
Bleach: Ichigo the shaker of fate

The annamory happens when a foreign soul merges within 10 year old Kurosaki Ichigo giving him information of the future, to save the world from tragedy and save people he loves, his goal is to become the strongest. *Smart and calm Ichigo*

Bosu_san · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 0: Changing of fate

When awake in the morning Kurosaki Ichigo was amazed, because last night he remembered his past life. 

He's still Kurosaki Ichigo but with another memory, no, to be precise another soul. 

He could not remember anything about his past life other than common knowledge and information about Bleach. 

It's scary to think that your own existence and the world itself is just a mere fiction. 

'No for me it's all real now.'

For some reason Ichigo felt calm. it might be because his own mind now became mature from his other soul so his mental age is that of an adult. 

'So this answer, what happened a year ago.'

One year ago Ichigo's mother died from hollow because of him. 

'I don't want something like that to ever happen again, because of my stupidity my mother has to die.'

Even though Yhwach is the one who rips his mother's power, he's the one who makes her fight in the first place. 

What happens to his mother makes him sad but. 

It's a regret that he should never forget. If he ever forgets, all of that will become meaningless. 

Not forgetting or denying the past is. The only way to make use of what has gone away and acknowledge it. 

'I don't want to become like that ever again and from what I see in those memories the future isn't bright either, I will become stronger. I have to, I will protect all the people I know and care about. It might be just self satisfaction. a thing to reaffirm my own existence, but that's what I want. It was just self serving but I want to believe that is my best part as a human being, my own arrogance.'

In his memory Kurosaki Ichigo always fighting with his own fate, he win and lose many times away fighting desperately expect miracle to happen, being manipulated by Aizen, losing his own power, regaining it, getting betrayed, and most of all almost losing to Yhwach, he couldn't expect those miracles to happen again. 

If you really want to change anything and stop tragedies from happening then become strong, strong enough to destroy fate itself. 

By affirming that within himself, Ichigo decided. 

'I will become strong. That's the only way I can accept myself and the only way to protect all people I love.'

'In this world strength is everything. The soul society itself is built upon those principles, there's no black and white, no one cares if you have strength. That's why I want to have the strength to change this world.'

'That's why you have to become the strongest.'

And to fight with a being like Aizen or Yhwach, strongest is a requirement, he didn't believe that he could use luck to win the fight (Aka: plot armor) like in the memory that's why he had to become the strongest. 

If he couldn't do that much then he should just die here and now, he doesn't want to just waste his own potential like idiots. 

Ichigo Kurosaki is the ultimate Hybrid of Shinigami, Quincy and Hollow. 

The only one that is a hybrid similar to Ichigo is Kugo Ginjo, the leader of Xcution himself. 

Both of them are also soul king candidates. 

Even though Ichigo didn't want to be that puppet-like being It's really fortunate that in the original story Ichigo wins against Yhwach or he will be dissected by Ichibei himself and become the next puppet. 

His father Isshin Shiba is also shinigami captain and has the bloodline of one of the fifth great nobles who established soul society itself. 

If memories served him right the great noble clans had exceptional spiritual power compared to average people. 

Even his uncle Kaien Shiba also became vice captain. 

That's why when Kaien died, the Shiba clan fell from their high status position. 

And his mother Masaki Kurosaki is also a pureblood quincy that got inflicted by Vasto lorde hollow.

That's why Ichigo inherited fragments of the soul king, and can draw the power of fullbring. 

The Vasto lorde hollow White also mixes itself within Ichigo shinigami power and becomes his Zanpakuto.

White is also a special hollow because It was created with the Souls of several Shinigami.

His father even states that when fighting with White it's something more akin to a Shinigami rather than a Hollow.

So Ichigo's fighting instinct must come from White itself. 

From those genetics alone, making Ichigo to become the best species man like Aizen had said, his potential is limitless, exceptional fighting instinct, exceptional spiritual power and the power of almost every race. 

Unohana the first Kenpachi even implied that his false Bankai form has at least twice the spiritual power of an average captain (Aizen in his based form has third).

And his potential is something even Yhwach is scared of. 

He believes that his true Bankai ability is the key to win against Yhwach. 

If he could use his true potential, he believes that he can become the strongest Kurosaki Ichigo, the shaker of fate. 


First I will put all my thoughts into a diary to not forget all the information that I know and will hide it in a top secret place with a mechanical device to destroy itself when discovered like in death note. 

So from now on, I have to think about what I should do first. 

Now that I'm a 10 year old child, there isn't much I can do about spiritual power. 

I'm thinking of training a kendo, now that I train karate. I don't want to waste It and it might be useful in the future. I could incorporate it with swordsmanship or I can use it in case of an emergency when I lose a sword. 

Hakuda is also important after all. 

I want to be an all rounder, adapt to every situation and make the most of my potential. 

I also want to try meditation to calm my mind because I don't want to be controlled by teenage hormones. 

And I might be able to be in the inner world in the future when I become strong enough, so for now l have to build a foundation with my physical body first. 


When he told his father that he wanted to train kendo Isshin was surprised because when his mother died Ichigo became quiet so he didn't ask anything from him much. 

Seeing this as a chance for his son to cheer up by doing what he is interested in, Isshin agrees easily. 

Ichigo trained kendo in a dojo near the neighborhood. It's an old dojo with no one of Ichigo age, but adults in the dojo adore him because not many kids his age are interested in kendo in this area. 

And Ichigo himself is very talented in swordsmanship. It might be because of his hollow instinctive nature and his new soul intellect, his development is unusual and his effort is also unnatural he became known as a genius instead. 

From the moment Ichigo decided to become the strongest he challenges himself everyday like a madman, he runs around a town, sits up and does push ups in his bedroom or swings shinai around the house, his family were amazed to say the least. 

In the karate dojo, Ichigo also start to overtook Tatsuki. He isn't a cry baby like in the past anymore and looks more cold and distant towards her. 

To become the strongest there's no time to play around and his mentality is that of a grown adult so for him he has no time to be a child. 

And like that two years have passed. 


'I see a big town landscape so this is my inner world.'

"So am I ready for your power yet, Zangetsu?"

Ichigo talking to a white man and the all black old man. 

"Yes, king, I am ready for you to lead!!!"


The white man was talking with excitement but a black old man was still silent. 

"So you aren't gonna help me black Zangetsu."

"You know it yourself how I'm, but now I will not help nor hendence you."

"So am I still not worthy of your power yet, I will prove myself by my actions then."

"Don't worry about him king!!! just use me is more than enough so abandon that old man, if you are the ones who lead we both are invincible!!!"

"I can't do that if you guys are a part of me, that means I cannot even prove to myself."

"That…" White hollows don't know how to answer. 

"I will be watching." The black old man said. 

"That's more than enough."

There's not much for them to say to each other. 

'Black Zangetsu, he is my Quincy power, he just wants to protect me from danger. If this is like in the main story he might restrict all of my power, but now he has no authority and can only seal my Quincy power itself, then there's no problem, like I said I will prove through my actions and convictions, I will prove to you who wants to protect me that what I choose is the right thing to do, I want to prove to you who inherited that will from my mother that there is nothing to be scared of, this is my own choice I have no regrets.'

Then Ichigo wakes up to the real world. 

'Now I can use my hollow power, then I will train to use fullbring.'

When waking up Ichigo can feel his own spiritual power, this is his hollow power but he still cannot awaken his shinigami power within it. 

But there's nothing to be worried about. He didn't want Aizen to be suspicious and changed the plan. 

Fullbring power isn't that unusually after all, because some people within society know about it. 

He might see me as more fascinating because I've surpassed his expectations because again his masterpiece, Hollow White is within me. 

'Aizen might think he can manipulate me but I will use him as stepping stones to become more powerful.'

When you play with the wrong Insect you will know that it has poison. 

Ichigo was now in an isolated place that he used to train and test his own ability. 

Fullbring power can manipulate the souls contained within matter if you want to manifest this power, you have used the object that you love the most or has a pride within it to manipulate and manifest Fullbring power. 

By developing an affinity for a particular object, a Fullbringer can alter its form granting powers that vary greatly among individuals.

The items he chose as his own Object Affinity for Fullbring power is his own shinai. 

'Then here we go.'

He instinctively knew what to do. It's like his second nature because he accepted his inner hollow power. 

When he applied spiritual power into his shinai he increased his spiritual power and before he knew it he completely changed. 

'So it's still similar to the one in my memory after all.'

His shinai changed into a short sword

but doesn't have a substitute shinigami badge guard on it.

His body has also become fully armored with a unique bone like hollow. 

Fullbrings that shroud their users with their power are classified as Clad-Type. 

'Unlike in the memory I can complete it in one try and don't have to be in, it must be because I have better grasp more and memories about its foundation and I still have spiritual power in the first place.'

Because unlike in memory of the future Ichigo has hollow power and instinct to help him out and because he has good stamina from the training so everything was prepared for fullbring power. 

'It's not that impressive when there is someone who awakens their own power at the age of 5.'

Some members of Xcution seem to have awakened their own fullbring power from childhood. 

For Ichigo in the main story he has to force himself in danger to awaken his own power. 

But now he accepted his own hollow power he can do it in instead. 

He could have asked Urahara to train him like in the main story but he didn't know that guy personally and still didn't have any excuse to do so, so he wants to master fullbring power first, and plan something out from that point. 

'I still cannot awaken my own shinigami power or quincy power because I'm still too weak to do so. What I should do now is to master this power and build a foundation.'

Even though fullbring power might sound weak compared to any power, but, it has versatility to make up for it, and the unique thing about fullbring is that you don't have to get your soul out like shinigami, you can manifest it within your own physical body. 

So he imagines himself using 2 modes, fullbring and Quincy in his physical body and using his shinigami power with his soul mode, it will help him preserve his energy making more options in battle and make him more versatile. 

He wants to know how his power will be if he uses it like that, will he tap new potential or it's just a fancy wishful thinking, he didn't have anything to lose anyway so just try it, consider it as experimental. 

He will master it all, to become stronger. 

With this he decided to train and become the strongest. 

'Now then this time I had to find Xcution.'

(This is demo episode I want you guys to give me impression I want to develop plot to be more refined.)