
Blind Touch

"You're…. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me." She protested weakly. "Oh God! You're so stubborn, woman." He said. "I'm not listening to my heart but my mind, that's why." She stated matter-of-factually. "Then listen to your heart today, for me & for yourself." Hr argued. She stared at him for a moment then sighed. "I can't.. he's powerful and has contacts but I have none of it." There were tears of helplessness in her eyes. He sighed and then stepped towards her, cupping her face in his hands gently. "You have ME. I wouldn't let anything happen to you, I promise! Just please come with me & file a complaint against him." He explained gently to her. She looked into his eyes and found nothing but sincerity. "And what about my job?" She asked. "I'll help you in finding the new one because you're not going back there, ever!" He finalized & her lips stretched wide into a tired smile. "You're more stubborn than me, Mr. Handsome." "Are you complimenting me or what?!" His face was emotionless but she knew that he was just being playful. "I'm just stating a fact." She shrugged her shoulders while biting down on her lips. His eyes dropped down to them & darkened. He lifted up his hand & touched her lips, straightening out the bottom one. Ariana's lips parted because this simple gesture stirred something in her. "So, what do you say?!" He whispered while looking at her lips. "Ye...yes! Yes!" She breathed out in urgency. Her voice was showing her arousal as she's turned on. "Good. Let's go then!" He looked into her eyes and then stepped back, confusing her. "Where?!" She asked breathlessly & he chuckled. "To the police station." He answered calmly. "But…. I want to go to the bedroom." She desperately whined. "Ariana, let's go." He said seriously and then turned around towards the exit.

Bano_Kanwal · Fantaisie
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3 Chs


When Ariana woke up the next morning, the flashbacks of the night before flashed before her sleepy eyes and a smile stretched across her face. She stretched out on the small couch of the not-very-wide room at work. Her limbs were sore as well as the vagina in which that was strange, but the incredibly hot man had thrusted roughly last night. He literally tore her down apart, at least she felt like it but she wasn't complaining because after all, she's the one who urged him to mend him through her. Or through 'fucking' her, whatever!

She stood up and moaned slowly as every part of her body was hurting, due to various reasons, not one.

She looked at the time to see it was almost 8 in the morning. She hurriedly went to the bathroom, did her business there, and then her day started.

She didn't get the time to think about 'him' even for a minute. The manager ate her brain and was persistent to thrust his little thing inside her but she luckily got away every time. The day ended, and she went to Ashley, the security guard. He welcomed her with a warm smile.

"How's your watching going?" She teased him and he chuckled.

"Usual. It's quite boring to keep an eye on you." He winked at her. She rolled her eyes but her lips were smiling.

"I'm just here to inform you that I'm going home today. Can't stay here although I don't want to face that bitch." I cursed slowly.

"Okay. By the way, that man came again today. He looked better than yesterday, but still mysterious and strangely sad." Ash told her and she, who was exiting the door, turned around towards him with a startle.

"Is….he actually...here.. again?!" She didn't know why she stuttered but she did. Ashley eyed her, with concern.

"Yes. I told you just that. Did he do something?!" He asked.

"Uhhh...no…" She cleared her throat awkwardly. "I'm just surprised." She tried to not look affected by this information. If he's here again, it means that he came for more, like any other man. Maybe, waiting for her on the rooftop.

"I.. have a good night, Ash. I'll be out of here in 30 minutes." She informed him nonchalantly although her heart was beating fast by just thinking about facing him again. Ashley nodded in understanding and she exited the room quietly. She went to the top, saw the door slightly ajar like yesterday and she stepped out in the open, the cold air greeted her and she sighed in content. Then when she turned the corner, he was sitting on the same spot today, like yesterday. She went to him and sat down beside him.

Then, she touched his arm and turned his face towards her, catching blazing fire in his eyes. She kissed him, he didn't kiss her back but allowed her to taste him.

She rubbed his manhood sensually over his sweatpants, he grew hard, and then she got undressed, pulled off his pants and boxers while kissing him. She laid down on the floor flat, allowing him to use her and he did… very efficiently like the other day. Without uttering a single word.


Days passed, she went up and kissed him, got rid of the clothes of both, and then presented her to him to use as he liked. It's been days but he didn't respond to her and now, she didn't even care about his response as long as he would her to mend himself while she enjoyed the rough sex because that's how she likes it!


One night, she wasn't in the mood & tired of hiding, staying in the office till the morning so she decided to not beat around the bush and face the lady with her head high.

But she didn't forget to visit him before leaving. He was there, where he used to be. She went to him with tired steps & sat down.

She sat there, quietly looking at the stars without uttering a single word. After 15 minutes, he moved his head and, at last, turned towards her, she felt him analyzing her figure under the starry night.

"You didn't want it?!" His deep throaty voice startled her. He had a beautiful, manly voice she loved in men.

She took a deep breath. "No. I don't want anything this time. But if you want, then you can tell me." She suggested.

He kept staring at her blankly for a moment. Then, turned back around. "You persuaded it, not me."

"Thanks for the reminder. I just want you to feel good even if it's through sex. Because I can only provide this, nothing else." She commented sarcastically. He didn't respond sooner.

"You don't wanna go home like me." He started calmly, after a moment.

"Yes. Because of my landlord. She's a bitch." She blurted out and then she heard his dry laugh.

"You have very foul language. Also a vast vocabulary." He commented.

"Thanks." She replied back nonchalantly. "Why don't you want to go home?" She asked curiously.

"Not because of some 'bitch' of a landlady, like yours." He said plainly and she laughed.

"Good one." Then, she stood up.

"You're going?" He asked without looking at her when she turned around. She stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes.

"Yeah. Hiding gets me nowhere. I have to face her because I can't hide from her, forever even if I want to." She uttered quietly. He didn't respond back and she left him alone after waiting for his reply.

He talked to her today, by himself. His eyes were still blazing, she felt the heat although she didn't look him in the eyes this time. He's something else, a strange man with a past that was hurting him intensely and he didn't want to let the hurt go… he was hoping it would destroy him completely, she didn't want him to do this but she couldn't help even if she wanted to because he's not willing to heal!


They fucked around for days, he didn't return the kisses and she was okay with this. She thought that he's into it like she did but tonight, when he suggested her persuasion then she got the idea. Maybe, he was also used by women for sex only. Maybe, like her, he needed someone emotionally supportive not for some hot, rough sex. After all, she also used him for pleasure on the first day, the reason of which was the mending of both. In reality, she was just running away from herself. She felt different with him like never before and she knew that she's into a deep shit after the first night but she can't resist.. the poor soul!


The days after it were busy and hectic as she was trying to find a place to live because that bitch kicked her out. She was staying in the office room, working all day and spending 2 hours in the evening after the shift in search of some place. Her limited things she had were in her duffle bag, she put the bag in her small room, where no one can see it or else it'll cost her.

In all this chaos, she didn't forget to visit him even if it's from afar. She knew that he knew about her presence but he never once turned around and acknowledged her.


At the end of the week, she worked all day as well as did everything to avoid the manager specifically. He wanted to see her but she didn't want to. She knew the consequences but it's not her fault that he's a bastard from birth.

After the shift was over, she didn't go out for the hunt but went upstairs and found him there, sitting like he used to, from many nights. She went to him this time and sat down beside him, stared at the stars with him.

"You're back." He stated quietly and she hummed in response.

"Had you got done with reality, that day?" He whispered. She didn't understand what he's pointing at but then it hit her. He was talking about her landlady problem.

"Yeah." She whispered back, shortly.

"What did you get then?!" He asked again.

"I confronted her with confidence, told her what she deserved to know and she simply kicked me out." She told him. She felt his gaze on her profile, sideways.

"What did you get?!" He repeated and this caught her attention so she turned her eyes towards him. He didn't look away.

"I didn't do it to get anything from her. I did it for myself because I couldn't torture myself like that. Couldn't stay here for days, couldn't hide from the confrontation." She said quietly. He didn't respond but turned away, looking up at the sky.

"Sometimes, it's not worth it." He whispered suddenly. She narrowed her eyes on him but he's not there, but somewhere else.

"You don't have to live for others. If you do, then it's not worth anything. Not even your own self." She said and he gulped down audibly.

"So, are you sleeping here again tonight?!" He asked after a moment of silence. She sighed dramatically.

"I.. don't have anyone, any friend with whom I can stay or share apartment space. So, it's the only option I have, sadly." She then got up to leave him alone. She was halfway when he called her out.

"You can stay with me, if you want." And this stopped her in her tracks because she didn't believe her ears.

"What?" She was shocked, turned around and watched him already staring up at her in the dark.

"You heard me."

But…...but…." She didn't know how to respond to him anymore. He's truly a master in astonishing her.

"Are you in or not?" He asked dryly.

"I... don't understand." She stuttered awkwardly. He stood up and approached her.

"Are you afraid that I'll hurt you or force you to have sex with me? Although it was you who suggested that way of mending on the first day of our encounter." He stated calmly but it felt like a taunt.

"I didn't say anything about sex, idiot. I won't complain either if you would ask for it. I'm not worried about you." She said sternly.

"Then what's the problem?" He was persistent. And she was reluctant.

"I'm worried about myself. I can't seem to control myself around you." She blurted out and then she heard him laugh genuinely for the first time. He was laughing at her but she didn't mind and that's strange. On the contrary, she was smiling broadly and hearing his laughter joyfully. When his laughter died down, she cleared her throat.

"What's funny? I'm telling you the actual problem here?" She said with a straight face although she's feeling giddy.

"It's..uhh… you're quite interesting I must say. I haven't seen any woman like you before." He commented.

"Then you didn't see a real woman before, I must say." She mocked and he chuckled softly.

"Really?! Okay. Now, give me the answer." He said plainly.

"Okay. I'm in. But I'll pay you the rent until I won't find some other place to live." He tried to protest but she was more stubborn than him so he surrendered in the end. And…. She went to his place, with a happy grin on her face because she's getting the opportunity to observe him much more closely and hopefully be able to solve his mystery.