
Blind Devotion : Love Beyond the Visible World

Shizumu Nomura dies in an uneventful incident but still clings unto the memories of good moments of her life. As she walking into the gates of the underworld soon to become a prisoner of hell to be punished for her crime back when she was living. A white light suddenly drags her out of the cold void and soon as she wakes up she finds herself in the body of young boy in Ancient China. Bewildered and disturbed on how the events of her life escalated to this point she tries as best as is trying to navigate her way in Jinlong kingdom.

Miyoko211 · Oriental
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: I Came Again ?

Trying to recall how she even got here in this melodramatic era, Shizumu couldn't help but question the cruel hand fate had dealt her. "Of all the places, why here?" she muttered to herself, her voice tinged with frustration. The Tang dynasty was notorious for its chaos, from the great collapse of the empire to the tumultuous war between China and Japan. It was hardly the ideal setting for a fresh start.

"My misfortune really stuck to me in my next life, didn't it?" she lamented, feeling dejected at the seemingly endless cycle of suffering. But amidst her despair, a steely resolve began to take hold. "No, I can't allow them to meddle with my afterlife," she declared, her tone firm with determination. "Let's review the facts."

Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, Shizumu recounted the events leading up to her bizarre reincarnation. "One moment I was at the gates of hell, walking into its never-ending dark void," she recalled with a shudder. "And the next thing, I was pulled out of that abyss and brought to this era in the body of a fucking boy."

As she continued her never-ending rants and mumbling, she suddenly heard the footsteps of not one but two people approaching her chambers. With that, she made her way to the bed and covered her face using the sheets she had previously laid on. Her eyes half closed,as she saw a familiar yet uncanny face, a dainty figure with a troubled expression on her face, a face she could remember from one of Liang Xuan's broken memories. ' Wait, what was her name again? I think it started with Mei-... Oh, she is Liang Xuan's sister, Meiying. She thought to herself.

'Xuan Xuan, are you feeling better now?' Meiying said with a worried expression . Before she could respond, the other one spoke, 'Father is worried about your wellbeing', in contrast to Meiying's cheerful appearance, he had an intimidating yet cold demeanor; his tallness just made him more scary. She thought while she look towards the other figure, ' And this must be Jinwei, his older brother, I get that he's worried, but can he stop giving me death stares? I am guessing the father he is talking about is Minister Hui Feng. " I can't believe his my father , maybe I can get something out of this". She thought while smiling like a maniac which left the siblings in deep concern.