

The tale of a boy whom has been transported to another world and has to become its hero and to bring it balance once and for all.

Pyramid_Gentleman · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The beginning of the great tale.

It was the last day of middle school and so it was also the last day for exams for saif, after the last exam ended saif let out a sigh of relief as it is all done now and after the paper is taken away he looks at his friends and says, "finally guys we have finished school and its officially summer vacation", his friend agree with him and one of them says," yeah finally bro I can play playstation and my mum wont say a single word about it, another says " yeah bro we are going to pull so many all nighters but first lets pack up to get lunch", everyone agrees and starts packing up to head down and then they start going down the street, well they were chatting together saif was playing with a rare coin from his collection and accidentally drops it and it rolled in an ally so saif went to pick it up and when we took it and put it in his bag and was out of anyone's sight suddenly out of nowhere a circle the resemble a magic circle that you only see in games and anime appears under him and gives this intens glow before saif simangly gets teleported to some kind of void that in it he dont feel anything once o ever but somehow he knows that he is flying. He was confused because he thought he died and was trying to figure out how he died until suddenly it felt like he was flying through fire, it was ridiculous but thats what he felt, it didn't burn or sting honestly for him it felt nice even, then it felt like he was flying through water and that felt really refreshing and nice, then it felt like he was flying through the air like he was a bird or something and that also felt great, or in other words nice, then it felt like he was flying through the earth it self, it was a very peculiar and weird but still nice. Then suddenly it felt dark like he was inside a void and it was cold and scary and every negative feeling he can think of and he didn't like it and it wasn't nice, then he tries the escape it and he feels a growing light that engulfed him and made him feel safe again and it felt warm and faze and amazing and he really liked it and to him it was more than nice it was very nice. Then after that it felt like he had to choose which feelings he wanted between all of them but because he liked all of them except the dark scary one he didn't choose it but felt bad for leaving it behind and lonely so he said, "well its better to have it than not to have it I guess", so he just took them all and what happened next is as he called it like he just absorbed them. After all of that he didn't feel anything else for a while till out of nowhere he just started feeling his body again and then he feel on a magic circle that looked similar to the one that teleported im to the no space he was in and then he looked around to see people wearing long robes and and speaking in a language that he doesn't understand and he says to them in a very fast manner, "who are you and what are you saying and where am I and why am I here and why am I talking so fast and now that that I think about it, it's probably the adrenaline", yet after that they still spoke gibberish and he could not understand them. Then this old man on a wheelchair came up to saif and touched if head, saif was confused but still he let the man touch him because he somehow didn't feel any illwell from, then this light came and left instantly and the man in the wheelchair left and said when he went out, "all these years just for something that took less than a second, yes this was worth it alright", then the man left, saif was puzzled to how he can understand the man then it hit him, saif said in his head,"wait a minute, magic circles, super fast language learning this summoning ritual environment I am in and this ancient architectural design, no this can't be", then one of the robed men approaches saif and tells him, " I am so very glad your summoning was a successful sir hero, and now I will tell you the great greetings", saif is excited by what he is hearing but he wants him to finish just to conform, the man clears his throat and say," welcome hero, hero of all hero of big and small, hero who will fight the darkness and save us all", after that it was conformed, yes this did happen without truck-kun's involvement but its true no less, saif was really Isekaied to another world as it's hero, saif was overjoyed and was trying to ask the man all the questions he had all at once, but the man told him that he is not otherised to tell the hero such important information and he needs to speak to the king and so saif follows the men to the royal room and on the was saif was admiring his srundings and how beautiful it was and how fresh the are felt and how amazing this world looked from looking at it from the windows but a state of relaisation hit saif, if he is here then what will happen to his family his friends his life back home and now that he is really thinking about it, this is actully kidnaping in a way. Well on paper thinking to be Isekaied back home was normal as an idea but now saif is wary of what kind of king is he going to meet that will take a 15 year old like him to fight for practically strangers, he has to test him.

After a good amount of walking, Saif reached the royal room and was in front of the king. He looked like what you would expect, a long bearded old man with a serious but kind and kingly face. Then someone yelled, " you are in the presence of king arthur the third, kneel", everyone kneeling except for saif and the man that was beside the king told saif to kneel in his great presence of the king, then saif said, "no", everyone one was stunted by saif respond and the man that told saif that was furious and told saif, " how dare you disrespect the king like that and if your not going to kneel the i am going to make you", the king then said to the man, "paul dont, for the hero here it's probably a change in culture and we dont want to be rude to him", paul was hesitant but agreed then the king said, " I am sorry her for that may i ask you two personal questions", then saif said, " what kind of personal questions", then the king said, " no i mean questions that i want to know personally", saif agreed then the king asked him whats his name what nation or kingdom he was from, saif said, " well my name is saif eldeen emad fawzy husain ibrahim but my first name is saif eldeen but just call me saif for short, and in my world we dont have kingdoms anymore on the most part but we have countries but i guess my country was a nation or a kingdom in the past, doesnt matter i am from egypt and an egyptian", the king is fascinated and pleased by the new knowledge he has gained and tells saif, " of i see thank you for telling me all of that", saif actually is stating to like the king but he has to test him just to be sure, then the king says, " i think you would like to know why you have been summoned yes? Look hero this world needs you to save it from ancient curse that has been on it for thousands of years, 17,000 years ago there were the five elemental attributes, fire, water, wind, earth and light, they all existed in harmony till one day the darkness gave birth to the dark attribute that tried to destroy the world but was selled by the other attributes but at the cost of also selling themselves, luckly their magical powers are still given to us from birth", saif was excited because from what the king just said there is magic and everyone has it not only mages, "after that their was a great conflict between the great races of fire of the humans and the water for the dime humans and for the wind of the elves and for earth the ogers", the only things that were going through saif's head were, cat girls and elf girls, then the king says , " then the great races had conflict because of blaming each other for what happened and had the 200 year war of the races and the humans won it" then the king continues, " even if the humans won they only wanted to hold all the races in the category of human and so to help in general talking and to also end the the war with peace and both ever granted", then when finally things started look better the first demon king came" then says yelles the word "first?" then the king answers, " yes there were multiple demon kings and heroes in the past and they all battled each other for so many years and the first one was the worst and weakest of all of them, he did a ritual that made him reach out to the dark attribute and gain the power if darkness and as a part of that spell he needed 200 of all the races to be able to do it, and after that spell they all including the first demon king were turned into demons" saif was astonished and surprised and angry and disgusted from what he just heard and he asked the king what race was he and the king doesn't know then the king continuous, " after that the demon king grow his army fast as he turned more and more into demons by the spell that thankfully has been destroyed by this world's first saver, the first hero Ren", saif say that that's a japanese name and the king answers, "yes the heroes were from all over your world but most of them were japanese. As we were helpless thankfully the light attribute sent us a spell to summon with it a hero from another world to come and save us with is one and only unique light magic to fight agonist the demon kings dark magic, thankfully the hero Ren won but sadly the demon king before he died he placed a forbidden spell that couldn't be stopped and he said that every one thousand years a demon is going to be born with dark magic forever till its destroyed, after that the hero killed him and destroyed the his dark empire and brought to us the first thousand years of light that was prospered in because of him, the he wanted to kill the rest of the demons who lived so that no other demon king is born but he was too pure to do so, so he banished them and told them to never do what the demon king did again hoping to do something about the predicament but alasce there was nothing anyone could have done to stop what already was done, every one thousand years a demon king is born and its our duty as humans to summon and help the hero to grow and defeat the demon king", and so the king tell saif that thats all the worlds stroy of the past and he tells you one more thing, every time a hero or demon king wins the next hero or demon king becomes twic as strong as the last, then saif askes how many demon kings and heroes won and how many heroes were there before me, the king hasitas for a second a then tell you that there were 15 heroes and demon kings and 10 demon kings won and gave us 10 thousand years of darkness and only 5 heroes won, saif sares at the king for a solid 5 seconds and says, " so you're telling me you basically kidnaped me a 15 year old from my family and friends and life to through me into this battel between this super strong enemy that knows this world and how to us its abiletes like the back of his hand and not only that but also giving have his base power and putting me in nion impossible odds and and having a really high chance of dying for people I dont know", the king is sadent as what saif said is exactly what he feared to hear from him so the king tries to find a persuasive solution and says, "I know that this is very selfish from us but we need you sure hero please we can give you the finest of equipment, the best of weapon and magic trainers and the best adventurers to help you on your journey and if all of that is not enough i can give you my daughter's hand in marriage but sir hero we need you to help us", everyone is flabbergasted at the fact that the king is on his knees begging the hero to help, then saif says, "well king you pass", the king raises his head in confusion to what saif said, "of course i am going to save you guys what kind of monster do you take me for i was just trying to test you for 2 things to see if you were a good nobel king or a bad king because from my experience that is the majority of the kings i know, and the second was to see your resolve to know if you understand the situation i am in and if you will understand me, i am so very sorry for doing such a thing to you and making you go so far", the king is relieved by what saif said, "but i have three conditions to help you guys and no more than three" saif says, the king awaits to hear them with patients, " first thing is that i want you all to trust me, what ever i do what ever i say you should know that i do it all for you sakes and if you would complain on everything i do or not trust my intentions then to be honst with you your not with saving because if your so smart then you became the hero", the king agrees with every word saif said and then asked saif for the second condition, " the second is that i want my summoning to be a secret", the people who were present where confused and puzzled greatly then the king askes why, he contiuses by saying that people will be at ease by saif's summoning and he dont understand saif's reason, saif says, " well because if the demon king is so strong why dont he just come and kill me the only person who has a chance at defeating when he is just starting out, you guys might call this smart but i call spawn camping, and also if that could be prevented somehow i want to make friends with people who dont know that i am the hero and i want to explore the world as a normal guy not as the great hero, plus i want to have companuse and alaise that will fight beside me even is the darkest of fight no matter what so thats my reason", the king reluctantly agrees then paul says and talks about the people and the king reminds paul of the first condition and how they need to trust saif's decisions and as much as paul hates it he agrees with the king, " and my last condition is for you king to help me if i need you, what i mean is if i ask of you anything you will help me with it no matter what and to also not help me behind my back", the king also agrees, and so saif is taken to change his clothes to ones that are very fancy and sophisticated and he says to them, "no you guys i cant wear this its too much clothes and way too tought", the king then says, "but this is the nobel mean of royal blood and as told by the 13th hero all heroes are if royal blood", saif then says, "nope we are not most of the pouplition isnt, look i dont know which are that guy is from but or me i am a big fat sticky commaner if commaner parents and commander blood", paul lookes furuses when he hears this and then says, " what a commander", the king quickly silances him then saif says, "what, do you hate the smell of commaners, well too bad, and king dont worry i already expected this kind of behaver so dont apoligise its aight", the king thanks the hero for understanding and gives him more casual clothes and then saif says, " of thats much better, of yeah king look when ever i want to get into the casetl i want the gards to know this passwerd so that if i want to get in", the king askes saif want the password to be and saif says "gazar" in his home language, the king likes it as saif is the only one who knows its meaning and its sayed in a different way from their language, them saif says, " oh yeah i want to ask how can i talk and understand your language is it a spell", the king agrees and says that a great scholar of magic has been making that spell for years so that aif can understand and right and see this worlds language as english so that he can navigate the world easily and the king also says how that world only speaks one language, then saif says that he wants to start his journey and when he was about to get out of the royal room to go to the hidden door that he was going to take to leave castle he thanks the king and tell him to look after him self and his family and jokingly says to the king not to through his daughters hand in marriage to anyone for he know saif could had been a crazy psycho and the king laughs and says goodbye to safe and tells him to have a safe journey, then when saif set foot out of the castle he know that his journey has finally begin. The great hero's journey.