
Blood's Heir

In the early 21st century, the Gods turned a deaf ear to the desperate pleas of humanity. In this bleak era, monstrous beings endowed with colossal strength and unyielding endurance emerged, plunging the world into darkness. Yet, a glimmer of hope ignited within humanity's heart as certain individuals across the globe discovered newfound powers. These extraordinary people became the heroes who stood against the encroaching monsters, fighting for the greater good. Amidst this chaos, a man named Adrian found himself blessed with supernatural abilities. However, his powers did not grant him unmatched strength; instead, he remained as strong as an ordinary adult man. Despite this, a mysterious force awakens within him, revealing his true lineage as the descendant of Dracula—the legendary vampire. With this revelation, Adrian's life takes an unforeseen turn, embarking him on a journey towards discovering the truth and unlocking his true potential. As he treads the path of his ancestors, he realizes that his destiny intertwines with the secret history of vampires and their role in shaping the world. In a world where monsters roam and humanity's hope flickers, Adrian, the unlikely descendant of Dracula, must navigate the shadows, embrace his true powers, and determine his place in a darkened world teetering on the edge of oblivion.

Djvnovel · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

A Glimpse of Destiny

Some teenagers exuded confidence, effortlessly controlling small snowflakes or manipulating droplets of water, while others faced the opposite predicament. They knew they lacked any Blessing, yet they still arrived at the Blessed Academy to test their luck. Their nervousness was evident, their bodies rigid and their gazes darting anxiously.

Adrian had always been fascinated by the study of body language. As he observed these tense teenagers, their compulsive finger tapping and restless glances, he could discern the depth of their nervousness and anxiety. Although he empathized with their plight, Adrian knew there was little he could do to ease their disappointment in case of rejection.

The first test at the Blessed Academy proceeded swiftly, primarily analysing the Blessing potential of each person. The process lasted no more than a minute, and soon enough, it was Adrian's turn.

Taking a deep breath, Adrian stepped forward and extended his left arm into the specialized slot where the machine would assess if any divine aura leaked from him. This method was devised by humans to determine if a person had been blessed, as controlling the aura of a Blessing proved challenging for most. While one could learn to harness and control the Blessing over time, newly Blessed individuals lacked such mastery. By measuring the leakage of aura, the machine could identify the deity responsible for the Blessing and even determine its potential ranking.

To Adrian's relief, the test yielded positive results. According to the machine's analysis, he had indeed been Blessed. However, a sense of unease washed over him as the machine failed to recognize his Blessing as one associated with any previously recorded deity. The revelation fueled doubts among the academy staff and heightened Adrian's own nervousness. The aura emanating from him was so subtle that only the machine's precision could detect it. Unfortunately, the machine categorized Adrian's Blessing as a Rank F.

Hearing this news, Adrian couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed. Yet, he reminded himself that the journey wasn't over, and there was a possibility that his true Blessing had yet to awaken. He clung to the hope that there was more to his story.

Having passed the first test, Adrian now needed to complete the second evaluation to gain further insight into his Blessing and its potential.

As he made his way to the second evaluation area, some academy staff observed him curiously, engaging in hushed conversation.

"I have no idea. Apparently, he has been blessed by a new deity. Perhaps we will witness a unique Blessing, a power that has never been seen before," speculated a thin man, his eyes filled with hope.

The larger man glanced at him suspiciously before a realization struck him. "You weren't present during the evaluation with BLS3000, were you?"

The thin man grew anxious and intrigued, responding, "No, I only heard Kenny mention that a teenager blessed by a new divinity had arrived and rushed here for his test. I heard that at the academy, a girl was blessed by a new deity and gained the power to control magnetism! Everyone spoke of it with great awe. So, I thought this boy might provide a similarly extraordinary spectacle."

Listening to their conversation while proceeding to the second evaluation, Adrian couldn't help but overhear similar discussions about himself. Powerless and unable to demonstrate any physical feats with his Blessing, he felt a growing sense of frustration. How could he explain his situation? According to common belief, when one received a Blessing, instinct guided them in wielding their power. But Adrian felt nothing.

Over time, the initial excitement of the academy staff waned, replaced by disappointment etched across their faces. Some even made mean-spirited comments, although it wasn't Adrian's fault

. His strength didn't surpass that of an average adult, leading others to dismiss him as merely the recipient of a new deity's first Blessing. The memory of this event soon faded into the recesses of their minds, alongside the disappointment that nothing extraordinary had transpired.

As time went by, people who knew Adrian began to suspect he was secretly praying to a deity of beauty. Within a few weeks, his face, once considered only slightly above average, started to transform, becoming more and more striking. This newfound attractiveness attracted envy from the non-Blessed individuals and disdain from those who possessed the blessings of more powerful deities.

However, even as Adrian faced ridicule and mockery, he remained undeterred. He knew that in the next fortress invasion, the chances of encountering those who mocked him would diminish significantly.

Now, four years later, Adrian had become accustomed to the routine of fortress invasions. As he sat alone in a corner of the bus, his ears instinctively tuned out the chatter of rowdy teenagers and the seasoned adventurers. Instead, he gazed out the window, finding solace in the familiarity of the landscape that had become mundane after countless journeys.

But this time, something different happened. According to Adrian's calculations, he should have received confirmation of completing his task for the Blessing he had received from Dracula. However, three days had passed since he marked his fourth year as a Blessed, and no new window of opportunity had appeared... until this very moment.