
The beginning

"The time has finally come for you to become a soul reaper" Genryusai Yamamoto said, "Indeed grandfather." said karumi

" Do not be late tomorrow it is when you will be assigned to one of the thirteen court guard squads" said his grandfather, someone knocked to the door at the room they were in, and a voice said " Head captain it is time for the ceremony" Genryusai Yamamoto sighed, as he stood up and left the room.

Karumi got ready and took his zanpakuto and left and started to head academy, once he arrived his two friends Taku and Hakomi

went over to him "Finally we will be assigned to the thirteen court squads, I just hope we get put in the same squads" Taku said, Hakomi nodded his head, " All 3rd year students please start heading to the first gate." a voice said, Karumi and Taku And Haromi started heading to the first g

ate, once they arrived, they joined in as they saw they were the last to arrive.

"Now that everyone is here let's start, I will call on your name and the squad you are assigned to, once you have received a squad, go and stand behind the captain of that squad" said by the headmaster, sometime later, " Hakomi Yoto, You have been assigned to the 10th squad", "Taku kurosaki, You have been assigned to the 6th squad", " Karumi Yamamoto, You have been assigned to the 1st squad, Dismissed!" said the headmaster.

"Awh man we didn't get put in the same squad" said Taku " they put karumi in the 1st squad is he that good?" said another student " He was probably put in that squad because his grandfather is the Head captain, so they probably gave him special treatment" said another student

karumi sighed and said "Well, let's hope we see each other again", "Yeah" said Taku and Hakomi

Karumi left and went to stand behind his grandfather, his grandfather gave him the soul reaper uniform and "You shall be put on guard duty for now" he said. Karumi nodded his head. The next day karumi entered the Seireitei, he headed over to the giant castle close to the giant mountain, that was where the 1st squad was located.

Once arrived he entered the castle and ask a guard to which way was the Head Captains office the guard said 4th floor last door.

Karumi went up there and knocked of the door then he entered, his grandfather was sitting there looking at some papers. "Where am I positioned" said karumi, "Let's see, how about you go train, I wish you learn the name of your zanpakuto" said his grandfather, then proceeded to show him to a training spot under the castle, Karumi sat there meditating for hours with his zanpakuto drawn and laying on his legs.