Reincarnated and killed several times, Blake Listerio a child born from a demon Lord and an Angel was casted down from the supreme realm to dwell in earth, grow his powers so that he'd be the protector, savior and the only one capable of stopping what is to come. But the moment disaster came, the Supreme realm went in an all-out battle dragging in the Megaverse with it. In the end, one man was left standing.
Time moved quickly, as Blake lay on his stomach on the profane cell where he had been kept as a prisoner. This whole thing was really the beginning of his madness. Infact, Blake seems entirely mad at the gods for making him a [Temple Slave]. Blake never knew that he was fated for it only for it to be coming slowly to accomplishment. What was the Orthodox Crane thinking when it lead him to Linards Mountain, now all curses seemed to be let loose.
Blake did not know how long it had been after he was locked up in the cell room. Another thing of concern was that, the light from the [Eternal Flames] did not penetrate in. This was the same light they had used earlier on to illuminated the whole cathedral. But why not illuminate the cell too? Blake now had an enhanced vision of resently and that was of help to him, because if someone without the [Eye Of The gods] like Blake has now, would not be able to see in this thick impenetratible darkness.
Right now, Blake could see in the dark like it was day, so he had to put this particular ability to good use. This was power though, but even if danger comes it would be useless. The only time this ability would be useful is when there are enemies in the darkness. He might be able to eviscerate all of them knowing as they lack the abilty, [Eye of the gods]
But, sometimes its good to not take the darkness as a loophole though, who knows some people might have the ability of [Perception] which gave them the haunch to know where and when the opposing team is launcing an attack.
Somehow, the cell was made to interlock diagonally with another, it had metal doors made of deep moat. The doors were enhanced in such a way that even the strongest immortal alive would be reduced to nothing while trying to compare the jasperite moat of the door. The door had a cleavages triangular just like the shape of the cell. It was deep and somber filled with eerie darkness and then supporting the walls was an alloid metal disengaged slightly to make a fortress whereby, if an attack is been made in the cell, the prisoner would be able to hide in the fortress and unnoticable to the attacker who may have likely to invade the cell room. That was how all cells were constructed. The least cellmates one could have was one or none. This was of the same reason accustomed by the [Ancient Vale Of Trinity] It was a human god who was disoriented as a slave due to the attack in cells. Well, he was one of the embers of divinity channelled to the whole of the Groove, in order to grant them an atom of safety. So individually, to conquer the first trial, one has to pass through slavery and the Cathedral is most likely to be invaded by outstanding and well populated creature of the [Fallen] rank so... they might penetrate the cave. Something, an immortal of the highest rank could not do, the creatures were able to do it, due to their malevolent erk. Its like a corrosive oil whereby when spitted out, anything it comes in contact with instantly melts like a candle wax. Their corrosive oil is like a venom to them, and highly inflammable. One of those things exposed to an atom of sparks can lead to the whole place going up in.flames.
All of a sudden, Blake's stomach growled. It had gotten to its limit. Blake realised that he hasn't had anything to eat an entire day or maybe two...
Actually, his battle with the Heirlock started off pretty rash. He had a small porriage at Jotham's place. He wasn't even able to completely devour the food and the Heirlocks attacked.
In the underworld Groove, who knows how many days has passed. It should be one or two because the Underworld Groove and the real world sometimes, shares the same day and same night. Over time it would run faster than the real world. But now, he was being transported to a different [Citadel] of the Underworld which has a different chasm of producing their day and night. Night in particular occurs everytime but the day occurs once every twenty years. Who knows when that would be, and since he had already guessed that two days might have passed without him having anything to eat, Blake began to worry. Right now, food was essential. How would he be able to plan his escapede when he is hungry. He wouldn't even be able to think straight, what the hell?
His life back in Liberia was wretched because, both his parents were extreemly poor. Sometimes, they go on a full day without food or possibly, they eat only one square meal. So, the hunger did not affect him much when he was coming to the Vile Castle. But right now, it was worst. Worst than anything he had gone through in Liberia. He could literally eat anything right now.
Now, that reminds him of the Wolf Fiend. He had slained the creature obviously, but he forgot to slice its meat and fish out the essential [Oppulette Crystal] which helps also in the growth and development of every immortal. They literally fight for this crystal with their life and he foolishly forgot about it. What a shame. He had wanted so much to hear the Orthodox Crane's ordeal with him.
If he had known! Blake held his stomach in a sitting position, and at the last minute, crounching sounds of the metal resounded from outside and then the metal holders lifted letting in an enormous amount of light into the cell. Which revealed two hefty but evil immortals. He thought that, they had come with food but it wasn't any of the such. They came with another [Temple Slave].
According to the Orthodox Crane, 'From Nobody To a Temple Slave.' If he had it in his will right now, he would prefer being a Nobody than being a Temple Slave.
"Marshall, drag the lad. He thinks he's smart."
One of the Lieutenant spoke with avarice and they grabbed the kid as they started to search him inside out. After searching him thouroughly, a golden key was fished out of him. It was the key to the cell.
'He had it?'
Blake was stunned as to how the kid had taken it.
'Wow, he's good... except that, he's been caught.'
Blake studied the lad they spoke of. He looked to be of Blake's height, but a little bit shorter. Then his eyes were gleaming with clear crystal as he stood looking terrified.
One of the other men named Jiruioh instantly grabbed his arm and twisted it over his back at an impossible angle as the kid winced in extreeme pain.
"You made off with the keys to the cell. How did you do that, answer me!"
Jiruioh hissed.
Blake sat watching the amount of injustice been thrown at the slaves. The Lieutenants claims to be strong and then, misuse their strength to harm others. Blake thought about summoning his weapon and going to fight them. Probably escape before the door closes again with no way out, but Blake thought about it, definitely, he would end up being the one who's arm would be twisted next. He seriously needed to be the fuckin' [CrestFallen] so that he could venture back into the real world, even though it would be just few touches..
At least, his attributes were switched back. The Orthodox crane had stated earlier about his attributes still being the same, but in the [Relic] package awarded by the gods for actually being a [Temple Slave] he was able to have his normal attributes back. Still, he doesn't know what his attributes are. Plus he cannot keep asking the Crane for information. When he become a CrestFallen, he will finally get to have many things, his [Status] being one of them. The status will clearly tell him everything about himself that he doesn't know yet.
Immediately, the lad was pushed in and the next minute, they were shrouded in eternal darkness. What were the guards doing? Were they still recruiting more people who are yet to become temple slaves? Blake did not know, all he knew was that the hunger was biting him severly this time around.
Before Blake could finish his monologue, the guy stood up. The place was still eerie dark and he was yet to discover that someone else shares the cell with him. The guy was now acting weird as Blake's eyes narrowed suspiciously.
"What the heck man?"
Blake tried to let him know that someone else was with him in the cell. And the lad turned at the exact place the sound came from.
"Is someone there?"
He asked and Blake tched.
"Of course someone's here. I am your cellmate. Brought in today, just like you."
Blake replied and the guy lingered for a while before going to sit back down on the floor knowing as he was no longer alone. Blake studied the guy and by what theologies he came up with, he realised that the guy might have a special ability that relates to teleportation. He might be of great help. Blake himself did not know whether he was right or wrong, he just had a haunch. So now, he either have to act friendly if he really needs that freedom he deserves and acting friendly was something that really was not his cup of tea.
Some minutes later, Tera and Evie materialised right into Blake's cell. They couldn't escape to the outer shell of the cell, but somehow the allignment of cells helped them to travel from cell to cell until they found Blake and then, soon after there was a fire lit in the middle.
"I warned you didn't I?"
Evie hissed the moment Blake's face was illuminated by the fire and Blake sighed of course as if indeed, he really deserved her spittongue and ravendous scoldings.