
bleach: the all powerful demon

this story is a remake of my reborn in bleach with a few stupidly overpowered abilities i hope you all enjoy

jexishere · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

let's fuck with the plot a little

upon arriving in heuco mundo my first goal was training when the first thing that came to my head after completing my training was tier and her fracción and making them mine i was gonna build myself a bit of a harem since i was after all retardedly strong might as well enjoy things this world has to offer

but before that i made a dozen of vials of my blood to enhance anyone i deemed worthy to follow me

searching for them though took forever and when i did find them it was with tier being heavily injured and her three subordinates gone an annoyingly weak arrancar and with a hammerhead he knew this was where aizen would save her and got to her first drawing yamato

"judgement cut" i said sheathing my blade as the guard clicked against the sheath the hammerhead was caught in a slash vortex and cut to pieces

"what a joke" i said before walking up to her and kneeling before her

"i have been watching you for some time and i am impressed by your actions i would like to grant you and your three friends power and protection from any enemy all i ask in return is your loyalty" i said

"are you saying you can beat anyone" she asked and i smiled

"yes i have abilities and powers that would make the entirety of the gotei 13 look like a joke" i said she stared at me

"prove it" she said i sighed requipped archenemy just barely drawing it from it's sheath the slash was so big and so powerful that even aizen who was here and watching closely looked scared

"proof enough or do you need more" i asked she shook her head

"if i join you i would gain that" she asked

"yes you would have a world ending ability that you can use" i said thinking of ea since i was pretty sure people who drank my blood had access to the gates of babylon and ea itself

"and why don't you join me" aizen asked who decided now he should make his move unfortunately for him i didn't want or need him

"i do not want or need you i don't necessarily need her either but i am part hollow and my aspect is greed i want her and i will have her" i said this caused tier to blush

"i could grant you more power" he said and i laughed

"really you could grant me more how i have enough power to destroy the world with a snap of my fingers if i so chose also i am not even a hollow clearly by my appearance but i am not a shinigami or a human either" i said which was technically incorrect i had weapons that could end the world with ease two of them however i couldn't do that personally....yet to that he had no answer he saw the truth of my words first hand

"was that your zanpakuto power" he asked

"nope don't have a zanpakuto" i said

"then what was that sword" he asked

"i blade forged to be unbreakable for those like me who use it as a catalyst" i said lying through my teeth but i couldn't tell him what archenemy actually was he nodded it did make sense that would however mean i had monstrous control over a monstrous amount of reiryoku which is correct i do have a huge amount and i do have perfect control over it

"well then it seems i need to kill you or you will become a problem with my plans" he said and in an instant i was in his face

"do that and i swear i will destroy you here and now even if i have to die doing so i should mention i can steal your zanpakuto powers from you right now making you completely useless" i said he looked shocked at my immense speed and my words scared him

"you see remember what i said earlier i am not a hollow, human or shinigami what i didn't tell you is what i am" i said and this scared him even more what scares you most is the unknown and that is exactly what i am

"let us be off tier" i said she stood up

"yes master" she said as she led to a cave where the other three were waiting

"good you three are still alive that saves me a headache" i said as i gave tier four vials

"each of you are to drink one" i said tier nodded trusting her new lord

"wait a minute who are you and why should we listen to you" apacci asked

"he is the one that saved my life and has promised us power in return for our loyalty" tier said

"and how can he trust that he won't betray us" rose asked

"because as a show of faith i am granting you your power immediately without any means of you proving your loyalty to me" i said and she shut up

"is that what this vial is" sun asked i nodded

"very good yes inside this vial is a special serum i will tell you what it is after you drink it" i said tier went first gulping the entire vial at once before she helped the others drink their vials about thirty seconds later they all fell unconscious

"sleep well my servants" i said