
BlakeJack: Love In The Abyss

Jack found a new hobby in teasing Blake during their daily interactions. Little did anyone know, Jack's character in the film secretly held feelings for Blake's character, a secret kept until the film's climactic end. In reality, Jack's demeanor was quite different. He was introverted, shy, and usually kept to himself. However, when he discovered he would be working alongside Blake, a radiant smile adorned his face. Blake was a formidable presence in the entertainment industry with an impressive acting record. As they spent more time together, Jack became captivated by Blake's adorable charm, quick wit, and beauty. Being in Blake's company felt like experiencing his first love, and it brightened Jack's once monochromatic world. Their friendship brought daily joy to Jack's heart, painting his life with vibrant colors. Was this what it was like to have a true best friend? What could go wrong with this very close and warm friendship? Well, many.

Zuppalove · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Cigarette Fight

Designers relished the opportunity to create looks that blurred the lines between traditional gender norms, challenging societal perceptions and sparking conversations about the fluidity of expression.

With each appearance, Blake effortlessly owned the runway or graced the red carpet, breathing life into every outfit he wore.

He became a living testament to the idea that fashion had no bounds and that true beauty emerged when one embraced their authentic self.

The media and fashion enthusiasts alike eagerly awaited Blake's appearances, anticipating the ensembles he would don.

He became an icon for breaking free from the confines of traditional fashion rules, inspiring people to embrace their own unique style and express themselves fearlessly.

He took another deep drag of the nicotine.

He exhaled a puff of smoke into the air, and faintly heard his name being called repeatedly. Before long, the door connecting the corridor to the preparation room swung open, and that annoying face appeared again.

"Tch," Blake grumbled in annoyance.

"I've been looking for you everywhere, and here you are!" Jack scolded as he stomped towards Blake. "Why didn't you say anything when you went off like that?"

Jack's words furrowed Blake's brow. "Since when do I have to report to you just to smoke?"

Jack stared straight at Blake and shook his head in annoyance. "Give me your cigarette!"

Blake refused Jack's hand and saved his cigarette. Blake smiled triumphantly as Jack only grasped empty air.

Unexpectedly, Jack's face changed drastically. His usually calm and cheerful expression turned stiff and filled with anger.

"Blake," his voice sounded unfamiliar, cold, and distant.

Blake's hair stood on end instantly. He adjusted his position against the wall, swallowing nervously.

He didn't know what was happening, but for some reason, he felt intimidated. He felt like a vulnerable prey in the presence of a predator.

Jack raised his palm, his sharp-lined eyes with thick black lashes staring straight at Blake. "Hand over the cigarette. Now."

Gathering his courage, Blake responded, "And if I don't want to... what will you do?"

Suddenly, Jack's robust body pressed against Blake's towering frame, forcefully pinning him against the unyielding wall. The impact caused the back of Blake's head to collide with the surface, and he stifled a groan, not wanting anyone to witness the scene.

Jack's elbow pressed deeply into Blake's chest, making it difficult for him to breathe. Blake found himself cornered against the wall, unable to move even an inch.

Jack exerted all his strength to keep Blake's fragile form immobilized against the wall. Blake felt trapped, and his attempts to resist seemed futile.

With every struggle, he found himself gasping for breath, feeling utterly powerless and defeated.

As he teetered on the edge of losing consciousness, Blake caught a glimpse of their reflections in the mirror. The sight of their intertwined bodies seemed strangely poetic, like a representation of yin and yang.

However, the pain surged from his chest to his throat, making it hard to breathe. The idea crossed his mind that Jack might genuinely have intentions to harm him.

The cigarette butt slipped from Blake's fingers, bouncing several times on the floor...

Jack caught a glimpse of it through the mirror's reflection and made the decision to put an end to Blake's punishment.

He set Blake free and took a few steps back, creating a space for the young man to recover and catch his breath, albeit with a heavy heart.

Blake's body grew feeble, causing him to collapse onto the floor. He placed his hands on the ground, while his right hand tightly covered his mouth, desperately trying to conceal what had just occurred.

He made every effort to suppress his cough, not wanting anyone to witness his vulnerability.

Jack crouched down, positioning himself at the same eye level as the young man standing before him. As he did so, his gaze was immediately drawn to the captivating beauty emanating from Blake's eyes.

They held a mesmerizing allure, a blend of intense emotions—anger and fear—intermingling within their depths.

It was evident that Blake was caught off guard by Jack's spontaneous gesture, unsure of what to make of it.

In that fleeting moment, Jack couldn't help but be captivated by the raw vulnerability etched across Blake's face.

The anger simmering in his eyes hinted at a tumultuous inner struggle, while the flicker of fear betrayed a guarded fragility. It was as if Blake's eyes were windows into a complex and intricate soul.

Jack bent down and carefully picked up the discarded cigarette butt lying near his feet, quickly extinguishing the smoldering embers against the cold floor.

He then turned towards Blake, gripping his face firmly, and spoke in a menacing tone, his eyes filled with an icy intensity.

"Listen carefully, I never want to catch you smoking again. Do you understand?"

Blake, feeling a surge of resentment, forcefully pushed Jack's strong hand away from his cheek.

He regained his balance, stood up, and without uttering a single word, walked away, his emotions simmering beneath the surface.
