
Blood And Iron GoT)

Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones or Asoiaf. Disclaimer II:Some stories will feature topics such as torture, rape, sexism and xenophobia. These topics do not represent me, I only seek to give the most historical perspective possible to the social relations of a medieval era. Disclaimer III:I don't speak English, I am in the process of learning, so I will make several grammatical mistakes, any help on the lexicon is accepted, I am not a person so deeply versed in the lore of GoT, the idea comes from a set of games and the person who wants to write it by bad luck got called to compulsory military service, so the duty falls on me while the idiot washes the toilets with the toothbrush.

Chill_ean_GUY · TV
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87 Chs

lost but united

Friedrich Wilhelm POV

''Lord Jon Arryn and Lord Eddard Stark, would you please explain to me where we are, it is not pleasant to admit it, but my men and I are lost, we have used every means we know of to figure out our position, but nothing seems to work''.

''So you are lost, with such a large army in the middle of a rebellion?'' Lord Arryn said with a tone that showed he didn't believe me,

I don't blame you, who would believe someone who claims to be lost with an army of nearly 25,000 men at his back?

''well it is the truth my lords, I wish you no harm, I only seek information, I only wish to bring my men home''

''and how do you explain the fact that you speak the common tongue so well and even speak High Valyrian'' said the inquisitive lord.

''where I come from the common tongue you speak is called English and High Valyrian is the language of the Romans and priests, Latin, all knights take their oaths in Latin''

''hmmm... well we are in the seven kingdoms, currently in a civil war, we support Robert Baratheon's claim to the iron throne''I looked at Charles, and he only answered me by raising his shoulders in a clear sign that he knew nothing

A rebellion, eh, an opportunity to gather supplies.

''Would you be so kind as to hand over a map of these seven kingdoms? I would be truly grateful for your help.''

at this point lord Eddard stark takes the word, ''we have no maps and no time either, we have to rescue Robert who is being pursued by the royalist forces and if you are not on the Targaryen side, we can't waste time with you''

Saying this, the hosts were beginning to move in a southern direction.

''wait my lords'' I shouted ''you are not by any chance looking for mercenaries?''

''But weren't you lost?'' said Lord Arryn, raising his eyebrow.

''lost and out of supplies to be more accurate, that's why I ask, I have the sword, and you have gold and wheat, what do you say you want to hire us?''

''we don't have the gold to hire so many mercenaries'' Lord Arryn said.

''we can always set conditions, such as land for my services or rights to prisoners and plunder''.

Lord Arryn looked at my men and looked surprised to see knights armed to the teeth with steel and above all the standardization of their equipment''well, we will negotiate your terms when we rescue Robert, follow us Hohenzollern''.

We joined the host of the rebels without thinking much if we were on the side of the winners or the losers, in the worst case I can always change sides, now I am no longer a king, I am a mercenary.

''Captain, I advised the high command that we are now serving under house Arryn for the moment as mercenaries and that we are heading south, I want Aleksanteri to join us with some of his men to gather information and if possible sack the countryside'' the captain nodded and returned to the camp to give his report.

We marched together with the rebels for 1 hour, you could hear many whispers about us, they must not trust us too much, finally I decided to approach their leaders again to try to get some more information

''lord Arryn, lord Stark and?'' I said waving my hand to try to get an answer from the third rebel leader

''Lord Hoster Tully, mercenary'' said the third man

''I have a question Lord Arryn where are we marching to, I didn't ask before because I had to inform the rest of my men.''

''Stoney Sept and we will arrive in 30 minutes, are your men ready to fight?'', said Jon Arryn''.

''They are in perfect condition'' I assured the three rebel leaders.

After that, the silence continued even though I was close to them, they were not talking about anything, after 20 minutes you could see in the distance a village, where you could see that they were under control of another army, if Robert was there he must be about to be captured, I approached Jon Arryn and lord Stark.

"Orders? My lords''addressing them with a military tone.

''let's charge immediately Robert could be captured by now, try to flank the royalists, Hohenzollern, we will lead the center'' I nodded and turned to my men.

''Charles, you are in charge of leading the charge, we have orders to outflank the royalists on the left flank.''

And you my king?'' asked the Teuton with a worried tone

''what do you expect, I will stay in the middle of the formation where there is less danger, I have no heir and we are in unknown lands, if I die the army will be headless'' the knight nodded.


Robert Baratheon POV

At this very moment, I was touching the beautiful and juicy breasts of Leslyn, a prostitute I met in the brothel where I was hiding from the royalist forces, there was not much to do, I was cornered and did not seem to receive any help and if I was going to die at least it would be with my cock inside a beautiful maiden, or so I thought'.

When I was fucking Leslyn, the Sept bells began to ring, something strange, since it was not the time for the septons to ring them, but everything became clearer when the familiar sound of combat reached my ears.

I looked timidly at the window and I could see how the banners of Lord Arryn and my best friend Ned were moving through the city, I quickly put my armor back on and took my war hammer to crush the forces of Jon Connington who had forced me to hide like a rat, it was time to return the humiliation.

As I was leaving the brothel with some of my men I was confronted by Lord Jon Connington and almost 3000 of his men.

''wow...so here we have the king's pretender, hiding in the skirts of prostitutes, have you no shame Robert,..... now prepare to di.....''

'before he could finish his words the earth began to shake, after a few, seconds I could see why, a cavalry force with a heraldry I had never seen before was charging through the streets of the town, finally crashing violently into the royalist forces, the knights were so tightly packed and bound together that Lord Jon Connington's infantry in a matter of seconds were turned into crushed and bleeding pieces of flesh covered in steel, they did not stop at any point just kept charging down the straight street only a dozen knights turned away, toward me

the knights got down from their horses and headed towards Lord Connington.

''I am Charles, grand master of the Teutonic order with whom I have the honor of dueling today'' declared the knight proudly.

''damned traitors, all of you condemned the kingdom to a true civil war,'' said lord Connington with much anger in his voice, ''I am lord Jon Connington, hand of the king and now yours executioner''.

''brave words for a dead man, now fight and do not disappoint me'' said the knight as he pulled a mace from his side.

What I saw shocked me, Lord Connington who is known as a skilled swordsman struck the first blow, and it was the last, the knight with horns caught his sword with his gauntlet and no matter how hard he struggled to free his sword he did not succeed, finally Jon Connington's skull was destroyed by 3 consecutive blows by the brutal blows he received from the mace of the knight with horns.

In 2 minutes they dispatched the bodyguards of the deceased king's hand, when they finished killing them all, I didn't realize that during the whole 5 minutes that this happened I didn't move a single muscle, I was amazed at the skill of those knights, I am good at fighting, but that level of skill is not something you get by training 10 or 20 years, it must be much more.

''you must be lord Robert Baratheon, black stag on a yellow field, right?''

''I am, I'm grateful for your help ser.''

''you must not be grateful for anything, we were sent to help you, now if you will allow me, there are survivors we must kill'' said the knight as he led his men to their horses to continue the fight.

I looked around and I didn't know what to do, all the soldiers of the mad king were dead, they left no survivors, I quickly went in search of known heraldry, maybe I could find someone to hit with my hammer.


Friedrich Wilhelm POV

3 hours it took this battle to be won until the royalist forces managed to retreat, preliminary reports that I have been receiving from my cavalry captains the royalist forces vary between 20000 and 25000, since we managed to kill more than 12000 without losing any of mine a perfect victory, this only includes my men I do not know how many the rebels will have killed.

I was quite happy, I managed to kill a soldier impaling him with my spear, the wretch was too desperate escaping to try to do anything in retaliation, my happiness ended when I managed to see what I did, I had killed a man practically without realizing that one thing is to give orders to kill and quite another is to fight and kill yourself, I felt dizzy, but happy, not so long ago I felt nothing now even feelings of guilt, fear and desire to vomit make me happy, since I only have to remember the past and see how I suffered for the lack of emotions.

I gathered my men and looked for the rebel leaders to see my mercenary contract, now that I had already shown the ability of my men, I finally found them, they had created a camp on the outskirts of the city.

I managed to enter the camp without any inconvenience, it seemed that the distrust had finally disappeared.

''Ah Hohenzollern come here,'' Jon Arryn said, pointing to a seat at his officers' table.

''thank you, lord Arryn, I come to give my report, my men managed to kill about, 11800 men of the royalist hosts in the entire battle'' as he finished these words everyone nodded their heads rather happily.

''One question Hohenzollern, did I say that right? said the man with the stag heraldry looking at Lord Arryn''you are the commander of the knights with horns?''

''You mean the knights of the Teutonic order, I suppose, I am their commander and they are under my orders, have they offended you lord?'' I waved my hand to indicate him to tell me his name.

''Robert, and I have not been offended, and on the contrary I am looking for the man who helped me against Lord Connington, he said his name was Charles'' he said with a questioning tone.

''ha, the grand master of the knight order, it must have been a spectacle to see him fight, he has a reputation of being invincible and eliminating his opponents in a matter of seconds.''

''undoubtedly, he killed Lord Connington in less than 20 seconds without giving him any mercy''

Lord Jon Arryn cleared his throat to get everyone's attention ''Hohenzollern I have a question for you that has come up now while we were talking, who are you? You have too many good manners to be a mercenary and having 20000 men in full plate armor is almost impossible'' he said with a serious tone.

''as I had told you I am the leader of a group of lost men, but if you ask me for my titles, I would have you all bored for 20 minutes, so I will keep it simple, I am known as the king in Prussia and the men you see, are the royal armies that served under my rule''as I said this Charles walked in and stood behind me, Robert's face lit up at the sight of the Teutonic knight.

''So you are a king? Said Lord Arryn in surprise

''if you can call someone without land and subjects a king, one day we just showed up here, we don't know how we got here, and we don't know how to get back, now I'm just content with keeping alive the soldiers who served me so loyally in the campaigns of my kingdom.

''I had no idea of your titles Lord Hohenzollern'' said Lord Arryn in an apologetic tone

''you must not worry my lords, it was all too suspicious the mere fact that you believe me to be a king is good enough leaving this behind, I would like to know what your plans are now and discuss our mercenary contract.''

at this moment lord Hoster Tully stood up and began to speak''now we are going to Riverrun to consolidate our alliance, lord Arryn and lord Stark will marry my daughters to unite the rebellion with family ties''.

This old man is an idiot, not for the fact that he wants to marry his daughters in the middle of a war, it is for the fact that he has the royal pretender by the balls and does not ask him to marry one of his daughters.

''lord Hohenzollern, I would like to establish now the mercenary contract you ask for, but I need to know how many men you have to organize together with lord Hoster, how many supplies we can provide you with'' I was preparing to answer when a man with fish heraldry entered in fright.

''my lord Hoster from the north there is a huge host of soldiers approaching''.

With those words, the atmosphere changed and everyone began to panic.

''How many are there,'' asked Jon Arryn,

''we do not count them, my lord, it is only too evident that there are more of them than us,'' said the soldier.

''My lords relax, they are my soldiers, they are the ones who did not follow me to parley with you today''.

When they heard my words, the lords calmed down.

''shit, you scared me'' said Robert

''you sobered up from the scare, didn't you'' said lord Stark

'' hahahahahahahaha not as much as the infantry that faced the teutonic knights it will take weeks to get them off the ground''.

''Lord Hohenzollern, can you answer my previous question'' said Lord Arryn, trying to calm down after his shock.

''between cavalry and infantry there are about 110000 and another 10000 non-combatants following us to help us with the army's administration''

''I...I...I don't think I can deliver supplies for that many'' said lord Hoster, a man approached lord Hoster and started whispering to him

''lord Hohenzollern with your large army, you could challenge the Tyrell army and take their granaries, my brother Brynden could help you get to the Reach without being seen''.

Lord Arryn whispers Robert, and he stares at me ''I agree with Lord Hoster's proposal, we cannot hold your army while we try to perform the marriages, you must attack the Reach, there you can find the supplies you need, Lord Robert promises you that you will be given possession of every castle you manage to capture''.

''what about the prisoners and the loot?, all for me?'' I answered quickly

''it is your right lord Hohenzollern'' answered Robert.

Finally, we signed a contract with the stipulations previously discussed, a celebration was held for the victory and for the fallen, as the party was ending, Brynden Tully approached me.

''lord Hohenzollern'' said Brynden ''black fish, I said or do you prefer me to call you Brynden'' heh heh, I don't care, my question, when are we leaving for the reach?

''tomorrow, as soon as the first light of the sun rises'' I said as I headed for my tent,

''you guys don't have much patience''.

''I have food for my, men, and horses for just 3 weeks, I'm in a race against hunger, come with me, I need to introduce you to my officers, so they know they can count on you for future campaigns.''

"You lead the way.''

I gathered the high command and presented them the opportunity we had, there were some doubts because this means that we would settle here forever, but nobody knows where we are, so this is better than nothing, I introduced them to the black fish and I had to put a translator on him because he does not speak German, but finally, everything went well, a very productive day.


Hello here is the author if anyone is interested in this story, I want to ask what you prefer long chapters but less frequent or long chapters but with more constant updates.

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