
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Chapter 27: Conclusion to the sparring

"Alright the time for resting is over Tom let's get back to this" Ania leapt up from her rock as Tom steadily rose to his feet picking up Tamashii Seigei before turning to face his opponent. "This is our last round before heading back so you'd better go all out otherwise you'll get hurt" Ania grinned as a bright pink light began to flow around her body causing her reiatsu to shoot rapidly up.

"Well there's no holding back now if she's going to be serious" he thought to himself dark red reiatsu swirling all around his body as he fired off a Kage Gekido blast which was matched with Ania's Juunsui Yuga blast. Both collided in midair creating a huge explosion of dust as Ania used that for cover darting into the cloud, extending her hand out with an open palm she began to chant "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south" Destructive Art 31: Shot of red"

A red orb erupted from the middle of her palm shooting out of the dust giving Tom a split second to dodge as he shunpoed out of the way reappearing just as he saw Ania race out of the dust swinging her blade down which he parried away. "Time for her to taste another new technique of mine" he thought as the crystal hovering at the tip of his zanpukto began to glow as Ania found herself mesmerized by it and couldn't look away.

Actions from her past flashed that were deemed corrupt and evil flashed before her eyes as slowly her blade lifted up without her even realizing as she slashed herself twice across the best blood spraying into the air before she snapped free of her trance. Slowly she looked down at the cuts across her torso and then at Tom who was shocked at just what Ania did after witnessing her actions.

"That was my ability Shinjitsu Gensou or Truth Illusion, the user upon gazing into my crystal gains a look into past deeds they committed that were wrong and upon viewing them they either break down and cannot fight or cut themselves as atonement. I didn't quite expect you to cut yourself so violently though" Tom mentioned as Ania put a hand to her wound which was still pouring out blood as she simply smiled which was strange for someone who had just carved themselves up.

"Well it's certainly an interesting and useful technique I'll give you that but now it's time for you to view my final technique" Ania said as she stabbed Kanzen Bi into the ground "Gouka Shinkirou" pink mist began to waft out of her zanpukto enveloping the entire arena as Tom stood bewildered wondering just what sort of technique this was she had unleashed.

As the mist slowly engulfed the area Tom couldn't see a single thing in front of him but held Tamashii Seigei close to his body as he tried to sense Ania's presence within but found he could feel nothing at all. Something started moving in the mist as Tom quickly ran towards it only to find Ania standing there looking innocently at Tom which he found strange given they were currently fighting.

"Umm Ania is everything alright?" he asked as she slowly slinked towards him licking her lips seductively "Mmmm nothing is wrong, I mean you're here and that is all that matters". Turning around he went to retreat to try and assess the situation properly but as he spun around he saw Ania standing right in front of him as she ran a hand through his hair "Why would you want to leave this place?"

Her body inched closer to Tom who gripped Tamashii Seigei tightly and slashed Ania's chest as she vanished in a puff of pink smoke. "Alright Ania this may have worked on Mitch because well it's Mitch but it won't work on me so just give up" Tom was too busy calling out to Ania he failed to notice she had already snuck into the mist using it as a cover for her reiatsu.

She appeared behind Tom who turned around and simply shook his head "Another useless illusion you won't be able to try and seduce me so just give up" in response Ania smiled wickedly "Who said I was trying to seduce you". Kanzen Bi flew through the air quick as a flash as it cut straight across Tom's chest sending blood spraying into the air as Tom stood there stunned at what had just happened.

The mist subsided while Ania held Kanzen Bi at the ground which was drenched in her own blood and now mingled with Tom's "You're wondering how I managed to move into my ability, well I control the 5 senses of the person inside and can manipulate their minds but once I gain a hold of them I can move into it myself and sneak up on them while they are distracted by my illusions leaving them an open target" Ania then smiled at the brilliance of her technique. "Alright I say we call it quits for today we're both injured pretty badly so let's go back for some healing" Tom sheathed Tamashii Seigei before holding a hand to his bloody wound as Ania nodded her head in agreement.

"How did you survive that blast you little pest" Ashura said as Mitch stood amid the smoke from the earlier cero blast with blood pouring down his right and left arm while two huge gashes appeared on his upper arm. "Easy I just refuse to die" Mitch smirked as Ashura smirked back "Well I'll have to try harder to squash you little fly" he roared racing towards Mitch as his blade pierced through Mitch's chest sending a look of horror on his face.

"Well that was easy" Ashura said as he started laughing failing to notice Mitch had emerged behind as he placed both hands on Ashura's back "Binding Art 33: Prison of Ice the icy wind encompassed Ashura as his entire body was frozen except for his head. "What the hell how are you still alive" he roared staring back towards Mitch's body only to find a flaming cloak wrapped around his zanpukto "A nice little technique I learnt from an old mentor". Flames erupted all around his body as the various tattoo's covering his chest and arms began to glow a bright red colour ""Hyouketsu jigoku yakedo kyuuten".

Arcing Ashura down a blue and red blast burst forth from his zanpukto and began to spiral in the air eventually forming into one. The blast engulfed Ashura as the blue part froze him in place even more before the flames passed through melting the ice and burning the hollow alive as he roared in pain while he felt his skin being charred to a crisp. "God damn you why can't you just die" he growled as his body was left black from the heat as Mitch smiled "I won't lose because this is my body so just give up".