
Blinded Love: The return

Terrence, the eldest son of the leader of the Dahlia pack, was framed for killing his stepmother and got cursed at a very young age, all thanks to the jealousy of someone near to him... but no one knows the truth While Terrence received the hatred of everyone after he was kicked out of his pack, his little brother Erick, received the love of everyone around him. When the annual tournament came Terrence's father asked him to return because it was time to marry him off to an Alpha and leave the family forever…. Without knowing that his arrival will bring with him many entanglements and surprises... ꨄ Book cover made with Pinterest's images Illustrations' rights to their respective authors.

Misaki_Butterfly · LGBT+
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31 Chs


Daemon approached them after giving that boy a good lesson, although he could only give him a couple of punches since the energy of the kingdom prevented him from seriously damaging that boy.

As soon as he was close to Blausen and Terrence, his eyes focused on Terrence's delicate and beautiful face, Daemon froze in his place feeling that the world around him disappear, Terrence was beautiful, no... more than the word beautiful, he was unique and tender... And... Well, he didn't know how to describe him with words or why his heart was beating in such a desperate way.

The strange feeling inside him was something Daemon couldn't decipher at that moment, but he has to put his surprise aside looking at the dirt on the other's face.

"Are you alright? You have..."

"Oh you have some sand here" Blausen interrupted Daemon when he also noticed the dirt on Terrence's face

Blausen brings one of his hands to Terrence's cheek to clean it while Daemon looks at him irritated, Blausen won that time but Daemon wasn't let him do it one second time.

When that hand touches his face Terrence feels a chill on his back from head to toe every time he hears Blausen's voice his body trembles, and with his actions, his cheeks inevitably turned red, nobody dares to touch him because they think the curse was infectious, but he touches his face without any problem.

The softness with Blausen spoke to him and the wag he care for him made Terrence's heart beat fast.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Daemon cut that romantic scene between them.

Terrence was surprised to hear the second voice that also defended him moments ago, he felt a little embarrassed because he didn't thank the one who had helped him get up, he kept silent for a few seconds before answering them kindly.

"Everything seems to be fine, thank you very much..." he replied a little nervous and with a light blush on his far.

Daemon was amazed by his voice, now that he hear the voice of Terrence so close that made him immediately feel more attracted to him in a way that he could not explain but he has something certain, he wanted to win the tournament to dedicate it to him, he wanted to be his husband, his alpha, his world and all...

"How polite...and sweet" Blausen mentioned smiling at the boy.

Everyone was surprised that the mark of the curse wasn't on Terrence's face anymore, even Blausen blinked a little confused, without understanding why despise being so beautiful he hid behind a hat? But the rest was more curious about if he didn't have the curse mark, why was he still blind?

"T-Thank you… for the complement mmm"

Terrence didn't know how to ask for Blausen's name, for years his communication with other people was zero, and thanks to his curse he had no friends except for Leva, he didn't know if he should introduce himself first but they already know his name so that could be a little awkward.

Terrence's mind was a complete mess at that moment but one thing was certain, he had to know who was the gentleman who helped him that night, for some reason he felt that person was important to him since his heart hadn't stopped galloping crazily insane since he helped him.

"You should introduce yourself rude carrot" Daemon hit Blausen's head, he noticed the nervousness in Terrence's face and he assume that maybe he wanted to know them.

"Why do you have to say that nickname in front of such a cute boy? Damn it, you are always ruining the atmosphere" Blausen immediately complained to him for calling him a carrot

"Don't listen to him pretty Terrence, I'm not a carrot, my name is Blausen, it's a pleasure to know you, this little clown is the snotty face of the Blumme pack"

"What did you call me? Aggh... Forget it, this carrot is crazy, I'm Daemon, it's a pleasure"

Daemon also introduced himself but since he didn't want to be left with just the introduction he dared to take one of Terrence's hands to leave a kiss on his knuckles.

The boy's face turned redder than a strawberry and he had immediately withdrawn his hand taking a step back in embarrassment, Daemon and Blausen saw that tender and innocent reaction with a surprised face only one thought in their minds "how cute" while the boy looked like he was going to explode in that red color.

"T-The pleasure is mine..."

Killian approached them especially Terrence to ask if he was alright when Terrence heard him, he feel grateful to him that he came at the right moment because he really feels as if he would die of embarrassment.

While Terrence was answering Killian's questions, Blausen and Daemon talked amongst themselves.

"He isn't what I was hoping for" Blausen admitted his wrong judgment.

"Do you realize now? Terrence wasn't the one who murdered his stepmother"


Killian was asking me a lot of things but I didn't pay any attention to it since my mind was only repeating his name...


It was the most beautiful name I had ever heard in my life. I never believe in the word love, I thought it was a fake feeling or the product of the imagination of someone since love can be can easily be corrupted and poisoned by jealousy, hatred, and distrust, I witnessed that when my father frame me for that horrible crime, however, the moment Blausen appeared in front of me it was as if something drew me to him.

I only believe in love in the romance novels that Leva read to me in my spare time, because it's fictional but at that moment I really feel in a typical romantic scene of a novel, and for a few seconds, I felt like I was living in a fairy where I can have a happy ending...

I imagined Blausen in my mind, a tall man with amazing red hair and intense eyes even though I didn't know what color they were. For the first time in all those years I wanted to be able to see the world again... only to see him.

Perhaps he was my destined mate and that's why I feel so attached to him… I didn't care anymore because even though I couldn't see him I could feel an invisible force linking us.

All was perfect in my mind until I heard the voice of a person that sounds familiar but I couldn't recognize it was my younger brother...

"My goodness, brother are you okay?"

When Erick rushed to Terrence he passed in front of Blausen and Daemon, they both observed his delicate figure that attracted much attention from everyone.

The boy hugs his brother but Terrence feels something strange and politely pushed him away.

"It is not appropriate that you hug the suspect murderer of our mother"

"Don't say that, you are still my brother"

Everyone looked at Erick with tenderness, he was a great boy and in everyone's eyes, the world didn't deserve to have a soul as pure as his living there.

Blausen looked at Erick's body with lust, the outfit he was wearing didn't leave much to the imagination, it let them see the curves undoubtedly sensual of the omega and the clothes were a little transparent on his chest so he could see his pink nipples.

"Damn it, that boy is really tempting the singles" he joked a little looking at Daemon

"Aja..." Daemon answered looking at Erick.

The young alpha was confused, he wanted to see Terrence because he was the one who caught his interest but the more he tried to only see Terrence the more his gaze ended in Erick's figure like a magnet that prevented him from looking elsewhere

"Oh no, Terrence your clothes ripped…"

Those words made everyone notice how the young boy was touching himself until he reached his shoulder where his jacket was ripped, Terrence took off his cape a little and showed his attire, even though he was covered from head to toe they could notice his slim figure, perfect curves, and big butt partially.

"If you want I can give you an outfit to change into" Erick mentioned with a big smile but Leva arrived just at the right time.

"It won't be necessary, young master, I brought a change of clothes for him"

"Very well I'll take you to a room, the rest of you can continue with the tournament" Killian looked at Orsen and let him continue while he guide Leva and Terrence inside the castle.

Daemon looks at Terrence's back until it disappeared into the castle, he was going to his table when he accidentally bumps into Erick, and Daemon has to hold his hips to prevent the other from falling to the ground.

"I'm so sorry… Are you okay?"

"I'm fine… I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention where I was walking" Erick looks intensely at Daemon, the other was so fucking hot and sexy that Erick fell in love at first sight.

"Hey smug noodle face, that's cheating"

Daemon released Erick when he was upright and gave Blausen a challenging look as he crossed his arms.

"Don't you know the word courtesy?"

"Of course, I know it but I've also heard that interest has many feet"

Both began to argue again making everyone realize they were fighting over who will win the boy's heart, Erick who didn't understand what was happening looked at both of them confused and in trouble.

"Calm down! We must continue with the preliminary, please the young people from 13 to 17 come to register"

Orsen stopped them before they ripped their heads off and after that announcement, Erick smiled excitedly.

"I also wanted to thank both of you for helping my brother, if I win in my duel I would love to dedicate it to you"

The sweetness in his tone of voice touched Blausen but Daemon wasn't really interested.

"I appreciate the gesture but…" Daemon was going to refuse when Blausen interrupted him.

"It would be a real pleasure to receive such an honor and I'm sure you will choose the best of us to have it" Blausen mocked at Daemon as he took Erick's hand and kissed his knuckles. The other alpha looks at them without caring at all.

Killian took Terrence and Leva to one of the rooms on the second floor of the castle, he let them have some privacy so he waited outside until Terrence will be ready, but after about thirty minutes he heard a big scream that worried him so he entered the room.

"What's going on?"

"Killian… DON'T LOOK!"


When I entered the room Leva help me change my clothes but she had cheated on me, she packed that revealing outfit behind my back and now she was forcing me to wear it.

When I put it back I didn't remember it was that outfit until I felt a breeze on my back. When I touch my body I realized that I was wearing what I didn't want to wear so of course, I let out an annoyed yell at my friend.

I wasn't going to wear those revealing clothes but Killian came in at the moment I shouted so on instinct I covered myself with my hands.

"Killian… DON'T LOOK!" I yelled at him really embarrassed as I hugged myself, I couldn't confirm if he was looking or not to me so that makes me more ashamed.

"Wow… you look gorgeous Terrence, why don't you want me to look at you?"

"Don't say that… I can't look good in something like this" I scolded him for lying to me

I was shaking but the opponent approached me and pat my head, trying to calm my nervousness.

"I'm serious, you look beautiful Terrence, come on let me help you"

Killian go out for a few minutes and came back with an accessory that he asked me to wear, it was something that went into my head, I couldn't even think what could be the use of something like that but I couldn't refuse them, they both helped me put on the rest of the jewelry that the outfit has that consisted of some bracelets from wrist and others for ankles but those have more jewelry than covers his feet so, therefore, I had to walk barefoot the rest of the night.

I was wearing more than a dress was a top with the shoulders and back discovered and a kind of large skirt open on one side, when I walked I could feel one of my legs showing it a bit although it was very subtle it was still very embarrassing.

That accessory on my head had a large jewel on the part of my forehead that fell like a drop of water, and on the sides fell some chains full of crystals that rang with every step I took.

Leva retouch my makeup a bit and perfumed me even more than before.

"You're ready, let's go! Everyone sure will be drooling for you"

"Ah… I don't know why you are putting so much effort into someone like me"

His head moved subtly as he walked slowly through the halls of the castle, he has one of his hands on Killian's arm who was leading him back to where everyone was, Leva was following them behind with a big smile.

"Because you are so beautiful young master" replied leva with emotion in his tone. "And maybe the young master Blausen could fall in love with you" she whispered that on his ear making him blush.

Killian totally agreed with her encouraging Terrence to have more confidence in himself. Terrence was more nervous than before, when they arrived, they all took a deep breath, entering the place again, when they entered they drew the attention of all who got shocked to see Terrence in that outfit.

Daemon felt that his heart had already escaped from his chest when he saw him in such an elegant, cute, and sensual outfit. Blausen was also surprised, Terrence had something very different from other omegas and that's why he like him.

Everyone began to whisper nice and bad things about the boy but among so many astonishing eyes there were a pair of eyes who looked at Terrence with fury and hatred for stealing the attention that wasn't meant for him….

To be continue