
Episode 13

Sun hee and Seok hoon walked closer to the road. Small walk and there was highway. From there, Sun hee had to find her way herself as Seok hoon couldn't go with her. She couldn't believe she was going back to somewhere she wouldn't see Seok hoon anymore. As he put her down, she hugged him tightly, sobbing.

Although, Joo dan tae let her go but it wasn't like she could stay there forever. He, as the King of Blissvile had to keep his word and Blissvile would remain a place only for Vampires. She knew this wasn't the ending for her and Seok hoon but she wasn't sure if it was any beginning or not.

"Come with me" she said, knowing very well, he couldn't. Goodbyes were always the hardest part. Seok hoon was happy that she was leaving safely but of course it was hard for him too. He was going to miss her and everything about her. 

"You go first. I'll come too" he replied, caressing on her head.

"When?" She asked, tears streaming down her eyes.

"When you'll need me the most"


"Promise" He said as he leaned and softly pressed his lips to hers in a sweet peck.

"Don't forget me." He said after the kiss.

A Year Later,

"Then we said our last goodbye and I came back" Seo jin read in her head, tears rolling down her cheeks as she closed the book. Written on the cover, 


"Woah" said Seo jin to Sun hee who was sitting opposite to her on the table.

"You never told me the full story with details and everything from when you entered to when you came out from Blissvile but today I got to know" Sniffing, she wiped her tears,"This book is amazing. Sun hee, you must publish it."

"What?" Sun hee frowned. "No! I just wrote this to always remember all these things and specially..."

"To always remember him."

After coming from Blissvile, Sun hee resigned to her job from "Vintage petals" and now she used to write books for children. Those funny, happy, little stories. She was happy and satisfied with what she was doing in her life.

She hadn't moved on from Seok hoon. She thought maybe she would forget him with time but she couldn't. She was always going to remember him.

"If you'll publish this, you'll always remember him" said Seo jin. Sun hee gazed up at her. She didn't share her experience in Blissvile with anyone. She was asked many times and requested but she didn't say a word.

"Share your experience in Blissvile with the world and how it changed your life." She changed by choosing living over running behind something that wasn't worth it. She took the book from Seo Jun's hands. The book was the process of change in her and it was only because of Seok hoon. She didn't know how would people react to that book if she would publish it.

Six months later,

After Sun hee published the book and it was the top seller in her country. Not only on national but the book received huge appreciation on international level as well. Based on true story was something that made people more excited and connected with what was written in the book. The book told Sun hee's journey from being a career oriented person that had forgotten how to live life, to finding happiness and peace in every little thing.

The selfless love she received from someone she never expected, to him standing against the world just for her, the book has everything one would want to read about. Love, lessons, change, finding the meaning of life and it all took place cause of him in her life.

"I read a quote from a book today. It goes like,

When you feel like there is something missing from your life, it is nothing but love that you need to get or give to someone."

I, too feel like something is missing in my life and it is definitely the love, I didn't have to give to my daughters, specially to you"

As Sun hee read that text from her father, she just received, sitting in her room, she was both crying and smiling. After reading her book, he realised he was the big reason why she was lost.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I just thought, I was doing the right for you but trust me, I have suffered more because of this. I'm a father after all" Sun hee put the phone on her chest as if to hug it while sobbing hard.

It literally changed everything for Sun hee. She got reunited with her father and now he wasn't like what he was before and she was glad. She wasn't the only one hurt by her father's words. He had been regretting it more.

After that, Seok hoon became the hero for the people of Sun hee's town. Sun hee received huge applause and everything changed overnight. That one book gave her more than what she had ever dreamed of.

"Ms.Park, when the last time you talked to him, he promised you he'd come back" the reporter asked, squeezing through the crowd, stepping forward to where Sun hee was answering questions standing on the stage behind a podium with a mic. 

"It has been one and a half year. Did he come?"

Now that was the worst part. People began asking many questions about Seok hoon. Sun hee had always been positive he would come. She had been living with this hope he would definitely come. But the tone in people's voices would just make her feel everybody thought he would never come.

The smile in her blooming face faded. She ignored the question and jumped onto the next. She would always do that.

It has started to effect her now. She needed him. She was losing hope about him ever coming back to her when she went out for a walk in a garden to feel better. She had everything but she didn't feel that much excited on making her name and achieving the goal because there was something missing. The big part was missing and all those questions in her head about Seok hoon were making her more melancholic.

Walking on the road, lined up with light stands, she was heading back home thinking did he forget her, did he move on or what even happened. She couldn't believe on her would ever forget her. Just then, something strange happened.

Two of the lights simultaneously blasted making Sun hee flinch, breathing heavily. With that, all the lights stands blasted and turned black except one at the last. She put her hands on her ears. She got frightened thinking what was happening.

She heard a sound from behind her, someone was walking on the road, his boots making tick-tock, tick-tock sound. Trembling, she slowly turned around and saw a man's figure standing in front of her, she gasped. She couldn't see his face as it was not in the light.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you" saying that in a familiar voice, a man walked in the light. She remembered that sentence and she was right about who could say that when she saw his face.

"Joo Seok hoon"

With that, a huge bright smile appeared on her face as she ran towards him and jumped on him, hugging him tightly and they both fell on the ground.

"You're finally here." Her head rested on his chest. He embraced her in a warm hug.

"I told you, I'd come when you'd need me the most."A bright smile flashed on her face, tears sliding down her eyes. 

She was happy

And so was he.