
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

Try_hard · Anime et bandes dessinées
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52 Chs

Chapter 19 - Citadel

I forgot to add but here is how Utopia looks like.

[ Image Here ]

Also feel free to join me and get some update.



Overseeing the Space City that was the slightly larger size as Utopia. This was the city for Citadel, a project that began the step for interstellar travel that was created roughly only a year. 

Of course the size was just an average city when I return back to earth since I propose the idea when I've gotten the approval of each country which was easy to manipulate in the background since they're my puppet now. 

Only non governmental organizations run illegal and inhumane experiments that get out of my track or extremely powerful mutants escape me and interfere with the feedback of the Hive. 

This meant that Laura might be one of the unlucky few that had been experimented on without my knowledge at the time. Or rather she had been created long before I had my power since we were roughly the same age. 

There might be more that I need to investigate without the usage of cosmic might.

I lessen my display of it to not attract the living tribunal since I'll be killed if I made an imbalance of good and evil. 

Seriously, I'm just a universal scale at the moment and need time to reach beyond it. I'll only use my full strength when necessary but these kinds of mundane things then I'll do it using only my mutant power which is already powerful. 

I am not a protagonist with plot armor and should keep it safe. Overconfidence with my power could easily lead to my downfall.

I am getting off topic, As I was saying the Citadel had been built for only a year with the help of magneto, My brother, Reed Richards and myself established the Citadel.

At the current moment, only a select few are immigrated into the city since it is still at testing face. The knowledge from the Nova Empire given to me was shared to them and expanded the place within the span of two years. 

The security is extremely tight where any trespassing immediately be known by everyone. Now resources and other essentials had been solved allowing the people to reach for the stars.

Frankly, my previous world would have long ago achieved it if only they stopped having dick measuring contests and killing people who found alternative sources of energy. 

I went inside where the scenery was more amazing. Looking above would allow you to see earth and the place has an artificial sky to match Earth's day and night cycle. 

There isn't anyone ruling the city since it is run by an artificial intelligence created by you truly or rather the clone I left to help in its construction while I'm gone into space having a metamorphosis. 

I made my way to the city walking around to just enjoy the scenery and found people just taking everything as if it was normal. Bought some cigarettes along the way looking at the central tower where Jean was. 

It only took me a few minutes to arrive and when I did, I already finished my cigarette and went inside. I didn't want to smoke in doors or I'll get scolded by the girls.  

The place is one of the centers within the Citadel since the whole structure is a giant ring with a cross intersection at the center. I went inside in the elevator and clicked the top floor and was allowed to see a large part of the Citadel since in front of me was just clear glass. 

[ Image Here ]

I went inside taking out a coin to play since I'm someone who fidget a lot. The place was truly beautiful and made me proud of what humanity could accomplish if they just stop fighting and use everything in their power to start focusing on the development of humanity. 

Few minutes later the elevator made a 'ding' sound and opened as I stepped out. I quickly walked my way to where Jean was and found busily doing paperworks. 

"Told you to let my clone handle it." 

I said getting her attention since she won't be able to read my thoughts or even sense if I allow it. When Jean noticed me immediately stood up and gave me a welcoming kiss.

"You should have messaged me that you were coming."

I looked at her and saw that she was a white sleeveless work shirt and blue jeans that hugged tightly into her body. 

"I wanted to surprise you. And can see that you're really busy." 

"Right, the number of mutants in the immigrants are more than anticipated and have been busy sorting out their identification in the Citadel."

"How about we grab lunch? It's already 1 Pm."

"Wait really? I didn't see the time. Alright fine, I still have some time to do it later." 

"Oh yeah, where's Gali?"

"I think she's with the mechanic facilities discussing the design and upgrades that Citadel needs."

Right the whole Citadel is self-sustaining with endless livestock and vegetation in a small part of the Citadel. Of course there still maintenance needed to be done which is why Gali had been helping to find the solution. 

"Yeah, let's invite her to have lunch with us then you can prepare for our date."

"Oh, now I'm curious where we are going. But that can wait, I want to know where you brought, Anne?"

Leaving her office, we began heading out of the way to where Gali was and began chatting about my date with Rogue. 

"I took her to another planet where it had incredible food."

"It sounds like the food is out of this world."

"Heh, nice one. And it is, next time I'll bring you girls and we can even hunt the ingredients for fun."

"You make it sound like they're strong?"

"Yup, if I were to compare them then one of the animals can cause a city wide destruction." 

The world had many living plant life's and animals that I haven't even gotten into exploring. That world was extremely vast where my infection had difficulty to completely spread but still it meant there's more to explore in the planet itself. 

Jean gasped in surprise and more curious what kind of world it was. 

"Was the food in that world worth the trouble?"

"Absolutely! Next time we are all going to have a summer BBQ in that place with everyone!"

Thinking about it since the planet had beautiful beaches and perfect for some BBQ party. Though, I don't know who I would invite for that place and won't allow anyone else to take the planet from me.

Seriously, the place is one of a kind and I'll be damned if I made it public. Not to mention, fighting the monster in that place bolds my blood for the thrill of the hunt. 

"Now that sounds nice. A perfect vacation." 

"Any suggestions?"

"Besides taking us to choose our bikini then nothing else. I want you to surprise us."

"Then a surprise you shall receive."

I smirked, wrapping my arms around her waist walking our way towards the facility where they were building numerous technologies along with performing experiments in order to help the Citadel. 

"Oh, Miss Grey, Sir Enzo! Is there anything I could do for you?"

One of the head mechanics approached us while I was observing the machine that they were building. Thankfully my mutant power allowed me to understand the ins and outs of technology. Though, for some reason it makes me uncomfortable whenever I try to use powers related to machines.

I don't feel any more than just that and can still work with machinery, just not as great as my brother who seems more natural. Not to mention, I can use Mind Stone like an appraisal skill in a video game. 

"Mr.smith, we're just looking for Gali? Have you seen her?"

"Oh Miss Gali!? She's with Mr.stark."

I nodded looking at the direction where he was pointing and saw my brother showing a hologram to Gali. 

"Thanks, Mr.smith!"

We gave our thanks and waved goodbye flying our way towards them. Their attention quickly went towards us where Gali smiled and gave a passionate kiss to me. Tony just whistled, still proud at what I accomplished.

"Finally decided to visit huh? How did your first time go? Having orgy yet?"

"Ha Ha funny. I can say the same with you and Pepper."

The two had been dating ever since he became Iron Man and things still complicated with the two. 

"Going smoothly~, she practically runs in my arms whenever we meet."

"Sure sure, anyways want to join us for lunch?"

"Nah, I can see myself being a third wheel….or four wheel between you three."

"Suit yourself. Oh right, you should clear your schedule in the summer since I was planning on doing a BBQ party."

"Oh I like the sound of that. Where are you planning the party to be held? I can help with the reservation."

"No need, it's a planet that I found using the spore of my planet hive."

"Everytime I hear that it makes me uncomfortable, kiddo. Seriously, a whole planet made of your biomass can reach lightyears. Your power is simply broken."

"Says the guy who made renewable energy without any side effects in a cave with piles of scraps."

"That's different and you know it." 

I shrugged it off.

"Putting that aside, the place has numerous delicious food even fruits can provide the best liquor you'd ever taste."

"At first you had my curiosity, now you got my attention."

"Yup the place is a food wonderland."

"Then I'm in, I'll clear my schedule but you sure it's fine since earth would be vulnerable when we're gone?"

"Of course I got it covered so don't worry."

"Then I'll see you around, Kiddo. I don't want to take more of your time with your date." 

He jumped into the railing and covered himself with his armor leaving in style. I smiled as he left then turned my attention to Gali who was looking at him intently.


"You found a food planet and didn't invite me."

"Gali, don't be mad at him, we can still plan on going there."

"I know, I just want to tease him a bit. You know Asteria told me about her request. Are you sure about it? I don't want her to end up like Daddy?"

Ever since Asteria had been born she had been determined to help her fix the cosmic hunger even now she's been trying to build the device to help her. 

I can't create something that belongs to the previously destroyed Multiverse therefore my power has no authority over it. However, I've been trying my best to understand everything about her biology but it's still far too complicated. 

"You worry too much, my biomass would provide you everything forever and I won't let you two become like Galactus. Still, let her be since it is actually great if she eats planets that could bring danger to the universe or are on the verge of collapsing."

Gali was reluctant to accept my words since she was still afraid that our daughter might end up craving for more worlds to consume. If she does then I'll bring her to another universe and eat there. 

"You know, you spoil her too much."

"Says the woman that like to be pampered~"

My hands wrap around her waist making Gali give an alluring smile and blush a bit. 

"Okay fine you win." 

Jean who was watching let out a giggle and moved closer to join our embrace. 

"Indeed, we can't win against him. But that's why we should work together to win."

The people below saw us whistling and teasing us but I ignored them and enjoyed the woman in my arms. Some of them are envious that a man like me had so many top beauties. I am a lucky man since my powers allow me to do tasks using my clones while I spend my time with those I love. 

Without it then It would be stressful to maintain work and personal life together. Not to mention, my mind has a powerful mental resistance that almost nullifies stress for me.  

I mean I would need it when you can hear endless screams of countless emotions that range from grief, anger and sadness to love, honor, and happiness mixed together into one. 

"So what do you girls want for lunch? Seafood? Pizza? Maybe some Chicken Soup? Or do you want me to cook for you two?"

"Actually, there's a perfect spot that I know." ( Gali )

"If it's a hospital then I don't-"

"Hey! I don't eat just Biomass! I also like other foods, you know!"

"Yeah I know, I'm just teasing you, Kirby."

"I'm not Kirby!"

"You are when you make that expression." 

Her face pouted that resembled the adorable pink blob who also a lot. If her purple outfit was more pink then she is practically a female humanoid version of Kirby. 

"Hmph! I hate you! If you keep teasing me then I'm going to eat without you!"

She hit me at the side that made me laugh even more but decided to stop. 

"Okay sorry, I just helped myself."

"Hmph, so long you give what I want then I let you off, Mister."

"Deal, anyway we wasted too much now. Lead the way, Gali."


After a few minutes, we walked out of the central building and headed our way to the city road, seeing many flying cards and people just having a good time. The Citadel provided a place where ethnicity and racial descrimination was almost gone. Of course there is some stereotyping and other things but overall nothing violent.

People with power to know if you are lying or read your mind are difficult to against if you're a criminal. Laws and regulations in the Citadel focus on People's rights and responsibilities.  

"It's amazing how quickly our earth is advancing." ( Jean )

"My daddy once said that the previous universe had a Utopia like this but more advanced." ( Gali )

"Well it's all thanks to my power."

At first the girls didn't like the idea of manipulating the world leaders but eventually got used to it. A small price to pay for salvation. I wonder why didn't Thanos just find an alternative way of restoring resources? 

I'm not a fool that destruction is essential in the universe but I have been trying to save humanity and place them into my own universe separate from this universe to save it. How would I do that? I don't know but I've been researching the subject. 

"It's great that you've gotten rid of that guy, Sublime was it?"

Jean recalled the name of the creature who had caused the mutant mind to suffer. Charles was relieved when he heard the real reason why mutants had been in the bad side of humanity.  

I'm doing the same thing as Sublime but instead of conflict I try to initial peace even if it seems fake. It's better than giving humanity a perfect dream like Madara planned.

"Yeah, but there's still a long way to go. The damages of meaningless war had stagnated humanity for too long."

"Oh, right we've been together for so long yet you never told us what your dream is?" 

Jean realized that I never mentioned my ultimate goal and frankly I didn't know myself up until recently.

"Well, I want to explore the vast endless sea of different realities. You know about the multiverse theory?"

"Yeah, you've mentioned it multiple times saying about how they're other versions of ourselves."

I nodded, sharing a bit of the knowledge I know. I've also decided not to tell them about my previous life since that person has long died and I am Enzo Stark now.

"I want to explore it and see the unknown for myself. Of course, I'll bring you girls with me."

"Sure, I think that would be fun to meet our alternative self."

"You'd be surprised how different you are compared to them."

Now that I think about it, do I have another version of myself or am I unique? Maybe I can infect that version of myself and be another main body ensuring my survival. 

"We're finally here!"

After walking for a few minutes, we soon arrived at the place Gali mentioned as she excitedly showed me the Korean BBQ restaurant and we walked inside where the atmosphere was extremely welcoming and cozy. 

The thing I love about Citadel is the variety of restaurants of different cultures in a single place. And almost all are authentic since delivery is via teleportation. We sat down and ordered some of the BBQ. 

"Damn, here I was planning on bringing you a place like this."

"What!? Really?"

"Yeah but guess I'll change it for you. Anything you like to try?"

"Hmm, let me think I did always like to try some Chinese food and visit their country."

"Then China it is then."

Few minutes later our BBQ came in and started cooking them in the grill at the table. This is what I like about Korean BBQ is you could to costumize it your liking. 

"So where are you going to take, Wanda?"

Jean asked curiously.

"Well, I thought of taking her to a planet with a great view and a have picnic there." 

"Oh that sound nice. Now I'm excited what you plan for me." 

"Hahaha I promise you'll enjoy it." 

After few minutes began to eat our lunch and it was amazingly delicious but far from the Gourmet World that I've discovered. Fortunately there good that wash away the taste to not ruin normal food. We chatted a bit more before finish our meal.

"You two have fun! I'll see you around."

Gali gave me a farewell kiss and return to the central building to continue working. Jean wrapped her arms around me and said.

"So where to?"

I smiled taking her closer and pressing her body into me before teleporting us into the land of the rising sun.