
Blinded Perfection

Edelata_Edesiri · Politique et sciences sociales
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A long time ago, there was a man named Mike, a 26 years old boy, staring at a gravestone. He was a celebrity, an actor, an influencer, a fashion model. He had money, fame, luxury, he even had his own clothing brand. He had everything he ever wanted. Or did he? 

Because he wasn't always like this. At the age of 6, he lost his father in a car crash, his mother then abandoned him. He was alone and afraid until the day he met Mina, a young girl his age who helped him to think on the bright side of things, even though she had the same status as him and had a similar past: both abandoned by their parents. She got abandoned because she wasn't good enough to be a model like her father wanted. They both enjoyed each other's company and felt a true connection.

Until Mickey (Mike's nickname given by Mina, and Mina's was "Minnie") thought of being kidnapped but was brought to a luxurious mansion, the couple gave him food and clothes. He was happy to finally have quality food, but wasn't used to this luxurious lifestyle. He thought that they kept him because they couldn't have children. The parents ended up adopting him after a while of thinking.

And as years went by, Mike's new parents' dream came true, they liked him even more, because he became a star. Mike had completely changed. He was completely against the idea of fame, luxury and perfection, but now after living with such parents, that's all he ever wants. He completely forgot who he was from back then, and ignored it. 

One day, sitting outside of his favourite cafe that he went to everyday, he noticed a young woman with her son sitting on a piece of cardboard on the street. Both wore little clothing, making them look ill and hopeful. They would always be near the cafe, but something that day caught Mike's eye, the mother was wearing clothes of a specific brand, Mikes. Even though it was the cheapest and was never washed, he continued reading the newspaper while drinking his drink. While he kept sipping his coffee, he felt a strong stare from someone, he told himself that it was probably a fan, or a paparazzi, so he turned around only to see the young woman's eyes on him. He turned back around to his coffee and before finishing it, he choked on his drink at what the woman called him:   

"Mickey…", said the woman with a shaky voice, and ending coughing a few times.

Mike turned around to look back at the woman and finally recognised her:

    "Minnie?!!", shouted Mike, catching the eyes of others.

"So, how does it feel huh? - To be at the top? - Are you happy? - It's okay if you didn't recognise me . . . for the last . . . 8 years. I mean it's not like you're coming here everyday . . . not noticing me, but I guess you just forgot me . . . It's scary how fame and perfection can blind someone..." , spoke Mina with a low voice still coughing, and sounding hurt.

"No, of course I didn't forget you!!! I didn't recognise you because it has been such a long time!!! I missed you so much!!!Those clothes look great on you by the way, but you need the new collection, it has autumn vibes and-", said Mike happily but she cuts him off looking at him with tears in her eyes:

"Don't lie to me Mike! I know what it feels like to have the luxuries that you have. Before we met, my parents abandoned me because I wasn't good enough to be perfect, I was never perfect, I never wanted to be perfect, if I couldn't be perfect, the family would never be perfect. So they took you instead."

She paused.

" 'cause they knew that you'd be successful, you have the face, the body, the charms, and they were right. Look at you now, enjoying your life, while others stay behind. You really have been blinded by perfection. But you know? I had those luxuries, but I think it's too much for children. You know how other kids would always make fun of me thinking how my family is perfect but that I have bad grades, an ugly face, glasses, that I ruin the picture of my perfect family. I was hurt, I was forced to become something that no one has ever achieved, I was forced to put my happiness aside, but it changed when I met you. The boy who only wanted what was necessary: food, a family, a home, but now he has more than what he needs, and what he seeks, is something that he can never get, with the pressuring eyes glued on to you, watching your every step, ready to criticise, hurt, and push you beyond your limits. Making him blind, but in the end the boy has nothing. You've gotten so blind that you even forget your only friend, the only one that had your back when you were on the brink of death. And what do I get in return, nothing, oh, it's because you have nothing to give. No, I don't want anything, I need clothes and food for my baby. Oh and this child of mine, how? Well, you might remember the party at the bar down the street that you were at. Remember the woman getting hurt, beat up,  harassed? The woman you ignored? The woman you ignored for 8 years? Well 9 months go by and she's a mother. And here I am now. But even if you did recognise me. Tell me. Would you have saved me? Yes? Then why wouldn't you save any woman? Would you have helped the old lady crossing the street when we were kids? Mike, you are not the same, you've changed, who are you? The boy I knew only needed and wanted from what he could have, which was beautiful, but now he has more than what he needs and wants something that he can't have. That boy is watched, always, making him follow society's orders. Which is terrifying. So Mike, please realise what you have been through, what you are going through, look around you and think who you are. What do you want, what do you need, what do you have?! Don't make others make you what they want. Instead give. You have reached your limit, now it's time to help others to reach their happiness. What you could've given me? Your genuine smile, your laughter, your time . . . ", said Mina, her voice getting lower and lower.

Mike was looking at the ground, ashamed and speechless after hearing what she had been through, he then slowly turns around to embrace her, but he found himself in front of a gravestone:

Here lies Mina

Cause of death : suffocating chemicals

age: 25

Here lies Mickey son of Mina

Cause of death : suffocating chemicals

age 2

Mike had a flashback of what happened before he stood there, he remembered why he was there and spoke:

"Mina, you asked me a question before you passed away, and I'm answering it, hoping you'll hear me from the place with the greenest gardens, the bluest skies, the clearest lakes, the softest breezes, the sweetest fruits . . .  " he sighs.

"Mina, Minnie, all I need is your advice, all i want is to hear your voice, but… the thing is that I don't have you anymore….", he starts crying, and falls to the ground.

But You, yes the one reading this, listen, always think about these 4 questions:

What do I need? What do I want? What do I have? What do They expect from me?

Don't forget who you are, just forget what they told you to be.

You won't get what you need, nor what you want if you give them what they expect from you. 

Don't be Blinded by what they want.

Do not make the same mistake I did.