
Blackening! I , Naruto , The collection king

**NOTICE : 1 ) ENGLISH is not my native language so there might be some problems with grammar and writing style . I am learning lessons to write with more proficiency , atleast it will take a while . Reborn in the Ninja world as the the child of prophecy , Naruto Uzumaki. Looking at the cheap daddy , make himself the container for the Nine-tails. He almost didn't greeted seven generation of ancestors. After all , being an otaku in his last life he clearly knows how tragic the life of Naruto is . he had a feeling of being pitted by god . Fortunately his gold finger arrived, make him breath a sigh of relief [ ding ! collection system is online , whether to bind it host?? ] Naruto : yes Years later , during the 4th Great ninja war . Madara loot at the hord of tailed beasts and a man with unusual eyes . " in front of this man i really can't, dance" kaguya : " fuck, this is scarier than ostusuki " Naruto : from today i am the god of ninja world , who agrees and who opposes? ................................... TAGS : Harem | Invincible Protagonist | System | World hopping | Revenge | Dark

Saltedfish_me · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

003 No food??

Until the next morning, when Uzumaki Naruto woke up from starvation, he opened his eyes to reveal a pair of beautiful blue eyes, and then looked around blankly.

The room and ceiling are still unfamiliar. It looks like a hospital because the whole room is all white.

There is a white ceiling, white walls, and a white bed. A girl in a white nurse uniform sits beside it, and a baby bottle is prepared.

"Why am I still here?"*

After all, what he knew from the past life is That Naruto was taken care by a babysitter in Hiruzen's house from birth till his 3rd birthday but now he is appearing in a hospital, isn't too much change in plot.

" what plot , i have a system, where in the world did i expect others to follow plot ?" Naruto said to himself but his child like voice only makes some mumbling sound.

"...." Naruto

i really forget i can't talk .

'why shouldn't i talk with system for some time ' after failing to find anything to pass time he thought of a his dormant system.

" Hey , system "


No reply

" system..."

No reply

After a couple of calls , Naruto he really gave up .

It seems the premature awakening of system has caused energy depletion.

It wasn't until the evening when a nurse came to make him come back to his senses.

Little belly also screamed appropriately, he was hungry.

Babies can't talk, but they cry when they are hungry.

But Uzumaki Naruto has the soul of an adult (still an author who don't talk but only write(°^°) ) after all, so he won't cry out anytime and anywhere.

And all day today, except for being fed a bottle of milk by the nurse in the morning, I haven't seen anyone in the whole day. Only then did I see the nurse.

He was so hungry that he began to scream.

A young nurse came in and looked at her baby who was lying there expectantly, but a look of fear flashed in her eyes, and her feet stopped moving.

In fact, she doesn't know the identity of the baby, only that it was sent by Anbu sent by the Third Generation team last night. It is said that it was an orphan picked up from the battlefield of Nine Tails.

But looking at the baby's cheeks on each side, there are three symmetrical lines that look like beards.

The nurse remembered something that everyone in Konoha Hospital was talking about secretly today.

That is, some people have boldly guessed that this baby of unknown origin is likely to be the reincarnation of the Nine Tails demon fox.

Although the Nine Tails demon fox is dead, it was wiped out by the husband and wife of Fourth Generation at the cost of their lives.

However, this baby picked from the battlefield may be the reincarnation of the Nine Tails demon fox?

In fact, in the Ninja world, ordinary people don't know what the tail beast and Jinchūriki stand for, and they have never even heard of it.

This is weird, maybe it's Kishimoto who hasn't set a good relationship in the previous plot?

Until Shippuden, even Haruno Sakura, who was a disciple of Tsunade, didn't understand what Jinchūriki represented, let alone what bad situation Jinchūriki had.

So let alone just a nurse.

In addition, the Nine Tails incident just happened last night. Not only was there countless casualties, but the village was also severely damaged by a fraction. Such a huge disaster made the nurse very scared of the baby.

So she just threw a bottle of prepared milk powder a little far away, and smashed it into Uzumaki Naruto without paying attention, turning around and ran out.

Naruto' s gasped in cold sweet if nurse had used just a little more force then he must have become an eunuch instead of hitting in knee.

He even imagined a scene , where Konohamaru was sitting in the Hokage throne and he , the royal eunuch become a 24×7 slave to processing documents.

bah, .... no this will not happen in the future , i will not let this pass through.

"Woman really ruthless! , it doesn't matters which world from " Naruto thought wildly in his heart

Fortunately, She missed otherwise, only God knew whether his system can support his little brother down there . He really don't want to be sorry for all these sexy milfs and Little lolita's .

I have to say that Uzumaki Naruto's mentality was a bit crooked but the creep like smile suddenly turned cold , yes he is really angry now . how the hell he is supposed to be feed without the support of others .

He tried to reach out for bottle But he found that he couldn't do it, he couldn't raise his hand.

A baby who was just born a day ago, how could he raise his hands and feet by himself, now he can't even raise his neck.

Uzumaki Naruto almost didn't feel aggrieved and cried. He was a normal ordinary person the day before. Although ordinary, he didn't look like a useless person like he is now.

That's right, it's just a cripple. He knows what's going on and has an adult mind, but his body can't keep up, and he can't do anything he wants.

But the stomach that had been fasted for a day began to scream again, but there was no one in the house except him.

Uzumaki Naruto was unwilling to sit and wait for death. He didn't cry and call others, but competed with himself. Since he didn't listen to his hands and feet, he forced his little head to turn around.

Although he didn't have the strength to raise his head and neck, he still managed to turn his head on the pillow, but it also made him work hard.

Fortunately, the bottle roll down to left side of his head but still it can't be sucked out of nipple.

" Really , no food ??"

Because there was an extra cap on top of the milk bottle, Naruto didn't even get to suck a few mouthfuls of milk and after a while , he kept looking at the ceiling with grief.

" Minato , you really didn't expect that your child is going to starve to death right?? , hahahahah" this laughter of his was uglier than crying.

" Also , why does only my system hang like in an old phone, never replying?"

if he can get access to the internet , he really wants to know two things right now .

one , how to not feel hungry without food .

Two , how to Torture people in most cruelest way.

Why , don't these people come back even for checking whether he has been fed or not?

really , too much .

It was late in the evening , the sudden opening of the door cracking, woke Naruto from his daze . Although awake, his eyes are red . Even if he wants to faint at this time , he can't because of his thirsty neck and Hungry stomach.

When he tried to look at the income but due to the lack of energy he could hardly open his eye lashes.

" It must be hiruzen, right ?? . You old donkey really forgot about me . Look at me , this little grandpa is going to starve to death because of your tool man program."

While Naruto was busy cursing Third hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen in his heart, drops of warm water ran down on his face.

" the roof must be leaking..." Naruto really wants to kill hiruzen now you didn't even get me a good room in the hospital.

As for thinking if Sarutobi Hiruzen may be crying.

No! Absolutely No!! , even if Sarutobi Hiruzen has amnesia he will never cry for Naruto.

It will be almost like ,

' hey , i am an old hungry man , can i take your food ? , worry not , i am really not going to pay for this'

Thinking of his kind but Calculative smile , Naruto can't help but snort coldly. Really , it is too cheap for Hiruzen to die in the hands of Orichimaru.

" Sob*... Sob*....."

A nearby soft cry made Naruto frown , but he can't think of anybody at this time who is kind enough to him.

" Naruto ..... he is so weak.." Mikoto can't help but complain to Uchiha fukagu who came to visit their nephew only after a whole night of begging from konoha upper echelon.

" look , he seems to be fainted because of hunger . Is this how they treat the 4th hokage's child ? Let him feed himself. how could a newborn baby balance that big bottle let alone hold it . Also who gives a capped milk bottle to a child ." Mikoto said angrily as streams of tear kept coming down from her eyes.

She hurriedly took Naruto in her embrace and with a slight pause a new bottle of milk was brought near his mouth.

" Mikoto , control your emotions..." Fugaku said helplessly.

Although he is also aggrieved at the death of Minato and Kushina . After all Minato was one of his very few friends & admired junior outside Uchiha clan , and Kushina was his wife's best friend, so he always treated her as his younger sister . But his family is the suspect of their death , even the permission they got from 3rd hokage was only to watch Naruto from the far side. So , because of his guilt towards the couple he agreed to Hokage's conditions.

It was only after Mikoto who after realising something wrong insisted on taking a close look , they came inside.

Yeah! and it was right , this baby was really going to starve to death.

"sigh*...." With a huss , Fugaku took a heavy sigh.

" Fukagu... let's adopt Naruto , i will really took care of him ... please just for this one"

" No we can't , a sasuke at this age is more than enough..." Fugaku said with a stone in his heart.


"No , but"

At this moment , who finally realised the group of speakers was gobbling milk like a starving ghosts. But , before he can rejoice in the warm embrace , fugaku's word pierced like a needle in his heart .

Till the couple left , Mikoto had a look of reluctance on her face but Naruto had a new understanding of his 'uncle'.

After all he knew , second hokage Senju Tobirama' s outlook of Uchiha

' A good Uchiha is a dead Uchiha '

and if the couple really adopt him , what would he be called 'Uchiha Naruto'??

As a loyal follower of Tobirama , Sarutobi will really not let him live like this. Either he will be completely solved or will be taken for absolute brainwashing in roots and who knew if with the countless ninjutsu and sealing techniques they can achieve distinguished Heavenly god like effect on a single person.

So , Fugaku's approach is pretty most likely to cut off their relationship at start, to ensure his safety.

" Obviously , the mouth is hard but the heart is still thinking about me."

Naruto mumbled but suddenly shivered

" what's with this thinking, i am really not in some kind of old man fetish. "

"not really...."

"....." system , who are you explaining it to.

" Also , Uchihas can't really die for this village , at least Uchiha izumi And Mikoto"

while thinking of Uchiha mikoto there , was a warm feeling in Naruto's heart but when it comes to Izumi there was a creep smile on his face.

"..." system

why did this guy look like a huge pervert.