
Blood Cries

19 year old, Silver Ride (This is about my Oc) who lives in Seattle, Washington, has been sexually abused most of her whole life. Starting from the age of 5 with sexual harassment from teachers which ultimately turned into rape at the age of 13. Shunned from her parents and almost everyone around her, she has to face that she is alone in life and can't trust anyone, especially guys. Her sister, Nikki (Nik), is her lifeline and person she leans towards. One day her life will turn for the worst, or the better, when she is saved from being raped once more by a mysterious boy. Will it end in suffering? Or will Silver find the happy ending she finally deserves?

Silver_Ride707 · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Drunken Emotions

"You know whats stupid?" Silver said with a mouthful of her infamous pizza and a small smile.

"Not you obviously. This is actually good. And I must say I hardly get surprised." Vole looked over at her and had to control himself from laughing.

"While I will take the compliment on my cooking I can clearly see your about to laugh." She spoke with a small laugh of her own. "But the stupid thing is I never have let anyone in my house since I moved here."

Vole looked at her curiously as she looked down at her plate with saddened eyes. "Hey, look at me. I know this is probably awkward as hell for you so if at anytime you want me to go, I will"

Silver looked back almost in shock but smiled. "Your almost too good to be true Vole. You know that?" She got up to clear their plates to the sink then went to one of her cabinets. "Do you drink?"

"Not all the time but on occasion. Don't tell me you have a ton of alcohol up there?" Vole chuckled and watched as she pulled down a few different drinks.

"No cause I also don't drink unless it is an occasion. Now what would you like?" Silver turned with a big smile on her face that almost made his heart skip a beat. He would question himself later on that considering he just met her. But he honestly wanted to see where this newfound friendship of theirs would go. She was so easy to talk to and very easy on the eyes. He felt a connection with her as soon as he saw her those mere hours before that morning and he couldn't help but admit he was very interested.

"I wonder what occasion this could be called?" He said with a flirty look in his eyes but with a genuine smile. "Got anything hard?"

Her eyes widen at the look in his eyes but she still felt a wave of trust in him. So far he has been nothing but nice and understanding with her. If she had to say she did find him attractive herself. 'Don't let your guard down just yet. You never know' The dark part of her mind spoke out to her. Of course it was right, they barely just met by chance this morning. But she had a feeling maybe he could be a true friend. Something she has not had in a very long time. "Yes I got whiskey" She said with a grin as she went to get a glass of it for her and him.

~Two hours later~

She was very much drunk after they decided to do a shot drinking contest. She drank about 7 before she had to give up cause the room started spinning and Vole respectively beat her by drinking 8. "I give up you win"

Vole gave her a lazy and half-drunk smile plus wink. "I have an alright tolerance."

She gave a laugh but then frowned. "Can I tell you something? I mean we are drunk so we probably wont remember anything right?" She looked relatively close to his eyes since of course the room was still spinning for her. At this point she was glad the were sitting on the floor of the living room cause she would have no doubt fallen over and landed hard on her butt which would not be a pretty thing for him to see.

Little did she know he always has in fact remembered things after he got drunk. But he was very curious on what she had to say so he allowed her. "Of course. Whatever you feel comfortable with."

She giggled "Even while drunk your still such a gentleman. I really like that about you. I mean from the minute you saved me... You haven't once tried anything. Always taking my feelings into account. It's different and scary to me. But I actually feel safe here talking to you like this. It's as almost as if we had known each other our whole lives without even realizing it."

He chuckled a little but smiled at her admission. "I understand what you mean. I feel like that too." He felt safe saying that to her even if she might forget all of this tomorrow, it felt great to speak his mind to her.

"And I have to admit for a nice guy like you... Your very attractive." Her face instantly turned red and she gave an embarrassed giggle.

"Well thank you. I meant what I said earlier today about you being beautiful, you know?" He faintly turned red at her compliment of him.

"Oh? I thought you were just saying that to be nice to be honest. But it's.... nice to hear." She looked away but he could tell she was very insecure about herself.

"Well I think it's true. But anyway I wanted to ask about what happened earlier. This wasn't the first time was it?" He didn't know if he should really ask her that given she was drunk. He almost felt like he was taking advantage in a way. "I'm sorry if you don't want to tell me you don't have to. I was curious."

"No it's okay. It wasn't the first time.... It's been like this most of my life... abuse and all that..." She looked at him and he could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"Has anyone ever....?" He couldn't straight out ask if she has been raped. As he looked at her a dark part of him wanted to rip apart anyone who touched her. He felt so protective that it surprised him with the amount of anger filling his body at the thought of guys abusing her. He blamed being drunk for now but deep down he knew it was because he cared about her in a way that he didn't understand just yet.

"Almost... but no... I have a lot of blood on my hands as it is because of it.." A tear fell from her eyes and her words were very faint and broken sounding. It hurt him just hearing this girl cry.

"You mean...You have killed to protect yourself? Hey that is nothing to be ashamed of. No one has the damn right to take advantage of you. If anything they deserved it." He reached over without even thinking and wiped her tears away with his thumb, lingering with his hand on her cheek to give her a small sense of comfort before pulling away not wanting to overstep his boundaries with her.

"But I took lives... I killed people.. that isn't something that can just go away from your mind.. they all had families, siblings, maybe even kids.... How can someone live with that knowing you took a life from someone else?" She looked at him with such raw emotion that his heart surged in pain for her.

"Sometimes you have to ask yourself. Did they deserve to keep doing those things to people? Was where another way to get out of that situation at that time? If there wasn't then there was nothing you could have done but protect yourself and your virtue from that. Your a strong and brave woman from what I've seen but still have a golden heart. Don't let others ruin that for you." He very slowly reached his arms out to offer a hug to her. Letting her make the choice to take his comfort for her own.

She looked at him then instantly hugged him as tight as she could without even thinking. It had been so long since anyone reassured her and offered her the comfort she desperately missed in her life. She cried into his shoulder until she couldn't as she slowly started to fall asleep in his arms.

He held her close while rubbing her back just thinking to himself on how much she has suffered. He could see no one has been there for her and he felt he needed to fill that role somehow. But of course time will tell if he truly could do that for her. He noticed her slowing breathing and the way her body started relaxing that she was falling asleep. He picked her up and softly whispered to her, "Hey were is your room at so I can get you to bed?"

"D... down the hall... to the r..right..." she barely spoke out in a whisper.

He carried her to her room and saw her room was very minimalistic. He laid her on her bed gently and put the blanket that was folded at the end of her bed over her body. Soon as he looked back at her face he noticed she was instantly in deep sleep. She looked so peaceful then that he smiled just a bit. He didn't know if he should leave but he thought that might be a bit wrong to do after this night so he took up refuge on her couch and slowly went to sleep thinking about the events of tonight. He knew he would have to wake up to help her out of her hangover which he was sure was going to be a nasty one. He smiled again just before he drifted off on the thought of cooking her breakfast for her in the morning.