
Episode 3

Two vampires far above from the trees were looking at the lost Sun hee, who was staring here and there.


One of them ordered the other and he jumped down on Sun hee's car. She turned around in shock, her eyes popped out and an audible gasp left her lips.

It was the first time she had seen a vampire in person and she was stunned. The Vampire didn't give her any time to observe or look as with the speed of a moving wind, he lunged onto her.

Gasping, Sun hee stumbled and fell on her back, she felt like her heart came to her throat and she was going to die. It was all so sudden. She was feeling befuddled. He was on top of her now but at that very moment, he got kicked by someone and landed against a tree. The vampire moved his head to see who was it that kicked him.

"Joo Seok Hoon?" He said, fiercely glaring at him in disbelief. "Don't piss me off"

"I'd say the same, Min joo" Seok hoon replied, slightly tilting his head. Min joo knew he couldn't fight Seok hoon to which he rolled his eyes and left, cursing internally.

Seok hoon turned to Sun hee and she was seeing him as a creature with a mixture of crimson and honey eyes, slowly walking towards her. 

His features were impossibly beautiful, everything about his appearance was unbelievable. She couldn't believe her eyes that something that dangerously beautiful could exist. Her gaze from his face drifted to his body, he was wearing casual clothes like humans and his body seemed pretty strong.

He squat down noticing her dazed and scared expression. Sun hee was wondering, if he saved her from Min joo so that he could kill her. Her heart was pounding like it would explode any minute now.

She was attacked by vampires exactly how she read in those stories. Part of her believed those stories could be false and that was the thing that made her more curious about knowing what exactly was Blissvile. But now that she was attacked exactly like the others, her mind wouldn't stop repeating the words,

You're going to die.

Seeing the sweat sliding down her cheekbones, Seok hoon knew what Sun hee was thinking.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you" he said to her so that she could stop shivering.

Listening to that, a quick sigh left her lips but then she recalled what Jin ho had said to her,

"They hate humans"

They are the biggest deceivers"

Sun hee was fazed and perplexed thinking what she should do.

Thinking that, Seok hoon was the only vampire at that time and he was alone, seeing it as an advantage, Sun hee pulled out the weapon out of her boots to attack him. But before it could get close to him. He grabbed her by her wrist and pushed her on the ground landing to stop her, his weight on her slender body.

She gazed to the right where he had tightly gripped on her wrist. She began to move her hand repeatedly in a vain attempt to free herself while glaring at him fiercely, catching for her breath.

He stuck his face more closer to hers and now her heart was pounding due to mixed emotions and the physical attraction between both of them could be felt.

"I'm trying to help you and you want to hurt me?" He spoke, his breath brushed against her face which smelled like cheap wine.

"Why would I trust you?" The last thing at that moment she thought to do was to trust a monster who could kill her at any moment. She didn't want to get fooled by his sweet talks and his resplendent beauty. That was another thing, his beauty was making her head reel.

Seok hoon smirked and got up, freeing her hands as Sun hee took the chance and did the same, still dazed.

"Do you really think you're in a position to decide whom to trust?" asked Seok hoon.

"You have two options here. Go on your own and get attacked because right now everyone is out for your blood" he paused and lifted his arm. The silver knife floated in the air escaping from Sun hee's hands and Seok hoon was controlling it by his fingers. Sun hee gasped softly looking at that.

"Or, come with me who's offering you help and will take you to a safe place" Within a second the knife travelled faster than a bullet and was now in Seok hoon's hands.

"Now, see, in second option you at least a have a chance of survival. The rest is your choice" He pointed the knife towards her as if he was saying to take it back and fight or choose the smart option.

Sun hee's mouth was still slightly open seeing how he easily got the knife without even touching it. Then she shook her head mentally to not get too surprised and excited seeing those so-called magical powers of theirs. Paying attention to what he said, she realized he did have a point.

"They are the biggest deceivers, Do not trust them"

However, it still wasn't easy for her to trust him. He was no different than them one who attacked her a moment ago. But then again, she didn't have any other option. If she'd go alone, she was obviously going to get attacked and probably die. This was the only way in which there was a little hope.

Seok hoon could sense she was going to agree with him when she began to walk towards him. Seok hoon was intensely staring at her, his dark gaze fixated on her face.

She was about to speak when she got hit on her head from behind and blacked out. Seok hoon's eyes slightly widened in perplexity then he saw Min joo standing behind her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Seok hoon demanded.

"She was taking too much time, I'm bored." He rolled his eyes, sighing.

"You dumbass! She was going to agree" Seok hoon was annoyed.

"Yeah, that's better either way. You succeeded in fooling her now take her to the Malevolent Manor. This task was boring."

To Seok hoon, It was real fun. He shook his head in disappointment at Min joo. Then he walked over and picked up the unconscious Sun hee in his arms.

The next morning,

The sky was dark and stormy. The rain fell in sheets against the window, an elegant, old bedroom. It was finely decorated, adorned with ornamental woodwork and masonry. The stone walls were hung with rich paintings and in between was there a bed.

Sun hee was sleeping peacefully and Seok hoon was sitting beside on a chair, staring at her. He had seen multiple humans, young and old but never had he ever witnessed them from so close, Sun hee looked like an average looking woman. Her brunette hair splattered on the pillow and her long, thick eyelashes rested on her closed eyes. 

Seok hoon was still of the same thought. That, there was nothing special about humans. They were just very ordinary.

He was looking at her when she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing his face in front of her, Sun hee was startled. Gasping, she got up and started moving away from him as if he'd harm her when she didn't realize there was no space left and fell from the bed. She hissed in pain, rubbing her hip.

Seok hoon rested his back on the chair without moving his gaze away from her. He was just seeing what she was doing. It looked amusing to him.

Sun hee thought that he lied to her about helping her and now brought her here when she walked towards the door, keeping distance from him when he wasn't even moving but just sitting quietly with his hands resting on the chair's arms and his legs crossed. However, Sun hee was still scared.

As she went close to the door, she started struggling to open it. The lock was very high. Her hands couldn't reach it so she gave up and turned around to face him.

"You done?" Seok hoon finally asked.

"You liar! You deceived me! You said you'd help me and take me to a safe place!" Sun hee snapped in annoyance.

"I did help you and brought you to a safe place." He replied, narrowing his eyes. "That's why you're still alive"

With that, Sun hee slightly frowned and thought to herself about how she didn't end up in the Malevolent Manor after she blacked out last night but instead she was the same and woke up in an elegant bedroom as she looked around.

But in him, she was just seeing a vampire who could kill her anytime as they were known for torturing humans and would see them as their enemies.

"Why did you come here though? You knew what was going to happen here with you, still you humans can't stay in your lane?" Seok hoon had never asked this to any human before since he never got to talk with any of them but now that he got a chance, he wanted to know why they were so stupid.