
Bleach- The Bravest Soul

Zack was an office worker who was one day stabbed to death by a thief when he tried to help an old man. The next thing he found out was that he was in a place that was filled chaotic elements. Suddenly some of those elements rushed at him as he lost his consciousness. Next he opened his eyes in a new world as he looked at a beautiful face. He didn't knew that he was in for a ride of a lifetime.

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19 Chs

Chapter 13

"Please do so Hinamori kun" The man named Aizen said as he took a sip from the cup. The girl now named Hinamori nodded her head and left the room.

After few seconds two individuals entered the room and looked at the amiable man who was sitting and drinking his tea.

One was a tall, and youthful man with very sharp features, giving him a skeletal appearance, and bears unusual silver hair. He kept his eyes constantly narrowed to slits, rarely ever opening his eyes enough to reveal their bright sky blue-color. He wore a standard shinigami uniform with a captain haori over his shoulder.

The other was a dark skinned man withdark brown braids. He wore the traditional Shinigami uniform with the sleeves rolled up to the shoulders and his captain's haori over it; the uniform is tied with a purple obi sash. He also wore an orange scarf around his neck, white boots (instead of the normal sandals), and black, fingerless gloves. He also wore clear goggles, although this was not always the case. He had his hair tied back in a ponytail.

These were Gin Ichimaru and Kaname Tosen the captains of the 3rd and 9th division respectively.

"What brings the two of you here?" Aizen said with a serene smile.

"You would like to see this." Gin Ichimaru gave a serpentine smile and handed him a video.

"Oh and what might this be?" Aizen asked with a surprised face.


Gin only gave a mysterious smile.


A few hours later.

Inside a secret room.

Aizen was sitting in front of a screen and watching a video with interest in his eyes.

"This is ... curious." Aizen said as he closed the video. In the video one could see a boy who looked 12 years old fighting with an woman who seemed to be in her early 30s.

The woman was using a bow made of reishi to fire arrows at the kid who dodged them from time to time with difficulties.

But the woman intensified her attacks that by shooting more arrows with greater power. At this point the boy had trouble dodging those arrows. And when one of the arrows nearly hit his arm, a purple aura surrounded him as the arrow literally fell to the ground at an astonishing speed and got crushed by an invisible force. The woman seeing this ran towards the boy who was panting and sitting on the ground.

They were Anna and Zack who were training together in a seperate space. This was space crafted by the Ishida family to train the young ones and also staying away from the eyes of others.

This sub-space was created by Kisuke for the Ishida family as a gesture of goodwill for their cooperation with the shinigamis from time to time.

But there were some loopholes that allowed Aizen to breach in and monitor things secretly.

"This boy seems to be unique like Ichigo Kurosaki." Aizen stated as he looked at video where Zack was using the souls of the very ground change the gravity.

" What do we do with him?" Gin asked with narrowed eyes.

"Hum lets send one of our test subjects to see whether the boy is really special or not." Aizen stated.

"Whom should be send and what should we do about the mother? From what information we have on her, she seems to be extremely powerful. Probably on the level of a captain from her reitsu reading." This time it Tosen who asked the question.

"Hum ..... Send our newest creation black tomorrow when the boy is not near his mother. As for the Quincy woman, we don't need to concern her. Our goal is too see whether the boy is special or not." Aizen said as he got up from the chair he was sitting on and left.

The other two captains looked at each other and soon left too.


Hueco Mundo,

In the vast desert a portal suddenly opened from which Zack and Tatsuki came out and stepped on the sands.

Zack had changed his clothes and so did Tatsuki. Zack was wearing a white shirt and black pants along with boots. He also had his cape which seemed alive. He wore yellow shades.

In his side was Tatsuki who wore a skin full body suit with armor and a dark cape. She wore white bone gauntlets on both her hands and had a katana hanging on her back. She also had a long Katana inside a sheath hanging on her back.

"So.... this is Hueco Mundo huh. Even though you explained about it, it still feels quite depressing but I do feel like I am at home somehow." Tatsuki said she held her chin looking around the everlasting sands.

"Yes it feels really like home." Zack said as he clenched and unclenched his fist. The spiritual energy in the atmosphere was itself coming to him and Tatsuki as if two lost children of the world have returned and they were welcoming them.

"This is because we have the power of hollows too." He said and started walking forward.

"Where are we going?" Tatsuki caught up with him and asked.

"Well we are here for sightseeing right. So let's just move forward. Let's see what this world has to offer to us." Zack said.

Tatsuki didn't say anything and just keep following him.

After walking for an hour they stopped and looked around. Tatsuki flopped on the ground on her butt said with an annoyed tone, "Sheesh there is nothing here. Just sands and only sands. Where are the hollows? I have yet to see one even we are in their home world."

""Don't worry Tatsuki, this place is huge and we have only been walking for an hour at best. Let's speed up." Zack said as he ruffled her hairs to her annoyance.

"Stop doing that!" Tatsuki grumbled with a slight red hue in her face ad she got up.

Zack only smirked at her. The two then started to float and soon they flew with speed towards a direction they decided on.

At this time a small silhouette was seeing their bickering as they flew away.


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