
Blades of Destiny: The Legacy of Vorago

Blades of Destiny follows Kain's journey in Vorago, a kingdom of swordsmen. Through competitions and challenges, Kain aims to rise in ranks, uncovering secrets and facing adversaries along the way. He fell into a deep ditch and saw a golden light illuminating the darkness. He was experiencing the mysterious and transformative power of the golden light.

the_fool0 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Unveiling the Truth

The morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across Kain's room as he stirred from his slumber. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he found himself lying in his bed, a sense of disorientation lingering from the events of the previous night.

His mother, Sarah, entered the room with a concerned expression etched upon her face. "Kain, dear, are you feeling alright?" She inquired, her voice laced with worry.

Kain sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he tried to piece together the fragments of his memory. "I... I'm not sure," he admitted, uncertainty tingeing his words. "I remember being in the mountains, and then..."

His mother nodded understandingly, her gaze softening with maternal concern. "You were found unconscious near the mountain pass," she explained gently. "Some villagers stumbled upon you and brought you back home."

As Kain recounted the events of the previous night, he carefully omitted any mention of the mysterious power coursing through his veins. It was a secret he dared not share, uncertain of its origins and implications.

Once the conversation with his mother concluded, Kain found himself alone with his thoughts, grappling with the enigmatic force that now defined his existence.

"What is this ancient power that courses through my veins?" he murmured to himself, his voice a mere whisper in the stillness of the room. "And how am I connected to the lineage of Lucian?"

His mind awash with questions, Kain turned his attention to the status window that materialized before him, a testament to the newfound abilities that had manifested within him.

The window displayed his attributes and skills in stark detail, each statistic a reflection of the power that now surged within him. Strength, durability, agility, and sense—all heightened beyond what he had ever known.


Name: Kain [??]

Title: Heir of Lucian's Legacy

Rank: Apprentice Swordsman


Strength: 21

vitality: 23

Sense: 18

Agility: 22

Intelligence : 12


MP: 80/80


1. [??]: Extracts half of strength, agility, mana, vitality, sense and Intelligence from fallen foes.

Proficiency: 0.38%

2. Auto-Regeneration: Restores health, stamina, mana and cutted parts of the body over time. (always active)

3. Soul Insight: Perceive the intrinsic attributes of others with a single glance. When activated, the eyes of the user emit a faint glow, signifying the commencement of their discerning vision.

Proficiency: 0.00%

Sword Techniques:

1.Swift Strike

2.Moon Slash


Lucian's Sword Techniques:

1. Lucian's Celestial Sovereign's Blade

2. Lucian's Divine Dragon's Wrath

3. Lucian's Astral Fortress Stance



●Lineage of Lucian: Unlocks Lucian's sword techniques progressively as [??] Skill proficiency and stats increases.


Kain sat on the edge of his bed, his mind buzzing with questions and uncertainty. He pondered over the cryptic messages displayed in his status window, each word fueling his curiosity about the ancient power coursing through his veins.

With a deep breath, he focused his attention on the skills listed in his window. His eyes scanned the details meticulously, absorbing every piece of information with intent.



1. [??]: Extracts half of strength, agility, mana, vitality, sense, and knowledge from fallen foes.

No cost MP

Proficiency: 0.38%

Description: The skill was shrouded in mystery, its true nature eluding Kain's understanding for now.

2. Auto-Regeneration:

Description: A comforting assurance of healing and restoration, active and vigilant even in the deepest slumber.

3. Soul Insight:

No cost MP

Proficiency: 0.00%

Description: The user discerns the Stats of others, perceiving these stats in numerical form.

note: If Soul Insight Proficiency is low it can't measure Strong parson.


Next, Kain's gaze fell upon the Sword Techniques window, where the essence of his martial prowess lay dormant, waiting to be unleashed.


Sword Techniques:

1. Swift Strike

Proficiency: 99.87%

Cost: 10 mana

Description: The Swift Strike Sword Technique is a foundational skill taught to novice swordsmen, focusing on speed and agility in combat. It emphasizes rapid, precise movements to outmaneuver opponents and strike swiftly.

Effect: Enhanced Speed and Agility: Swift Strike enhances the swordsman's speed and agility, allowing for rapid movement and quick strikes in combat. This technique emphasizes swift, precise movements to exploit openings in the opponent's defense and deliver fast, decisive blows.

2. Moon Slash

Proficiency: 100.00%

Cost: 30 mana

Description: The Moon Slash Sword Technique harnesses the lunar influence to enhance the swordsman's strikes with unparalleled precision and cutting ability.

Effect: Infused with the mystical power of the moon, each strike of the Moon Slash carries the weight of lunar influence. This enhancement enables the blade to slice through armor and defenses with unparalleled precision, making it highly effective against heavily armored opponents.


As he contemplated the intricacies of each technique, Kain's resolve strengthened. He yearned to master these skills, to wield them with finesse and precision on the battlefield.

As Kain delved deeper into the intricacies of his status window, a notice appeared, illuminating another layer of understanding in his journey of self-discovery.



Your HP will increase when your Strength and Vitality points increase. Similarly, Your MP will increase when your Sense and Intelligence points increase.


The words echoed in Kain's mind, shedding light on the underlying mechanics of his newfound abilities. His brows furrowed in contemplation as he absorbed the implications of the notice.

"So that's why my stats change this much," Kain mused aloud, his voice tinged with a mixture of wonder and realization. The correlation between his attributes and their impact on his health and mana became clearer with each passing moment.

Throughout his exploration of the intricate details within the status window, Kain's attention was drawn to a peculiar detail that had eluded him until now. Next to his name, a question mark lingered, casting a shadow of uncertainty over his newfound identity. "Was it because i didn't know my lineage" , he wondered?

Kain's mind buzzed with questions, yet he hesitated to voice them aloud. Instead, he engaged in a silent conversation with himself, grappling with the enigma that surrounded his heritage.

"Why the question mark?" he pondered, his thoughts drifting to the legacy of Lucian and the mysteries that entwined his own destiny with that of the legendary figure. The urge to seek answers gnawed at him, but a sense of timing held him back.

"I'll ask my mother when the times come," Kain resolved, a steely determination flickering in his eyes. He understood the importance of patience, knowing that some secrets were best unveiled when the stars aligned and the moment was ripe.

With determination burning in his heart, Kain turned his attention to the final section of his status window, where the promise of unlocking Lucian's sword techniques beckoned tantalizingly.

"Lineage of Lucian: Unlocks Lucian's sword techniques progressively as [??] Skill proficiency and stats increases."

The words fueled Kain's determination, igniting a fire within him to uncover the truth behind his lineage and the legacy of Lucian. With unwavering resolve, he set forth on his journey, ready to unveil the secrets that awaited him.

To be continue...