
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Chapter 20: Waking the demon

"Uh Mitch is everything alright?" Ania questioned as Mitch gazed at her inquisitively with those cold red eyes "Mitch isn't here right now so would you please leave a message after the beep, BEEP" racing towards Ania he slammed Ashura down onto Kanzen Bi as Ania was knocked to the floor. Stabbing straight down at her she nimbly rolled to the side and leapt back up before deflecting another strike as he grinned. "Not bad, but you'll have to be much quicker than that to survive against me" he roared swinging another blow as it was deflected away before a quick counter swing aimed at her arm was narrowly avoided leaving a shallow cut across her left forearm.

Looking at the wound in surprise Mitch leapt towards her "You don't have time to space out!" he yelled reigning down a series of blows as Ania only just managed to deflect them. His blows had so much force behind them that she was being worn from all the strength it required to protect herself and after one lazy block she left a huge opening that Mitch took advantage of as his zanpukto came darting through slicing a clean cut across her right arm as blood spewed out.

Dropping her katana to the ground Ania clutched her bloodied right arm while Mitch stood high above her his hollow mask still forming across his face slowly as he pressed Ashura against her throat again "It would be a shame to kill something so beautiful".

Extending her left hand Ania unleashed a red fire cannon into Mitch's face as it exploded in a cloud of smoke giving her a chance to leap forward and grab Kanzen Bi. Leaping to her feet she arced the blade towards Mitch's chest as a vertical gash was raked across his stomach. Not even phased by the wound Mitch simply laughed slamming his fist down onto her back as she dropped to the floor gasping for air from the force of the blow.

Stabbing Ashura down Ania teleported away reappearing behind him and landing a cut across his back but again he wasn't bothered as Mitch spun around bringing Ashura clashing into Kanzen Bi as the blow knocked over Ania as she was nearly at her limit. "While it's been incredibly fun playing with a pretty thing such as yourself, I think it's time we finished this little game" Mitch said in a cold dark tone slowly striding towards Ania who couldn't even stand back up.

Standing over her he brought Ashura up and swung the blade down ready to decapitate her. Waiting for the blade to strike she looked up to see Mitch frozen as his right hand came up to his hollow mask and grabbed onto it attempting to rip it off. "God damn it I thought I sealed you away for good" Mitch's normal voice grunted as he began talking to himself "Haha I'll never be gone but thanks to this little minx I managed to break free as you let your guard down". Slowly Mitch began to tear the hollow mask off his face as the hollow inside of him roared out in defiance "NO! What are you doing stop that!" "Heh sorry but you've got to go, nothing personal but two is a crowd for me" he said before tearing his hollow mask free as his eyes returned to their normal colour.