
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime et bandes dessinées
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998 Chs


Soon, the missile was launched again. Although the result did not destroy Meteorite, before the explosion, the analyzer installed on the missile quickly scanned Meteorite and transmitted the data to the Military Laboratory.

Scientists look at the data, and of course they have to start researching. The size of this Meteorite is not large, which is probably less than the size of a car, but the speed is very fast, and according to the degree of rigidity, Tackle is before Pocket Star. Meteorite will never be destroyed by the temperature caused by its own speed.

What is even more surprising is that this Meteorite is actually alive according to the results scanned by the analyzer. This discovery not only shocked the Alliance people, but also made Lendor Professor happy.

Although he found evidence of Pokémon in outer space, he did not really see Pokémon that can survive in the universe. This discovery may be his research.

So, after calculating that the location of Meteorite Tackle was in the extremely ice land, Rondo Professor went to here with his assistant Uehara Yuko, and at the same time, his assistant Uehara Yuko also brought their child Uehara Super together.

Yes, the full name of Rondo Professor is called Uehara Rondo, that is to say, Uehara Yuko is the wife of Rondo Professor.

Tory is naturally the son of Rondo in Uehara. In this World, after the woman is in the family, the surname is to be changed to the man 's surname, just like Ash 's wives, and now they have changed their surnames.

Uehara Yuko wanted to let her child get in touch with more local things so that she could inherit her husband 's work in the future. Although she is the wife of Rondo Professor, she is also a collaborator.

Rondo Professor is indeed famous in the world. This is not false, but it does not have any background. The equipment required by the Laboratory requires a lot of money, and Uehara Yuko also has a great interest in the space Pokémon studied by Rondo Professor , so He then funded the purchase of equipment for Rondo Professor.

Don't think that Uehara is just an ordinary woman, in fact she is the famous Entrepreneur in the city of Larus.

The city of Larus is an independent city in Hoenn. Almost everything there has been mechanized. It can be described as very advanced, but the cost is very expensive, so not at all promote the entire Hoenn Region.

The mechanized roads and other mechanized service robots of Larus City were developed by Uehara Yuko. Therefore, Uehara Yuko is an expensive man.

After Rondo Professor led the research team to the extremely ice land, they waited for the arrival of mysterious Meteorite. In order to protect the Pokémon here, Rondo Professor sent people in advance to move all nearby Pokémon to other places. .

Soon, a month had passed, and the day of Meteorite Tackle was about to come. On one night, rumble's voice awakened the research team who was sleeping.

Hearing the sound, Rondo Professor quickly led people out of the tent. Looking at the Meteorite in the Tackle Ice Land, Rondo Professor suddenly prepared his team to prepare fortifications so as not to be affected by the explosion.

With a loud rumble, mysterious Meteorite hit the land of extreme ice, but what everyone did not think was that although Tackle's voice was huge, the scope of the explosion was not much, at most it was 100 meters.

There is a clear gap from the explosions predicted by military scientists. Although it is not clear why this happens, Rondo Professor can't control that many anymore, and takes people directly to the location where Meteorite fell.

Followed by his wife Yuko and son Tory, after feeling the place where Meteorite fell, Rondo Professor found that the Meteorite dropped, the appearance began to fall off, and soon, 2 oval green gems appeared In front of their eyes.

What is even more surprising is that one of the green gems actually bloomed the purple rays of light, then slowly levitate up, and then formed a certain kind of creature, or Pokémon is more appropriate.

The name of this Pokémon is Deoxys. The pure super energy system Pokémon is roughly similar in appearance to humans. It has 4 different forms and will change according to the battle. The body is mainly orange red, the face is blue green, and 3 are arrested. A blue green dot, a purple stripe runs through the face, and a crystalline organ on the chest.

In Black's orbit, there are white round eyes. It is Pokémon that Pocket Star has never appeared, that is, Pokémon that Rondo Professor has always wanted to prove is only available in the universe.

Because it is a Pokémon that I haven't seen before, Rondo Professor they not at all approached immediately, just observed in the distance.

I saw this Deoxys walked slowly in front of another green gem, and then gently lifted up his hands, and made a very mysterious sound, as if mourning.

"Roar!" It didn't take long for Rondo Professor to suddenly hear a dragon roar roaring, and saw an Ao-colored dragon dropping from the sky, and roared at the Deoxys they were watching, as if they had encountered an enemy.

Rayquaza, Dragon, Flying, Dual Type Pokémon, Pokémon who lives in the sky near Pocket Star, is also the first Rondo Professor to discover that there are also Pokémon in the universe.

It is precisely because of the existence of Rayquaza that the so-called evidence that Lendor Professor is looking for can be accepted by people. Otherwise, how can the Lendor Professor become a well-known Professor only by the unintelligible evidence.

Rayquaza seldom appears. Even Rondo Professor has only seen it once and recorded a few seconds of video. In just a few seconds, Rondo has been promoted to 4 to 10 years old. Top Notch Professor.

If the emergence of Deoxys is announced, Rendo Professor will be more famous. When the time comes, those who question him will also shut their mouths.