
Blinded Love: The return

Terrence, the eldest son of the leader of the Dahlia pack, was framed for killing his stepmother and got cursed at a very young age, all thanks to the jealousy of someone near to him... but no one knows the truth While Terrence received the hatred of everyone after he was kicked out of his pack, his little brother Erick, received the love of everyone around him. When the annual tournament came Terrence's father asked him to return because it was time to marry him off to an Alpha and leave the family forever…. Without knowing that his arrival will bring with him many entanglements and surprises... ꨄ Book cover made with Pinterest's images Illustrations' rights to their respective authors.

Misaki_Butterfly · LGBT+
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31 Chs

Angel’s Voice

"So who's ready to fight?"

All the participants shouted with excitement raising their right hand in a fist, it was an image that Terrence could only imagine from the noise around him and Leva's description.

Orsen smiled to see them so motivated, he started with the children fight, he didn't wait too much to take the names of the children who want to participate until he has 6 kids from each pack registered, Orsen randomly paired them up according to their ages, and finally, start with the children's tournament.

Orsen called those who will fight first to the podium and give them the rules to win the preliminary rounds while the judges had retired to a special section where they could sit to better observe the movements of the competitors.

Evan's eldest son was one of the fighters because it was a good opportunity to show his father how much he had improved his fighting style, Kaira had been secretly trained only to make his parents proud of him.

While they fought, Killian ask for the help of some Omegas who already had a partner to help him began to distribute the food for the event in all the tables, although nobody wanted to approach the table of Terrence.

Luke who was Evan's omega came into the kitchen to see if they needed any more help but the other omegas were muttering in a corner.

"What's going on?" the albino boy asked them with curiosity.

"Well… We have a problem" a boy with black hair answers him

"What is it?"

" Well... nobody wants to bring the food for the young master Terrence…" the boy answered ashamed

"They say he can kill you just by looking at him" another omega says with fear

"What nonsense…" Luke shouted tired of hearing those unbelievable words of fear from them.

Luke took the food of the boy and went to serve it, everyone was surprised, even his husband Evan was amazed that he was the one who took the courage to bring him the food.

"Young master Terrence, I'm so sorry for the delay, there wasn't much help in the kitchen, I hope you like the food"

He thought that Terrence was going to respond with arrogance or made tantrums as the rumors said but he was completely the opposite of what he imagined.

"Don't worry about that, and thank you"

Although he hadn't said much, his voice was soft enough that surprised Luke and made him wonder if that boy was the ruthless young master he was rumored to be.

"No... it's nothing, bon appetit"

Luke walked away silently realizing that everyone's eyes were on Terrence who was adjusting his hood cap, they all held their breath thinking that he would take off this and they could see a little bit of his face but the disappointment hit their faces when they saw the boy lowered the hat even more.

Leva place the food nearest to her young master Terrence so that he could only take it to his mouth.

Daemon gave a brief look to Terrence, although for some reason he ended up looking at Erick who seemed to be enjoying a pleasant chat with his family.

The first fight ended with the victory of Evan's son, soon after he won the second fight started but ended up very fast, and a 7-year-old boy belonging to the Blumme pack won.

"Very well, don't forget to always keep the balance in your body" Daemon congratulate the little boy giving himsome tips.

"That's cheating" Blausen of course complained annoying the opposite.

"Carrot, if you have a problem, help your pack not to be losers"

They were going to continue arguing when Orsen started to speak again, the third and last round ended because one of the fighters had a stomach ache, so the preliminary of the children had finished

"We have the winners of the preliminary round, we will move on to the next eliminatory shortly but firstly please received with a round of applause to the one and only, Umbra Ryver"

Everyone applauded euphorically knowing that they would listen to the famous singer, the omega wolf who conquered the strongest alpha with his mystic singing, they did not belong to any pack, they were lonely wolves.

Terrence was also surprised to hear that name because Umbra was his inspiration and the reason why he had not succumbed to the tentative option of ending his life.

Everyone was impatient but the singer had not appeared, instead of him his couple approached Orsen, a rather intimidating alpha even in the eyes of Blausen and Daemon.

"What do you say… how come?"

The alpha whispers something in Orsen ears and then retired.

Orsen panicked when he heard that the singer Umbra had become hoarse from drinking cold water, he no longer had singers and needed a good voice to open the sacred flowers around them.

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience… Umbra won't be able to show up tonight"

"What happened?"

"It's impossible… how come he won't show up?"

Complaints began to fill the place making Orsen feel trouble until Daemon shouted at everyone.


"He is hoarse, so he can sing anymore for today"

"How did you let that happed? You invited the only one who brings the evil with him" A young man in the crowd of Dahlia's pack spat out those words with hateful toward Terrence.

"What did you say?" Leva immediately flew into a rage upon hearing it.

"Leva… calm down" Terrence order her keeping his calm tone

He didn't seem surprised to the accusations, he was always blamed even for environmental disasters as if he could control every little detail in the world.

"You better have a good argument for saying such stupidity"

Blausen walked over to the young man who had pointed the guilt on Terrence and confronted him.


"You heard me little rat, what proof do you have against him to tell he is the one who did it?"

Terrence open his eyes shocked at the gravelly voice which spoke in defense of him. Nobody except for Leva had never done it before and it feels kind.

"W-well it's obvious that he was the…"

"Are you talking about the guy who was late and sat down at his table as soon as he arrived? Does that make sense to you?"


"Before you open your damn mouth you should know all the information"

Daemon joined his friend, both looking at that guy furiously, Blausen could annoy his friend for defending the young cursed omega but he couldn't tolerate an unfair act in front of him either.

Terrence was speechless, he couldn't believe that there were people in the world who would defend him without even knowing him.

"Enough, this doesn't fix anything" Killian intervened preventing a fight.

"Well if he didn't do anything, why not let him fix this problem?"

Daemon and Blausen glared at the boy making him go to hide among the others.

"Ah… I'm so sorry about that young master Te…" Orsen was apologizing to Terrence but the omega held up his hand stopping him from continuing.

The young boy, unable to even have a quiet dinner, left his bowl and wiped his lips getting up from his seat.

"Leva described me the way"

"Eh… of-of course"

Leva explained how to get to the podium where Orsen was in and with just that explanation, Terrence smell all the place again and began to walk calmly using only his cane until he was in front of Orsen.

"Since the young man thinks that way and surely everyone does, I'm going to solve it as he requested"

"What do you mean young master?"

"If you like I can sing tonight"

"S-seriously would you?" Orsen looked quite surprised by the other's words.

Terrence simply nodded, Orsen remember that he was blind so he helped him climb the platform, and then Terrence asked Orsen to take him to the musicians to explain the music of the song he will sing.

Everyone in the pack looked at each other curious about the boy's behavior. That boy who blamed Terrence didn't know that he knew how to sing like an angel, well no one else know anything good about him, they were only guided by the bad rumors about him.

"Well this is a surprise, the young master Terrence will sing tonight, please him him a bunch of applause"

"What did he say? Is the cursed boy going to sing?"

The murmurs soon flooded the place, Daemon and Blausen looked at each other for a moment before approaching the stage with curiosity, it was a very unique opportunity and they couldn't miss it.

Orsen could only hope that the boy sang well and have a good heart if not the flowers could not agree to open up with his song.

Leva was astonished to see her master there because he never sing in front of someone else who wasn't her.

The music started and again everyone held their breath waiting to hear the boy's voice, all with their nerves on edge.

Terrence took a deep breath feeling a little nervous, even his hands trembled slightly since the only person who had heard him was Leva so he wasn't sure he sings well. Terrence thought that he didn't sing anything special so he had chosen a very quiet and pleasant song.

When the music progressed he took a little air and opened his mouth to start singing noticing that everyone had stopped making noise just to listen to him.

*Can't help falling in love -Diana Ankudinova*

The boy's voice filled the room and everyone's eyes widened in surprise because they never expected an Omega to have such a grave voice... they had all expected something sweet and high-pitched, but on the contrary, the boy's voice was deep and very pleasant to the ear.

The wind began to ripple Terrence's cape as he sang as if the environment help him to make a memorize performance, there wasn't a person who wasn't in shock by Terrence's voice more seeing how the holy energy of the Reinheit realm gracefully surrounded him in like if the energy was dancing arraigned him, all knew that was a sign that the boy had a pure and noble soul.

Orsen looked at that energy in amazement and surprised to see that the sprouts began to bloom as soon as they heard the other's voice; that had only happened with some king or member of the royal family of the Reinheit kingdom... So why it also happens with Terrence?

"Wow..." Blausen was the first to speak after Terrence stopped singing.

Everyone applauded with euphoria something that made Terrence feel embarrassed for a moment, after thanking them he slowly left the platform; however, the boy who speak badly of him like he could not humiliate Terrence with his supposedly "bad singing" he approached him and made him fall to the floor.

All made a sound of surprise when they saw the boy falling, they fear that he would get angry and make something to everyone there.

"It seems that you're still blind from the curse... Hmp and you're acting cool in front of us just because you sing well... How shameless"

Daemon and Blausen got up furiously from their seats and soon approached that boy, Daemon went straight to him to give the cheeky boy a good beating while Blausen help Terrence to stand up.

"Are you okay?"


When I was falling I only feel my body very light, the first thing I thought was to put my hands in front of me and help not hit the ground with my face.

Of course I get furious, I really wanted to leave that damn place as the pain in my hand started but then I head someone scream with pain while someone was hitting that person, and that voice that defend me before was asking me if I was alright... my face started to feel hot without a reason, I don't know why I was so nervousw, and unable to say something I just nodded getting up from the ground.


Blausen had offered his hand to him but he forgot that the other couldn't see anything so when he saw Terrence getting up, he took his arms to help him, surprising the boy even more since everyone thought that the curse was contagious and they didn't dare to touch him.

Terrence for the first time wished he could see again only to know how that young man who had helped him two times that night, he unconsciously raised his face but as he did so the hat that covered his head began to slide back until it silently fell and reveals his face.

Daemon approached them after hitting the boy but when he arrived with them and saw the minor's face he freeze, Terrence was beautiful, more than the word beautiful, he was unique and tender... he didn't know how to describe him or why was his heart beating in that strange way.

To be continue