
Bleach Next Generation

After 10 years of peace, Ichigo Kurosaki was enjoying a normal life with the power to protect, but then a new threat arrives.

Shinigami_Huntsman · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

Chapter 687

In the World of the Living

Ichigo sighed as he finished teaching his English class, with his class having been taught about story structures. He began to walk back to his wife's workshop so he can come to pick her up first. He took a Metro, and after he would get to pick up Orihime, they would get pick up Kazui. Ichigo arrived at the store Orihime worked at and saw the doors swing open. He waited outside as Orihime was usually the last one to leave.

"Ichigo!" Orihime exclaimed cheerfully as she ran towards Ichigo. Ichigo just hugs her when they got close and she hugged back.

"Ready to pick up Kazui?" Ichigo asked, and Orihime nodded her head in a smile before they came to pick up their son, and his location hadn't been very far from where they were at. Once Ichigo and Orihime arrive to pick up Kazui, they spot their son, walking out of the school, with his happy smile as usual. Kazui spotted his parents and runs towards them.

"Mom! Dad!" Kazui gives Ichigo and Orihime a hug.

"Lets go home." Ichigo said. Orihime nods in response and they go home. Soon enough they arrived at their house, and Kazui having been telling his parents everything that happened in his school in a cheerful manner. Once they arrived, Orihime went to cook lunch and Ichigo went to help his loving wife. And Kazui went on to watch TV in the living room.

In the Sereitei

In a separate parallel dimension that was located in the Sereitei of the Soul Society, Rukia Kuchiki, who had recently become a new Captain of Squad 13 was doing paper work inside the office she was in. She heard knocking at the window, making her jump back a little, having been so preoccupied by the paperwork she failed to notice any Spiritual Pressure close by. She checked the source of the sound and noticed Kisuke Urahara at the window, who was pointing to open the window. Rukia just walks over to the window and opens it.

"What is it, Kisuke?" Rukia asked, having been in no mood to play any of his games right now.

"Just wanted to visit my favorite customer. I see you got promoted, congratulations, it's normally not easy to be a Captain." Kisuke remarked as he pulled out his fan and waved it over at his face. Rukia was slightly surprised by this, but she was glad that Kisuke wasn't pulling her leg this time.

"Thank you." she replied with a smile.

"I can see you are busy." Kisuke looked over at the abundance of paperwork that his favorite customer had to take. Rukia huffed begrudgingly as she folded her arms.

"Yes, I actually am, and you did a good job at interrupting my concentration. So why did you come here?"

"How do you feel about being the new Captain?" Rukia sighed from this.

"Honestly, very stressful, I feel like I have to meet a lot of standards, as both the new Captain to Squad 13, especially since Ukitake was that for more than 1000 years, but also as a Royal. However, I am glad my brother is giving me some advice on how to handle being a Captain."

"I suppose I could give you an advice here or there..." Kisuke pointed a finger upwards, as if showing her the first step. ''When you are above others, you can learn to communicate with your underlings, but you should never ingratiate yourself. Just be yourself. And if no-one follows you, that just means you weren't cut out for the job. But I think you'll do great."

"How?" Rukia asked.

"Its because you were the one who drew out Ichigo Kurosaki as a Substitute Soul Reaper." Rukia and Kisuke looked on the other side and saw Byakuya Kuchiki appearing by a Flash Step. "Without him, the Soul Society wouldn't be standing here today. You were the primary source needed to lure him out, and you two grew close friendship, not just with him but by others as well."

"Some of the best Captains are just like that. You will do just great Kuchiki." Kisuke added on, and it brought a smile to Rukia's face.

"Yeah. Thanks." said Rukia. Meanwhile, in Mayuri's lab, there is a cages, in it a lone woman laid against the wall, her once extravagant light lime colored hair gone a dull green, profound darkened bags adorned her eyes that gazed the dripping ceiling in a vacant stare.She monotonously jammed a long nail into her wrist, blood steadily coming out. It was still warm so to sign she was still alive. A lone tear managed to come out her eye, this wasn't living.Mayuri stepped towards her cage, his steps were far to noticeable as he changed his appearance once again.

"Now now, you shouldn't stain the floor of your room like this, it makes a mess to clean later" His words came out like it was her fault for being in this predicaments. "And you were so lively."

"No thanks to you..." Was all that came out of her hoarse throat, she hasn't drinked in two days by now even. Not even whatever drug he had to force her to ingest. "Hey! When can I fight against Kurosaki?! And can I just go outside for some fresh air?!" Candice demands to Mayuri.

"Um... how about no? And a lab rat has no right to make demands." Mayuri replies to Candice "Now, please get in the room to get experimented." all the sudden Candice gets grabbed on the arm and takes her to a room.

"HEY! FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! COME BACK!" Candice yells and curses at Mayuri.

In Hueco Mundo

In the infinite desert of Hueco Mundo, a Quincy was visibly seen running away from something. The look upon his face held shock and terror like he just saw something he wasn't meant to see. He then bumped into someone and fell down. When the Quincy recovered, he saw a blue haired Arrancar, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez himself, who looked to be rather annoyed at the Quincy.

"Well what do we have here?" the Quincy tried to run away, but Grimmjow grabbed him by the collar from behind, causing the Quincy to freeze in fear. Grimmjow smirked when seeing what he was holding. "Oh? You seem like one of those Quincies that worked for Juha Bach. How you survived this long is beyond me. Either way it doesn't matter, you're going to die either way!" Grimmjow aimed his palm at the Quincy's head, his hand glowing a red light, charging a Cero. Grimmjow then fired the Cero and it completely vaporizes the Quincy's head off.

"Did you really have to kill him?" Nelliel asked as she appeared with Sonido, seeing Grimmjow toss the Quincy corpse as if he held garbage in his disposal.

"What use does he have? Yhwach is gone now and the war is over." Grimmjow responded.

"Maybe he had a family to go back to." Nelliel countered with a slightly annoyed tone. While she did respect Grimmjow's combat ability, she gets annoyed by his destructive attitude.

"And what if this guy is just some motherfucker who deserved to die?" Grimmjow replied. Aura Michibane is currently hanging out in the background, she normally follows them just to make sure they are safe. Aura feels a faint spiritual pressure, Grimmjow and Nelliel stopped arguing when they felt it.

To be continued