
Anguishing Hell

Hazel's plan B was freeing as many random Wild Vampires as possible. And she succeeded in freeing many, and was still freeing many.

All of the Wild Vampires came chasing after the Royal Forces that were searching for the trespasser, a very rare sight to behold.

It was truly astonishing if anyone was to witness members of the esteemed Royal Forces, who were known for their superior skills, fleeing from a confrontation. But then, they were not being pursued by ordinary civilians, but rather by untamed Vampires in various stages of evolution.

They were chased by Wild Vampires capable of eating them alive whose number was simply unbelievable. There were many-many of them.

Only seeing a small portion of such a number was capable of making Max to forget about the pain he was feeling: He saw things like this only in Zombie movies; their number wasn't diminishing; they kept flowing and running madly, roaring and shouting wild voices.

Consumed in watching the free show, Max was brought to reality by one of the crazy beigns that stood by his cage because of the blood scent he was emitting. Luckily for him, Hazel was considerate enough to use a padlock she brought along with herself.

'This shows she had thought greatly before she even came here, talk less of doing what she is doing.'

The creature out of the cage was so taller than Max, and his frizzy black hair could almost touch the floor. He shook the locked barred door violently which yielded to him no result. Smirking evilly at Max, he then slowly went backwards and after a pause, he joined and ran away with the others.

'Hoh God, what a nightmare creature. Where the hell am I actually and... Armless, where is she taken?' Max wondered with frozen eyes, looking behind him to only realize that the blood pipes initially connected to his back were now sucking the floor. 'You are the reason why I ran out of Blood Time very fast, huh.'

In about ten minutes, there was no Wild Vampire to be seen or heard. It was now pitch black and cold, because each one of them was contributing in making the Royal Castle like a novel having an "apocalypse" tag on it.

A Hunch Werewolf's footsteps resounded in determined sounds. Halting right in front of Max's cage, the person shifted to her human form. "I am back!" Hazel greeted. "My plan A was a failure," She unlocked the cage with an amused, twisted mouth. "Plan B a success." She strolled into the cage. "Let Plan C also be a success: Free your friend, Armless."


Hazel freed Armless as she mentioned, but of course, with much ease than how she freed Max away because, although it was during noon hours, fewer of the Royal Force men could be seen around the cells. Most of them were out there having their time with the Wild Vampires.

And the few prey that she could find were easily victimized.

Both the princess and Armless currently stood at the top of a big-tall rectangular building found around the Royal Castle that was belonging to the Royal Forces. Weak flowing wind of the noon gently blew through and the sunless sun warmed the sky above them.

Hazel removed her torn brown jacket and dropped it on the floor to remain with black vest and jeans, only, that stitched tightly to her body shapes.

On the other hand, Armless was somehow still looking the same before she was captured: Her two low buns intact, silky, black body hugging outfit still there, but her chocolate-colored face slightly tired.

"Now, let's move, Armless, they will soon find us if not!" A creepy grin on her face, Hazel shifted into a Regular black furred wolf to only start hitting her paws on the roof, running and readying to jump onto the next building.

Tired, Armless shifted to the Regular from as well, her fur being brown, following her Crowned Luna Princess as she mind-linked her:

«I can keep following you, but I want to know what your plans are.»

Hazel jumped over the building with ease, mid air shifted into the Hunch form in order to roll while landing. "You were enjoying your stay there, weren't you!" The wind stole some of her hoarse words. "Oh I see. Listen to me, I am not willing to tolerate your resistance, I don't have the time for that." She then shifted back to being Regular.

«Where are you taking me, Your Highness?»

Hazel sighed and said with rolling eyes:

«I'm rescuing you out for our own benefit, and for your own benefit! Coming or not coming?»

After half a minute of silence, Armless responded:


Avoiding the Wild Vampires all around, the Royal Forces eyes, and even the commoners, the two maintained their relative position and forms, one in the front and the other one behind until they arrived at where Max was sitting on the ground patiently waiting for the princess to return.

From looks only, something was definitely wrong with him;

There was something unfathomable about Hazel's kiss;

Like it was making him to recall some familiar feeling living in his past;

Max silently wandered into his vivid world of imaginations as he waited for Hazel. There in it, he saw Evelyn, not the best of Evelyn though. He could see her streaming tears down her cheeks, mouthing his names, beaten for no reason and suffering in Lucas' hands. It was a very childish and pessimistic imagination but he knew that it could be possible.

'Evelyn is not supposed to be involved in this entirely, she isn't the one to serve punishments for something she didn't do to you!'

Then, his imaginations took him back in time where he could see Evelyn's family eating dinner together with the girl before he killed each one of them except her;

Then again to somewhere in the past where he could see Chloe, his former girlfriend, together with Lucas doing the deed;

And then, to the time where he was followed by the police officers of Anyway city, running in the darkness and hiding from the blue and red lights, his mouth covered with his mother's blood and his eyes glowing red;

'Mom...' His eyes unconsciously became wet. 'Don't ask me why, mom. I am sorry.'

And lastly, his imaginations went to the scene where he became a Wild Vampire and killed an innocent man for his blood. He could see Cameron grabbing the man and throwing him weightlessly.

'Not like that. I'm not like that. Never.'

It really felt painful to see all of those scenes from his anguishing hell once again.