
Blood Cries

19 year old, Silver Ride (This is about my Oc) who lives in Seattle, Washington, has been sexually abused most of her whole life. Starting from the age of 5 with sexual harassment from teachers which ultimately turned into rape at the age of 13. Shunned from her parents and almost everyone around her, she has to face that she is alone in life and can't trust anyone, especially guys. Her sister, Nikki (Nik), is her lifeline and person she leans towards. One day her life will turn for the worst, or the better, when she is saved from being raped once more by a mysterious boy. Will it end in suffering? Or will Silver find the happy ending she finally deserves?

Silver_Ride707 · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Bloody Silence

I laid awake that night, thinking of how my life has been. I still wonder what has kept me going this long, why I haven't just taken a knife to my throat myself.

I remembered how when this started happening that my father couldn't except that his daughter attracted the wrong crowd. He left a year later when things started getting bad, my mother started hating me more and more and blamed me for my father leaving her.

I understood why she blamed me, if I was in her position of the love of her life leaving because of a daughter then I probably would blame her too. There were days when I had hoped she would understand one day, but I knew it was pointless.

No one understood me, they all called me a freak and a slut, but I wasn't either of those things. I knew I was innocent, sure I just killed a guy but what else could I do when I was almost going to be raped.

When I say innocent, I mean I never led any of them on, I always kept to myself and never talked to anyone, I never tried to attract any attention, nor did I want it. It's never been my fault that everyone seems to go after me for their sexual problems.

I kept laying on my bed just thinking of all of it. Then the tears started to form, I took refuge of the night. The darkness and silence always were promising to let out my tears.

The only timed I mourned or cried was during these long nights. So, I laid there and cried out the pain and loneliness that was in my heart, but never letting out a sob.

I always was a silent crier; I don't know why I just never liked letting people hear me. After a few hours of being curled in a ball on my bed, I decided to get up.

I went to the bathroom and looked at my face in the mirror, the same face for these long years.

"It's still me" I whispered to myself while staring at my own eyes.

My silvery-blue eyes, blood red from crying. My cheeks ghostly pale while faint bruises were forming from earlier were startlingly purple.

I pushed my dark black bangs from my face and sighed. "Can't ever catch a break, now can I?"

I left my bathroom and went out on my small balcony to get some air.

It was a cold night, normal for living in Seattle, Washington. I was born in Arizona but as soon as I graduated, I moved out here.

I was hoping to start over and make a life for myself, where no one knew me. I thought maybe I could put the past behind me, but it seemed to follow me instead.

Some days were nice though, standing out here in the cold, rainy weather. I loved the rain because it always reminded me of the tears I can't cry, and the smell of rain is always calming for some reason.

I heard my phone go off from my room, so I went back inside to see who it was. It was my sister, Nik.

Nik: Hey Silver! Just wanted to see how you were doing. I miss you at home you know. It wouldn't kill you to visit us.

Hi Nik. I'm... managing. I miss you too, but you know Mom would just kick me out. : Silver

Nik: It's been a year Silv. She's different now. Just for a week? I could rent a hotel room for us if it makes you feel better and so you don't have to deal with her as much? Like old times?

I'll Think about it N. Got a lot going on with the new job but maybe They'll let me take a week or 2 off. I need sleep so I'll let you know what I figure out. Love you N. Night. : Silver

Nik: Okay! Sorry I forgot how early it is there for you. Get some sleep. Love you Silv. Talk later. <3

I shut off my phone when I got that last text and fell back in bed with the covers over me. I went to sleep thinking of how my mother may have changed from when I last saw her.