
Bleach: The Strongest Monarch

Mizuiro Kojima, part of Ichigo Kurosaki's friend group, is constantly getting beat up due to association with Ichigo. One day, it went a bit too far as he was beaten to near death. But he wasn't going down without a fight... [You have met the requirements to complete the secret quest: Courage of the Weak Outcast] This was how Mizuiro's life did a complete 180 as he discovered what secrets the world hid.

Darkened007 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Number One (Reupload)

"Back to the main topic" Mizuiro groaned whilst stretching a little more, "I'm guessing you're here because you have something to do here in Karakura?"

"H-How... You know what, I will act like I didn't see that" Rukia sighed as she carried on explaining what she had to, preferring to act like she hadn't just seen him break out of a Bakudo casually, "Yes, I've been assigned to this town due to the appearance of a few hollows surging randomly"

"Sooo... aren't you meant to like, you know, deal with it?" He asked.

"Indeed, so it is time that I get going" She stood up, "Thanks for the tea" She began to leave before turning around, "Right," She took out a flip phone magically out of her outfit, "Let me get your number, in case of emergency"

"Of course, it's 0********" She dialed the number and a phone ringing could be heard.

"Alright, I'll see you later" Rukia waved goodbye before she seemingly vanished in front of Mizuiro.

"..." He stood there in silence, "And now I have nothing to do... so time to sleep!" He walked to his bed and laid there on his phone for a bit before he fell asleep.




*ring ring ring* *ring ring ring*

'Damn it! He's not picking up!' Rukia panicked as she watched Ichigo run after the hollow that had attacked the Kurosaki family.

"GAHHH!" The hollow screeched as it pounced towards Ichigo who stood in front of it, having said "Try killing me and take my soul" and whatnot.

"This fool!" Rukia intercepted the Hollow and had her shoulder pierced by its teeth as a result. Fortunately, she sliced the hollow's tooth and face, causing it to jump away as it screeched in agony.

'D-Damn it...' Rukia fell to her knees, the blood from her shoulder splurging around her and began to crawl to the wall to rest her back against it, "Haa..." She breathed heavily.

"SHINIGAMI!" Ichigo bellowed in worry seeing her bloody body.

"I already told you... you're no match for it, you idiot..." She coughed up some blood as Ichigo ran over to her

"I-I'm... sorry" Ichigo apologised, but Rukia just shook her head.

"It's alright... is what I'd like to say... but unfortunately... I can't fight that hollow now... We can only wait, until we become its food..." She weakly said, causing Ichigo's eyes to widen.

Ichigo punched the wall above Rukia angrily as his mind was filled with rage towards himself, 'this is all my fault! Yuzu! Karin! Dad! Even the shinigami... it's all MY fault!' 

'Damn it... I'll be in big trouble for this... but it's the only way' Rukia thought with a sigh as she looked at Ichigo's enraged state.

"Do you... want to save your family?" She asked with a small smile, 'I've got to do it...'.

"Is there a way?? A way to help them? Tell me!" Ichigo shouted in desperation, grabbing Rukia's shoulder who winced in pain and reprimanded him, "Sorry" He hurriedly apologised, releasing his grip and calming himself down a little in the process.

"Yes... there is a way... well, to be exact... there's only one way. You must..." She held her sword out in front of her and aimed it towards Ichigo, "Become a shinigami"

Although he contemplated it for a second, he looked over at Yuzu lying on the floor (A/N: following the manga more) and the resolve to save everybody at this moment of time overcame that worry.

Ichigo walked over to Rukia and confidently answered "Let's give your idea a try! Gimme the sword, shinigami!"

Rukia smirked as she replied "It's not 'Shinigami'... it's Rukia Kuchiki" 

"And I'm Ichigo Kurosaki... hopefully this isn't our last meeting" He held the blade of the sword and placed it in front of his chest, his face full of unbeatable conviction, "Let's do it" 

"Yes..." Rukia said tiredly, pushing the blade forward which pierced through Ichigo's chest, creating a surge of spiritual energy which surrounded Ichigo's body.

'What the... my powers, he was only meant to take half!' She thought worriedly as she noticed her shihakusho had turned fully white, and her shinigami powers, except for kido, being completely gone.

"GRAHHHHH" The hollow screeched, not noticing its arm had been cut off as Ichigo had blitzed it.

"Well damn, what'd I miss?" The voice of Mizuiro entered Rukia's ears as she looked to her left to see Mizuiro standing beside her, looking down at injured state.

"You're late..." Rukia panted as she held her bleeding arm. She watched as Mizuiro took a seat beside her.

"My bad, I was sleeping and got woken up by Ichigo's presence. What happened exactly" He asked, looking at Rukia's arm worriedly before turning to Ichigo fighting the hollow.

"Take a look for yourself, look at his zanpakuto - a shinigami's weapon by the way" Rukia commented, her body shaking a little from both her now weak body and Ichigo's overwhelming spiritual pressure.

"I see... before that" He walked over to Yuzu's unconscious body and picked her up "Let me just take her inside real quick"

He then came back outside to see Ichigo slashing the hollow in half while shouting angrily, "REALISE THE MISTAKE OF MESSING WITH MY FAMILY, FISHFACE!" 

Mizuiro walked over to Rukia who sat on the floor with a smile and put his hand out for her to grab.

"Thanks- What... are you doing" She used his hand as a support to get herself off the floor, and was surprised to see Mizuiro's back facing her as he crouched down in front of her.

"You're injured, get on" He said, "Don't even try and deny it, cos I'll deny your denial"

"Hmph" She snickered as she got on his back.

"Yo, Ichigo" Mizuiro walked up to Ichigo who was in his shinigami outfit and holding his massive zanpakuto.

"Oh, Mizuiro!... Wait, Mizuiro?!" Ichigo had his eyes out of his eyesockets, metaphorically, as he realised Mizuiro stood in front of him and had Rukia on his back meaning... "You can see spirits?!?!"




Mizuiro, Ichigo and Rukia spent some time talking about the spirit world and stuff whilst they took care of Ichigo's family.

When they (Kurosaki family) all gained consciousness and recovered, Rukia used a device to wipe their memories of what happened.

"They'll forget what happened tomorrow" She answered as she looked at Ichigo's and Mizuiro's faces, "Though, they might have some... odd memories instead" She added.

"Anyway, I'm gonna head home now, see you tomorrow at school Ichigo" Mizuiro waved goodbye, standing up from the couch that the three sat on as he began to leave.

"It is time for my absence as well, farewell" Rukia announced, standing up as well, "Thanks for the help" She gave Ichigo a quick bow, referring to her bleeding shoulder which had bandages wrapped on it.

The two then left the Kurosaki household together.

"So, do you have a place to stay while you're assigned here?" Mizuiro asked as they walked side by side to his house.

"No... but I'll be able to find a place, hopefully" She muttered the last part, which usually wouldn't be heard if it weren't for Mizuiro's high sense stat.

After a few more minutes of walking, they arrived at Mizuiro's door.

"Farewell, Mizuiro" Rukia said her goodbye, but Mizuiro didn't forget to suggest, "If you need a place to stay for the night, you could sleep here. I pretty much live alone"

"Thank you for the consideration, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline" She politely bowed in gratitude of his offer.

"Alright. The offer's open any time, so feel free to give me a call if you need a place" He said, to which Rukia nodded, "See you later, Rukia"

"See you, Mizuiro" She watched as Mizuiro entered his house safely before heading in a certain direction.




Arriving in front of a store called "Urahara's Shop", Rukia knocked on the door and a tall, muscular man opened the door.

"Oh, miss Kuchiki, how may I help you?"

"I was wondering if I could stay the night here, Tessai"

"Let me go ask Kisuke, feel free to come in and wait, it's quite cold outside" Tessai allowed her to enter as he went to get 'Kisuke'.

A few minutes later, Tessai returned with a blonde haired man wearing a cool hat swinging a cane around.

"Well well well~ What a pleasure it is to have miss Kuchiki at our shop. What is it you need?" Kisuke spoke as he covered his mouth with a fan he pulled from his pocket.

"I've been assigned here on duty and am wondering if I could stay here for the night" Rukia asked

"Oh" Kisuke showed an empathetic face "Unfortunately we don't have a spare room yet. It's in the process of being made but it's gonna take a few days to finish" Kisuke replied, feeling a little bad as he watched Rukia about to leave the store.

"Oh... Understood, I shall get going then. Goodnight to you two" Rukia bowed as she left the shop.

After walking a few minutes, she stood still and began to ponder "..." She grabbed her phone from her pocket and looked at it, "..."

"Goddamn it... this is embarrassing" She sighed as she flipped her phone open and went to her contacts, calling Mizuiro's contact number.

*Ring ring ring* *Ring ring* *Beep*

"Hello?..." A deep, tired voice came out the phone, catching Rukia off guard at the soothing voice, "Um... it's Rukia" 

"Oh, Rukia. What's up?" 

"I was wondering if... I could accept that offer after all...?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"Of course, I'll open the window for you so you can climb in. I can't be asked to go downstairs and open the door" Mizuiro replied

"Alright, thank you, see you soon" She closed her phone and walked back to Mizuiro's house.




"Feel free to sleep in this room" Mizuiro led Rukia to a big, feminine room, "If you need anything just wake me up. Also, here's some PJs" Mizuiro handed her some PJs her size, "There's spare clothes in that closet there as well"

"Thank you for your gratitude, I will be sure to pay you back in some way" Rukia thanked.

"It's no problem, goodnight Rukia" 

"Goodnight Mizuiro"




In bed, Rukia had her eyes shut as she was trying to sleep.

Today had been an eventful day, meeting Mizuiro, then meeting Ichigo, losing her powers.

Ichigo... he really looked a lot like

'Kaien... Captain Kaien!' Rukia's eyes went bloodshot as she raised her body and panted heavily.

'Damn it... just when I thought the nightmares were over!' She tucked her knees to her chest and began to sob quietly.


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