
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Chapter 51: Fantasy Dream

"Umm where am I exactly?" Ania stood up finding herself in a lush, dense rainforest as she wondered just exactly how she got here. Out of the corner of her eye she spied a shadow darting behind her and into the thickets of the bush as she drew Kanzen Bi from her back and slowly crept forward attempting to find whatever was stalking her.

Pushing a branch from her face she heard something jumping down from above as it was revealed to be Grimmjow landing directly in front of her. His sudden appearance startled Ania as she stepped back tripping on a vine and falling onto a flower bed patch, her first instinct was to roll away expecting Grimmjow to draw his blade but instead he leapt down landing on top and pinning her arms to the ground his blue eyes staring straight into Ania's like he was peering into her soul.

Releasing her from his grip Ania simply lay there not wanting to flee as he slowly ran his hands through her long golden hair leaning forward to whisper into her ear "Have I ever mentioned just how beautiful you look". A shiver ran down Ania's spine as his hands went from stroking her hair down to her face gently caressing her soft delicate cheek eliciting a moan as she noticed that for being someone so strong he was being incredibly gentle.

Grimmjow smiled at the moans moving his head down to her neck and slowly kissed it as Ania's hands grabbed onto his back pulling his body closer wanting to feel his solid body pressed tightly up against her. Grimmjow kissed down along her neck arriving at the top of Ania's chest while she slipped a hand inside his shirt feeling just how solid his chest was.

Before Grimmjow's head could descend even further down an unforeseen force slammed into Ania sending her slipping out of her dreamworld and spiraling into darkness before finding herself face down on the cold dirt of the training ground. Looking up she saw Mitch standing 3 feet away his finger pointing at her and smirking "Well I tried calling your name but from the sound of things you were having a rather nice dream, was I by any chance in it?"

Standing up Ania grabbed Kanzen Bi silently walking past Mitch only stopping to whack him over the back of the head with her hand before heading towards the target to resume her training. "Hmmm perhaps interrupting it was a bad idea after all" he laughed rubbing the back of his head chasing after Ania tempted to ask her for more on the dream but not wanting to receive more of her wrath.