
Bleach- The Bravest Soul

Zack was an office worker who was one day stabbed to death by a thief when he tried to help an old man. The next thing he found out was that he was in a place that was filled chaotic elements. Suddenly some of those elements rushed at him as he lost his consciousness. Next he opened his eyes in a new world as he looked at a beautiful face. He didn't knew that he was in for a ride of a lifetime.

pratiksymbol · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter 10

"Good morning aunt Anna? Is Zack-kun back from his routine workout?" The girl asked energetically.

"*Fu fu* Yes, he is back. Why don't you come inside Tatsuki-chan." Anna said as she moved away from the door so that the now named Tatsuki can enter the house.

Tatsuki gave a bright smile and quickly entered the house. Anna closed the door while walking behind.

"Where is Zack-kun aunt Anna?" She asked looking around.

" He is in his room. By the did you have your breakfast?" Anna asked her.

"Yes I did but I can still eat if aunt is cooking." Tatsuki said with a cheerful voice.

"*Fu fu* Tatsuki chan really know how to flatter me. Ok then please can you go and bring Zack down. He is taking too long to get freshen up." Ann said.

"Hai." Tatsuki said saluting her. She then ran towards the stair that led to the upper floors.

"Such an energetic and cute girl. " She said as she went back yo to work.


First person P.O.V.

Coming out of the portal I could see that my clone was sitting on a chair and reading a manga.

'Heh' shaking my I had snapped my fingers. Ny clone that was sitting in the chair turned black and started to disintegrate.

*Bam* At this time the door to my room and a girl with short black hair entered the room.

"Y..yo Zack kun" She said.

"What are you doing here early in the morning Tatsuki?" I asked with dead eyes.

This girl here is Tatsuki Arisawa. Some of you might know her as the tomboy from bleach who was Ichigo's childhood friend and had a crush on him. But you might be wondering how come she knows me. Well to tell you the truth it was pretty much a coincidence.

When mom and ne got settles and opened up our convenience store, her mother was one of the first customers. On top of that her house is exactly beside ours. You could her my neighbour.

When I was younger I didn't much interacted with her considering I was an adult in a kid's body but she kept pestering me whenever she came to our home (My mom and her mom became good friends so we visited each other's place from time to time). But our interaction became more frequent when our moms decided to send us to the same karate dojo. You might say why my mother sent me to a normal dojo when we were Quincies, well it was ti maintain our semblance to normal life. She wanted me to enjoy small things in my life so I decided to join the dojo.

The first thing that happened was that I defeated her when she challenged me to a duel. After that she kept pestering and challenging me everyday.

Well that wasn't all. Once we were going home together, a hollow suddenly appeared in the street with a plus in it's mouth. This happened when we were six years old. I could see it clearly but I was kind of astonished that she could also see it clearly. Maybe it was due to me being near her so that she developed spiritual senses. That moment the hollow sensed us and attacked us. Tatsuki was so scared that she fainted on the spot.

As for me I killed the hollow instantly and escaped the place carrying her before shinigamis or Yoruichi arrives.

I took her to the park where I laid her on a bench until she became concious. She asked me what happened to the creature. But instead of answering her I asked her from when she could see them.

She told me that she could see dead people and animals from the age of three. She also mentioned that she talked with a few of them. She even told her mother but she dismissed her words as they were mostly a rambling of kids.

I understood that she probably has developed her spiritual senses being near me. My powers have affected her on spiritual level.

At that point I decided to take her under my wing. I then told her that I could also see them and I had the power to defeat them. Listening to this her eyes shined up and she asked me how.

I then told her about the various races present in this universe and how dangerous they. I told her that they would do terrible things to people who know about their existence. This was to make sure that she doesn't tell anybody. And her being a kid made it even easier for me to manipulate her.

She asked me what I could do and I told her that I would show it somewhere else. Soon we left for our character homes.

Next day I took her to my sub dimension and gave her powers by sharing a part of my soul inscribing a letter in her soul. This also allowed me control her in case she does something bad, or let me to her incase she got caught by enemies.

Thus my first underling came to existence. I have been training her since then. She has become quite stronger in theses few years.


Third person P.OV

Zack eyed the girl who was looking at him with a blush.

"What happened?" He asked the tomboy.

"P..put on a shirt will you!" Tatsuki stuttered as she turned around.

"Oh" I said as I looked down. Zack's upper body was completely on display as he took off the shirt when he fought the hollow. After that he forgot to wear his shirt while he came.

Thinking about this he took a shirt and wore it.

"What are you doing here so early? School starts from 8 you know." Zack asked.

Tatsuki turned around and look st him who was finally wearing a shirt.

"You promised me that we will go to that Heuco Mundo place today if I completed 1000 pushups, 1000 situps, 1000 squats, and 100 km run. Don't you dare back out!" Tatsuki said pointing her finger at Zack's face.


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