.

The sun was beginning to rise, and the sky was turning a bright orange. She flew towards the dragon's dwelling, her heart pounding with anticipation. As she approached, she saw that the dragon's dwelling was surrounded by a wall of fire. She flew closer, and noticed that the fire was in fact coming from the dragon himself. He was roaring and bellowing, and his eyes were blazing with rage. She hovered in midair, not knowing what to do. She was terrified, but she knew she had to find a way to get inside the dragon's dwelling. Veronica managed to make it through the inferno, and when she emerged unscathed the dragon shifted its focus to her.

The dragon growled menacingly at Veronica, "It appears you've come for our little contest." With a powerful swing, it's tail sent rocks tumbling down the crater's side. "Well, that's convenient. I just received some unpleasant news and need to work off my frustrations." Fire erupted from the dragon's mouth, but when it died down, Veronica was gone. A single bat emerged from the crater, and the dragon felt a spark of hope.

The dragon realized the fun had just begun and flew away. It snapped menacingly at the bat playing with its victim. Veronica realized that if she stayed in the open sky, she wouldn't last for long. She plunged into the woods in an attempt to disappear among the foliage. The dragon was aware of her only refuge, so it made its way toward the castle. The dragon flew around the castle, when suddenly a great number of bats flew from its stomach. "What witchcraft is this?" the dragon bellowed in rage, and chased after the creatures. They flew in through the windows and congregated at the entrance. Veronica returned to her human form as the dragon hovered in the court.

The dragon snarled as he spoke, flames flickering in the corners of his mouth, "Your lucky dragon's keep their promises, little one, but tomorrow is going to be your last day."

The dragon's tremendous power illuminated the night sky as he flew away, leaving Veronica alone. She returned to the banquet hall, and upon entering, she encountered an unfamiliar figure. This figure had soft tan skin, long blonde pigtails, and shimmering wings, and seemed to be hovering over the flower Veronica had been sleeping on. The fairy noticed Veronica's gaze, and their eyes met.

The fairy queried, "Have you slain this blood rose?"

Veronica responded, inquiring. "What if I have?"

The fairy replied, "No surprise that the other guardians have conceded, but I can't be so compliant. As payment, I will let you feed on me. The woods have informed me that you can live off blood, but if you drink it, you must vanquish the dragon with any means necessary."

Veronica's was surprised, but she nodded in agreement. "I accept your offer," she said. "I thank you for your sacrifice - it will not go unnoticed, I promise to do whatever it takes to protect this forest and defeat the dragon." With that, she stepped closer to the guardian and opened her mouth, ready to drain her of her blood. Veronica embraced the fairy tightly as she bit into it, savoring the taste of the crimson liquid that flowed down her throat. She could feel her magical powers increasing with every sip.

Veronica released the fairy and smiled. Her eyes glowed with a newfound power, and she knew that she had become even more powerful. She thanked the guardian for its gift, feeling a newfound strength and confidence.

The fairy warned, "The full moon can cause creatures like you to be affected. Here in this world, we call it the Blood Moon. If I were you, I would use this to my advantage." After that, the fairy vanished.

Veronica, exhausted from the day's events, settled down on the big petal. The fairy's words echoed in her mind, and she recalled similar words coming from the angel. But at this moment all she wanted was some rest. 'I could really go for a cheeseburger right now,' she thought, and then dozed off.

As the moon ascended, the forest was illuminated in a scarlet hue. The moon itself was vividly crimson. Veronica relished in the red glow as she slumbered. A sinister cackle reverberated through the castle, and Veronica's sleeping figure transformed into a swarm of bats. This horde was much larger than any of her prior clusters. The bat swarm flew through the forest, and vines emerged from the ground in their wake. When the swarm arrived at the entrance to the dragon's lair, Veronica reconstituted with several bats still swarming about her.

As Veronica skipped down the canyon, vines trailed behind her. She sang a somber melody while continuing her journey, eventually arriving at her destination. There, sitting before her, was a sleeping dragon. Something she would only ever see in a video game. In order to wake up the giant beast, she sent a flock of bats to disturb it. The vines around her began to whip the dragon, and with a loud roar, it finally stirred awake. Veronica couldn't help but giggle as the dragon's gaze fell upon her.

The dragon bellowed, its mouth engulfed in flames, "You simply had to antagonize me and couldn't wait until tomorrow to meet your fate."

Veronica's eyes sparkled with a red glimmer as she faced the dragon. She was barely able to contain her laughter as she said, "I realize that I've been overthinking this whole situation. After all, it is my dream." Her smile was radiant as she vanished amid a cloud of bats.

Veronica was taken aback when the dragon reared back and flapped its wings, sending the bats flying in all directions. Despite the wind, she bravely stood her ground and conjured two large masses of vines to tie up the creature's wings. She then transformed into a huge swarm of bats and surrounded the dragon. Realizing it was a lost cause, the dragon did something unexpected, a thick cloud engulfed the dragon.

Veronica transformed back to her human self. As the clouds dissipated there stood a man with long, unkempt brown hair, a strong face, and scars indicating his many battles. He was furious and prepared to attack. Veronica, however, waved her hand and ensnared him in vines, which were surprisingly strong. She giggled at the mistake the dragon had made in underestimating her.

Veronica bit into the man's flesh, savoring the warm, red liquid cascading down her throat. A surge of power filled her body, and visions of two dragons soaring in the sky filled her mind. She then saw two humans with dragon-like horns walking in a park with a small child running around them. Regardless, Veronica wasn't concerned as this man had already taken the lives of many people.

"Please stop!" Veronica complied with the mysterious female voice and released the man. The woman had brown hair tied up in a bun, and Veronica realized she was the same person from the man's memories. "I don't know what kind of being you are, but if you need blood, take mine instead and leave my husband alone," she said firmly.

Veronica spoke with a cold expression, "He has been responsible for taking the lives of countless innocent people. The castle I'm staying in was doing well until a couple of months back, when he slaughtered almost all of its inhabitants. The few who managed to survive were wiped out by the giant rose creature. So, why should I show mercy to a scoundrel like him?"

The woman stepped forward, exposing her neck, and said, "I can see you have grown stronger from feeding on my husband's blood. If you will spare him, I will offer you some of my own blood, that of the dragon king."

Veronica paused for a moment, considering the possibilities. Would drinking the woman's blood amplify the powers she had gained from the man, or would it give her new powers? "If I accept your offer, you must take responsibility for him," Veronica declared, her voice ringing with authority. The woman nodded. Moving closer, Veronica declared, "Then I, Veronica, the vampire queen, shall spare this man's life. In return, the dragon king will take responsibility for her husband and ensure that no innocents are harmed by his hand. I bind this pact in blood." With that, Veronica sunk her teeth into the woman and began to drink deeply. As she drank, Veronica noticed how the dragon king's blood amplified the powers she had gained from the man.

Veronica bowed and then, with the agreement in place, she transformed into a flock of bats and flew away.

The woman fell to her knees in exhaustion. The man, released from the vines, hurried over and embraced her. "What is a vampire?" She collapsed in her fatigue.

Veronica rushed into the banquet hall, her steps lightening as she made her way to the flower. She could feel something shift within her, the battle with the dragon having taken more of a toll on her than she had anticipated. Veronica collapsed onto the petal and her thoughts turned to her family at home. 'Mom makes the best shepherd's pie,' she mused before slipping into a deep sleep. Unbeknownst to her, her dream was about to come to a close.

using this weekend to realise the first two chapters. thought I would realise the second chapter since I plan to release the chapter once a week

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