
Blind Touch

"You're…. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me." She protested weakly. "Oh God! You're so stubborn, woman." He said. "I'm not listening to my heart but my mind, that's why." She stated matter-of-factually. "Then listen to your heart today, for me & for yourself." Hr argued. She stared at him for a moment then sighed. "I can't.. he's powerful and has contacts but I have none of it." There were tears of helplessness in her eyes. He sighed and then stepped towards her, cupping her face in his hands gently. "You have ME. I wouldn't let anything happen to you, I promise! Just please come with me & file a complaint against him." He explained gently to her. She looked into his eyes and found nothing but sincerity. "And what about my job?" She asked. "I'll help you in finding the new one because you're not going back there, ever!" He finalized & her lips stretched wide into a tired smile. "You're more stubborn than me, Mr. Handsome." "Are you complimenting me or what?!" His face was emotionless but she knew that he was just being playful. "I'm just stating a fact." She shrugged her shoulders while biting down on her lips. His eyes dropped down to them & darkened. He lifted up his hand & touched her lips, straightening out the bottom one. Ariana's lips parted because this simple gesture stirred something in her. "So, what do you say?!" He whispered while looking at her lips. "Ye...yes! Yes!" She breathed out in urgency. Her voice was showing her arousal as she's turned on. "Good. Let's go then!" He looked into her eyes and then stepped back, confusing her. "Where?!" She asked breathlessly & he chuckled. "To the police station." He answered calmly. "But…. I want to go to the bedroom." She desperately whined. "Ariana, let's go." He said seriously and then turned around towards the exit.

Bano_Kanwal · Fantaisie
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3 Chs


"The rooftop door is open, is someone up there?" Ariana asked the security guard.

"Yeah, it's a man who came a few hours ago and he wanted to spend some time in the open because he wasn't feeling good." Ashley told her.

"Don't kid me, Ash. You didn't give me the key the first time. But you easily trusted some stranger. That's insulting!" Ariana narrowed her eyes at him and he chuckled.

"Ariana, it's not a competition. He just looked so unsettled and broken that I couldn't help but give away the key." He reasoned and she scoffed.

"Whatever, Ash! Anyway, I'm staying here tonight because my landlord is making my life a living hell in that hellhole apartment of hers."

"Okay, I'll not tell the manager."

"Oh God please don't! He's such a pain in my ass. I'm done sucking off his shit but I don't know what's gotten into him. He wants me to….." Ariana rubbed her face in frustration and he chuckled softly.

"I know, I have known him since the first time I was hired. I know what a jerk he is!"

"Yeah, please! Anyway I'm going to the room. See you, goodnight!" He waved at her and she walked away.

Ariana works as a head cleaner in a tall corporation building. She knows the manager because he wanted to know her when she first came here. She used to work in a club as a stripper but when it was closed due to some gambling and illegal shit so she applied for jobs in various places and was appointed here as a cleaner but then due to sleeping a lot of times with the manager, she was promoted to head cleaner. She was always good at managing so that promotion was well deserved.

Now, she just wanted to see that man whom Ashley easily had given the key to the rooftop. So, she rode in the elevator and travelled all the way to the top.

When she got up, she walked around the area and then got to the door. The door was opened a little. She entered through the door and the cold air hit her face. She forgot for a second the purpose behind her, coming up there because of the feeling she had after coming in the open. She enjoyed the night from the top for some time but then she started to look around and just minutes later, she located the man whose shadow could be seen from a distance. He was sitting on the top roof staring blankly at the dark sky of the cold night.

Ariana approached him but he didn't even budge. She eyed him and in the city lights, he looked disheveled but sexy as fuck. He had a seven o'clock shadow on his jaw and his eyes were big and blue. He was a little tan as she was able to comprehend in the dark night. He wasn't wearing any jacket to cover himself from the cold. He was wearing a half sleeve t-shirt and ripped jeans. She tried to make some conversation with him but he didn't even budge. She touched his arm and jumped back as it felt like he burned her hand as he was burning like a fire!

"Hey, you're ill. You have a fever. Please come inside or call someone to take you back to your home." Ariana said but he didn't move. She tried several times to get his attention but failed miserably. So she persuaded him by the only way a man species knows; she rubbed his manhood softly and started whispering dirty talks in his ear.

Then, at last he looked her in the eye with a totally different look, like his personality changed instantly, like he became another person in a second. She stopped rubbing him and then he did what she didn't expect. He spoke to her.

"What do you want?" His voice was raspy and she felt like her vagina was melting.

"I want you to use me and feel better." She uttered without thinking about her words & something flickered in his eyes which she couldn't get.

"I'll burn you, break you." He stated with fire in his eyes. She looked in them with fascination because how is it possible to keep the water and fire in the same but his eyes were the place where she's seeing them both, together with intensity.

"Then do it. Mend yourself through me. Just take me!" She didn't plan to beg but she begged nevertheless. He stared in her big silver eyes for a minute and then he nodded his head to give her a go.

She unbuckled his jeans, took it down with the boxers and then when she saw it, she gasped audibly because he was the biggest one she saw ever in 27 years of her life and he was magnificent.

She also gets undressed after marvelling at him and his lower body. Then when she's done; the real fucking started!