
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Chapter 18: Training

The two of them raced out the gates of Seireitei and into the lush forest as Mitch gazed back to find Ania was still just behind him. "Not bad so far but try to keep up with this" he yelled picking up the pace and leaving a flurry of leaves flying behind as Ania hastened her pace as well. Darting out of the forest she had to stop abruptly as Mitch was standing in the middle of an arid wasteland, stopping mere centimeters away he simply stood there smiling.

"Alright here's where we'll start our training" he said unsheathing Ashura placing the blade up on his shoulder. Ania drew Kanzen Bi as she stood ready "Remember now don't hold back" as she finished talking Mitch raced forward and swung Ashura through the air as Ania managed to block his strike. Not giving her a second to react he broke free from the block and swung a kick around leaving Ania to duck underneath and swing Kanzen Bi up as Mitch placed his left hand on the ground and spun around in a circle narrowly avoiding the attack.

Continuing to spin around his feet slammed into Ania's face knocking her to the floor as he leapt to his feet and extended his finger "Destructive Art 1: Thrust" just before Ania could stand back up an unforeseen force knocked her back down to the ground with her legs in the air.

"I'll say this time and time again but you sure know how to land gracefully" Mitch chuckled as he walked over to where she was lying flat on the ground. Leaping up suddenly she slashed at Mitch's face who blocked the blade with a finger and then waggled it at her "Easy there you wouldn't want to leave a scar on my face now would you?" glaring at him coldly Ania pushed forward on her zanpakuto "I thought you said you would take this seriously".

Stepping back Mitch raised both hands up "Alright, alright I'm sorry" flames began to slowly rise up around him as he placed a hand on Ashura while the blade began to glow a bright red colour "I'll start to be serious now, Reign fire from the heavens ASHURA". Standing before her with his shikai released Mitch wiped the flames off his blade "So are you ready for your training lesson to finally begin?" he called out as Ania stood there wondering what to do against Mitch's released sword.

"I'm going to have to release my sword if I'll have any hope of withstanding Mitch's onslaught" Ania thought to herself placing her left hand at the top of her zanpakuto and cried out "Passion, perfection and beauty, destroy hearts Kanzen Bi" she then slowly slid her hand down to the bottom of her hilt as four tiny blades on each side of the sword began to protrude out almost like thorns on a rose. As her sword was transforming the vines engulfing her hilt began to throb a bright florescent pink colour and the flower emblem on the middle of her hilt began to glow a bright gothic pink with a fine black lining inside it.

Mitch stood mesmerized by the amazing sight of her sword release as petals wafted all around him "Well it seems Rukia has competition for the most beautiful sword in Soul Society" he said as Ania turned to face him looking serious "No jokes act like you want to kill me" charging forward she slashed her blade down towards his head.