

TRIGGER WARNING; Plot may contain_ Sexual abuse, Drug use, Karma and Mature scenes. Trinity Aerings is the selfish, formerly fat twin. Her sister, Thelma isn't or wasn't. It went back to that unfortunate night when she abandoned her sister and cousin.. for her childhood best friend and crush, Brad, the same night there was a gang shoot out and two female rape victims taken to the hospital. The female victims happened to be her sister and cousin. Not only did she lose her parents' love but also their trust. And who can love or trust those whose, moral flawless, parents do not? Can Trinity clean up her reputation? What happens when it turns out the twin that night wasn't her sister? Trinity 'hates' Brad Cadaver, at least she tries to. ::::::://:::::::// BLITHE •°°••°°•• 'There are parts of you that I like.' My eyes lowered to his lips, my brows creasing in thought. My lips didn't escape my teeth. 'Oh really?' Brad's corky smile brought my attention back to his eyes. 'Like what?' 'Your ankles!'

La_Mujer · Urbain
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2 Chs

Forces At Work


'Doesn't this dress make my bust look good?' I forced my chest out for Rita to tell.

She rolled her eyes shaking her head.

I knew it did but she'd want me to wear the dress so she wouldn't tell me.

'I don't want him to have any ideas!' I continued to run my hands through my hair.

'Trinity you'd look good in any dress_' Rita sighed. 'Brad already likes you anyway!'

End of Flashback;

'Excuse me!' I gestured for Brad to make way.

He moved away hesitantly before I quickly brushed past him.

His hand quickly wrapped around my arm interrupting my escape. 'I am sorry!'

I tried to wriggle my arm out of his hand but he ended up standing.

His domineering height definitely spoke for him. I am guessing it said something like. Sit your arse down!

I stared at him angrily from wherever I was to him. His hand never left my arm.

'I shouldn't have done that_ I shouldn't have made you uncomfortable!' He looked at me, his eyes glistening.

I sighed. 'You know what?' I looked at him. 'I just want to use the toilet!'

I raised my brow questioningly.

He slowly let go and sat back down. I turned towards the restroom and noticed the number of girls whispering with their eyes on Brad.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of what they could be saying.

When I got to the restroom, I threw some water on my face. When was this ending? I loved the chocolate though.

I decided to walk back to the table. The food had better been there.

I reached the table and found that Brad wasn't there. I sighed and quickly sat.

'So..what next?'

Rita and Devon frowned at me.

'You made him feel guilty!' She shook her head. I rolled.

'Just go find him!' Devon rubbed Rita's shoulder, turns out she was much more upset than she let on.

The waitress arrived with the food, she was putting them on the table. I tried to get comfortable but Devon shot me a look.

'But the food just got here!' I pouted.

'The food Brad ordered!' He raised his brow.

I groaned and stood up to find Brad. He shouldn't have gone far, I hoped.

I stepped out of the place and immediately saw him standing at the side of the road.

I rushed to him when I heard him finishing up a conversation on phone.

'_I'll get to it tomorrow morning!'

He turned and saw me approaching him. He didn't even flinch. 'Trinity? What are you doing here?' He quickly walked to me.

'I came to get you!' I crossed my arms over my chest leaning on one leg.

He smiled.

'Did you think I was mad?' He squinted his eyes at me smiling.

'Why would you be mad?' I blew a raspberry. He pocketed silently watching me.

'O-kay? Let's get back. Food's been brought!'

'You are going to like it!' He said following me, I rolled.

'Can we just get in?' I walked faster, he didn't try to move any faster. He just stayed behind me. I turned to check if he was watching my arse but he wasn't.

My eyes just awkwardly met his, I turned away immediately and I could feel his smirk behind my back.

I rolled my eyes feeling heat rush up my face.

'Why are you blushing?' Rita's face embraced a smile immediately she saw me.

'I am not blushing!' I threw myself at my seat feeling my cheeks begin to hurt.

'Nope..What happened? I need the whole story!' She shook her head at me, I knew it was going to be hard to convince her it was nothing.

'Nothing happened!' Brad's chocolatey voice interrupted. My heart paused before it resumed.

'I don't need your help explaining!' I pursed my lips irritatedly. He smiled ignoring what I'd just said.

'C'mon guys let's dig in!' Brad gestured at the food. I didn't need to be told twice to quickly pick my plate.

'This is really good!' Devon groaned rolling his eyes. I looked up and noticed he'd taken a bite if his pasta.

I didn't have any pasta. My burger looked juicy though.

'I know you want some, Trinity!' Devon smirked. 'I'll share with you because you let me have some of your chocolate.'

He held out his plate for me. I looked at him before shaking my head. 'I really do want a bite but..I need my space for this guy!' I patted my belly before pointing at the burger.

'You hardly gain weight, Trinity!' Rita rolled her eyes eating her fries. I noticed she'd added extra tomato sauce. 'You've never had to work out for that body, I am jealous!'

'Puliiiz_' I started when I was interrupted.

'You do have the best body_' Devon shrugged before Rita smacked his arm. 'Right after you of course!' He kissed her hand leaving it oily.

'Eww!' She wiped her hand on his shoulder while he laughed.

'The best!' Brad spoke gaining my attention. I looked at him but he kept his eyes on his plate, a pert smirk on his face. He was having a salad??

'That is what you want?' I looked back at him and this time he looked at me in confusion.

'The salad?'

He smiled nodding.

'Why did I get a burger?' I looked at them suspiciously.

'You picked your plate yourself, Trinity!' Devon rolled his eyes still eating.

I frowned.

'Uh..you can have my salad if you like!' Brad shrugged. I looked at him questioningly.

He nodded.

'You can have my burger?' I raised my brow and he shrugged. 'Let's do this..you get half and I take half!'

He shrugged and I took the burger and cut it in half.

I gave him one half and remained with the other.

'Aww.. they're sharing food now!' Rita gushed. I looked at Brad realizing how weird this looked.

I silently ate the food. This was going to be one long night.