
Blood and Bullets

This novel will answer the question. Which is stronger gun or bow. Follow MC adventures in the fantasy world. With the Weapon system.

DAKEN2124 · Urbain
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4 Chs

First Opponents

When I was up, a new notification from the System appeared.

(System) - Host received a gift in the form of an initial set. Does the host want to open?

(Dante) - Yes, open it.

[Opening gift]:

- "Initial set"

> Derringer 38 caliber double-barrel pistol. [Level: 1] [Item class: None]

> Small box of ammunition (caliber 38) [The small box contains 10 shells] [Item class: None]

> Belt with weapon handle. [One item available] [Item class: ordinary]

> Rusty one-handed sword of poor quality with a scabbard attached to the belt. [Level 1] [Class: ordinary]

(System) - Before the Host asks the items are divided into classes:

> Ordinary.

> Rare.

> Master

> Magic.

> Legendary.

> Ancient.

The more powerful the item, the higher the class. The firearm has no class for a simple reason. It doesn't exist in this candle. And the host is the only owner. And only the Host can use it. When the third party takes it or finds a Host firearm. This weapon will turn to dust. And it will appear in the magazine.

When the System has stopped talking. The panel on which were previously inscriptions with what System said. Disappeared and in its place appeared two of the same size. The left panel had a large inscription, Magazyn. And below it a square. there were a hundred as many boxes as possible. But only four were busy. Small item thumbnails could be seen. When I looked at it more strongly, the view of the panel changed. Now instead of boxes, I saw a list that looked as follows. There was a photo of the item and next to it was the name and description of the item:


> Derringer 38 caliber double-barrel pistol. [Level: 1] [Item class: None]

> Small box of ammunition (caliber 38) [The small box contains 10 shells] [Item class: None]

> Belt with weapon handle. [One item available] [Item class: ordinary]

> Rusty one-handed sword of poor quality with a scabbard attached to the belt. [Level 1] [Class: ordinary]

The figure of Man was visible on the second panel.

From what I guessed it was me. Around the figure were small windows in which objects that are currently in use were visible. Some of the boxes were empty. I figured these were gun slots and stuff like that. Which I have now in use.

(System) - Suggested action. Please take all items from the warehouse and prepare for battle. I detect a group of hostile creatures. Number of enemies 4.

(Dante) - How do I do it.

(System) - The host must ask the system for the System to leave the items and the items will appear in front of the Host.

(Dante) - Good system, remove all items from the warehouse. - As soon as I gave the order before me, all items from the warehouse appeared on the ground.

I was now dressed in black pants, a red T-shirt and a black leather jacket. Like Robbie Reyes ghost rider had in agents of shield. Hearing system warnings about approaching enemies. I quickly put the belt on my pants. The strap had room for the gun on the left side. In the middle was a small pocket in which the ammunition was stored. The pocket was the size of a clenched fist but you can store any amount and type of ammunition. on my Right side was a place where I could attach a scabbard with a sword.

Then I put the pistol in the handle, attached the scabbard with the sword to the belt and poured the ammunition into the pocket. When I poured the ammunition into the pocket I heard heavy bells and a message that there were 38 caliber cartridges in the number of 10 pieces. When all items were equipped, I closed the panel and prepared myself for action.

First, I took out my double-barreled Derringer from the handle [Author: You have a link to the pictures here: [https://www.netgun.pl/pistolet-dwulufowy-derringer-kal38-special-8846136/]] I took out two cartridges from my pocket. It was a strange feeling, putting my hand in my pocket, I thought I wanted to take two 38-caliber cartridges and they were in my hand right away. I loaded the gun and put it back in the handle. Then I took my sword out of the scabbard and then moved it to my left hand. then with my right hand I took out the gun again and waited until the enemies came.

Suddenly I heard footsteps before me. I straightened up quickly. and pointed the gun at the source of the password. Suddenly four goblins emerged through my eyes. There were small increases, they were probably banished between 1.20 m to 1.30 meters. they all had green skin color. They had long summer ears drooping. Three of them were wearing only a piece of cloth that covered only the crotch. The fourth who stood out was the highest of the whole group. He wore a leather breastplate and an old rusty one-handed sword similar to mine, only slightly rusty. The biggest one was probably their leader. The other three were armed only with poor quality wooden spears. When I overfished them and everyone looked each other in the eye. And they waited for the signal to walik. I heard a message in my head.

(System) -Host by analyzing the appearance and equipment of the opponent gained the skill: "Level 1" rating. The host can now see the name and level of the opponent. After raising the level lvl more function will be unlocked. Available mission:

Mission 1: Kill a group of four Goblins.

Prize: 200 Sp, 20 XP, Random ordinary class item.

When I heard the system message I was slightly happy with the awards. But more importantly with the new skill that will be very useful in the future. Now I decided to check using the "Rating" of opponents:

> Breed: Goblin

-Imie: None

- Level: 2

Such inscriptions appeared above the heads of three smaller goblins.

But my attention was drawn to their leader, his level was much better.

> Race: Goblin

-Imie: Bob (Leader of the Goblin Band)

- Level 5

When I saw the leader level I was slightly scared. Considering that I have lvl 1. Theoretically, I don't have sans with him. Considering I have a gun. I can easily kill him. I just have to hit him. And that will be a problem. Because I never sealed with a gun. I'll have to get close. I decided to use the sword first and kill his helpers. And shoot the leader on horseback. They probably won't give me time to reload, so I probably have only two chances. To hit him.

So I'll have to play it right. The whole analysis took a few seconds although for me it took a little longer.

Suddenly, the goblin leader shouted, giving the other three a signal to attack. the three of them walked at me evenly. It looked like this:

Before me, one goblin reargues, sticking at his abdomen with the blade pointing at my chest. He shivers and prepares to stab me in the stomach. On the right and left, the other two goblins are about to leap out to stab me. They keep their spear above his head. They are getting ready to fall into my direction.The leader stands behind and watches the whole fight. As if it were training his students. and not fighting with Worg for life and death.

After analyzing the position in which they charged at me and the way they hold the gun. I predicted the likely tactics they had against me. All three were running at the same pace. Goblin in the middle a little behind and two on the sides. Knowing what they intended, I hid the pistol on the belt clip. And I put the sword to my right hand. and I took positions. I bent slightly and kept my sword down along the body ready for cutting. With my right hand I leaned slightly to the side. To maintain balance. I was several meters away from the goblins. Two Goblins on the sides were getting ready to jump. And the middle one slowed down willingly to give them time to stab me and immobilize me. When two Goblins on the sides jumped at me, I took a quick step forward. And I hit both in the stomach. One with his right hand and the body of the sword. And the other with his left hand clenched into a fist. And the middle goblin who was now shocked that his companions were flying in the opposite direction than they should. By using the dispersion of the third goblin. Avoiding the graceful spear I kicked his face sending him to the ground. The two goblins I had earlier hit in the stomach before decapitated. They were at the height of my head.

The action took only a few seconds. Blood began to leak in streams from where the head was once. Still in flight, dripping blood from the bodies of two goblins covered the third who lay staring at the falling bodies of his companions. Without wasting time after being cut off with two-tailed mud. The sword I was holding on the left side with my right hand because of the cut I made. I took it back to the right and jumped to the lying goblin. And I stuck it in the sword between my eyes. Piercing the skull through. I don't know why but I didn't feel guilty or sorry. I felt excitement and for the first time I felt that he was really alive. The whole action took only a few seconds. I took the sword out of the goblin's head, resting his leg on his body. And I turned to the goblin leader.

When the goblin leader understood what had happened now. He looked at me and with a tangible bloodlust he pounced on me. There was no tactic in his way of running on me. Unlike his helpers. He held the sword down with his body and punished me. He relied mainly on strength and paid no attention to anything. Goblin probably thought that tactics would work for me. That he would be frightened by the bloodlord he released, and he would not remedy on time. I didn't have many options to stop him. I would have to hit my head with the sword because he has armor everywhere. and this movement is easy to read. When I and the goblia were only a meter apart. Goblin raised the sword above his head and threw it at my head with all his might. In the last second I blocked the blow with the sword. holding my head. By hitting the goblin, it was a few centimeters from my head. pairing the Goblin cut upset him. It gave me a chance to act. The moment Gobli staggered and bounced back slightly. I made a turn on my heel and elbowed him in the neck. Sending him to the ground. Goblin flew to his stomach. And the sword flew out of his hands and lay a few steps away from him. Seeing the lying Goblin, I put my right leg on his back. In spite of what I intend, Goblin tried to grab his sword with the rest of his strength. But he didn't make it. The moment his hand approached the sword's head. I took the pistol out of the handle on the doggie and put a gun to the back of his head and pulled the trigger. When I did that, a hole appeared on Goblin's head from which blood began to pour. There was a sadistic smile on my lips. It scared me a bit but I couldn't stop it.

Suddenly, the sound of the system woke me up:

(System) - The task "Kill a group of four goblins" has been completed. The host and the prizes gained:

> 25 XP (5 XP for midfielders and 10 XP for Goblin leader.)

> 20XP for completed missions.

> 200SP

> A ticket for a random item in an ordinary class.

Skills acquired additionally: (through their proper use)

> Tactics [lvl 2]

> Evaluation [lvl 1] (Gift from the system)

> Using the one-handed sword [lvl 2]

> Using firearms (Pistol) [lvl 1}

> Passive Skill "sadistic smile"(The host experiences more pleasure from striking and killing enemies. Attack increases by 5% when using skills.)

>A new title was obtained : ,, Goblin Slayer "

(System) - Suggested action collect items from other enemies

(System) -Host is promoted to lvl 4. Statistics are improving. Store assortment increases. You can now buy items and skills up to level four.

The system notification hearing wanted to search the Goblins' bodies right away. But after the second post-recognition I decided to check the status first.

(Dante) -System open Status.- And before me there was an updated status window.


Name: Dante

Host Level: 4 [ 15/50XP]

SP: 300 SP

Race: Human

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Male

Height : 180 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Membership:Not applicable

Title: ,,Goblin Slayer"

HP: 225/225

Mp: 180/180[He can't use magic until he knows the first spell]

Strength: 18 [Beginner adventurer. Slightly above the average person.]

Intelligence:24 [Intelligence level at novice magician level]

Measurement 14 [ The host can take more blows than a normal person.]

Skill:18 [Reliability well above average]

Magic power :20 [He can't use magic until he knows the first spell]

Luck: 10

Passive skills: Sadistic smile ,


> Tactics [lvl 2]

> Evaluation [lvl 1] (Gift from the system)

> Using the one-handed sword [lvl 2]

> Using firearms (Pistol) [lvl 1]

After a review of Statistics that made me happy, even a "sadistic smile" raises my concern. It's time to check what they had with them. I moved towards the first corpse.

The previous chapter was shorter because I wanted to include all the goblins in one chapter.

Thank you for reading.

I await comments.

DAKEN2124creators' thoughts