
Blackening! I , Naruto , The collection king

**NOTICE : 1 ) ENGLISH is not my native language so there might be some problems with grammar and writing style . I am learning lessons to write with more proficiency , atleast it will take a while . Reborn in the Ninja world as the the child of prophecy , Naruto Uzumaki. Looking at the cheap daddy , make himself the container for the Nine-tails. He almost didn't greeted seven generation of ancestors. After all , being an otaku in his last life he clearly knows how tragic the life of Naruto is . he had a feeling of being pitted by god . Fortunately his gold finger arrived, make him breath a sigh of relief [ ding ! collection system is online , whether to bind it host?? ] Naruto : yes Years later , during the 4th Great ninja war . Madara loot at the hord of tailed beasts and a man with unusual eyes . " in front of this man i really can't, dance" kaguya : " fuck, this is scarier than ostusuki " Naruto : from today i am the god of ninja world , who agrees and who opposes? ................................... TAGS : Harem | Invincible Protagonist | System | World hopping | Revenge | Dark

Saltedfish_me · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

002 Mom's last word

At this time , Konoha Jonins were pacing towards the forest core.

Sarutobi hiruzen , who just arrived had a livid face . As if trying to pass through Adamantine sealing chains he gave a shot with ape demon golden stick but to his surprise didn't even leave the slightest mark.

He dignified Third hokage , is famous for being the strongest kage of all hasn't the strength to pass through a dying person's seal.

As if looking at the ghost , his face suddenly turned down .

" Damn they are going to ghost seal Nine-tails "

He almost didn't stare at the couple as the murderer of his parents.

After all , no matter how you think he firmly believes tailed beasts are the property of the respective village. and for him it is the tool people he cultivated for his children and descendents to ascend to hokage position.

How could a mere civilian , play like it with the kitten in his back yard.

But after all he is with anbu , so greeting his teeth he spoke hurriedly.

" Not good , 4th hokage is going to sacrifice himself along with a tailed beast "

" Master , Third hokage " several ignorant anbu looked at Sarutobi with worry.

" sigh* , it's all the fault of this nine tails if not for its rampage where would we suffer so much casualties . And now after sealing in Minato' s body , the chances of his rebellion are also high" Sarutobi took a heavy sigh and said regretfully.

" Master Hokage , can Nine-tails still break through the seal" A new anbu has doubts .

" well who knows " Hiruzen said meaningfully

For a moment hiruzen really forgot the Beast in front of him was a pet of First Hokage and still the type you kept with a leash outside konoha gate . and even after his death, his life is really miserable.

First, he was always tortured by Uzumaki Mito at will who sealed him in her body and after finally getting free another Kushina came into his life always beating at disagreement or sucking all of his chakra.

where did he have the courage to Rebel.

Jinchuriki being the top level weapon of every village has almost shot very many times. and still the Uzumakis have made a very time but it was still enough for kushina to gain the title of Red pepper in battlefield.

You must know one of Minato' s confession is he had never in his life truly won against kushina .

Even in such conditions kushina was never asked to be hokage. And the only reason is Hiruzen's planning for hokage lineage to only belong under him. under his calculation konoha people only have fear against kushina. Including most of the upper level has distrust in her attachment towards the village.

Some of the old anbu understood the hidden meaning behind Hiruzen's word and after a courtesy bow left immediately. for spreading rumours of Nine-tails incarnation. As for the person responsible for it , he hokage hasn't even a single hand in it. It must be the madman Danzo'

After failing to get the hokage , he can only vent out Minato's child . This reason seems plausible.

DANZO who was monitoring Uchiha clan land suddenly had a feeling of being wronged. After pressing the uneasiness in his heart look at the frontier with vigilance.

If you say this family has nothing to do with the rebellion tonight , he will not believe you beat him to death . After all the conspicuous Mangekyo Sharingan in Nine-tails eyes was sawed by many people present.

He also has a flash of inspiration , on how to let Minato resign from the hokage position under the pretext of unable to solve the rebellion tonight and even favouring Uchiha , the scourge of village who will only cause such incidents in the village and finally he can kept jinchuriki in the name of monitoring, to brainwashed her to be his , danzo's tool person.

He almost didn't drool it out . But where did this guy know he has been pitied by his old friend in the name of causing harm to jinchuriki.

If he knew it , he must have questioned hiruzen :

you really don't treat me as a hokage consultant but more like a hiruzen ' s personal bitch , right??

And Naruto who was feeling emotional this time looked at kushina and extended his hand to contact. but not to his avail, the distance between caster and alter is too much for his little hand to reach out.

Minato looked at Naruto in the alter and put the last prints completed ghost seal.

Shinigami's arm passed through his stomach straight to nine tails, pulling a transparent soul out of the beast , haunting the surroundings near Minato.

Nine-tails constrained by Kushina can only howl in pain, and even in his heart a thought pops up.

' this guy killed me in half and the rest of me is still alive , so what am I , a Zombie?? " He really is confused about it but the atmosphere doesn't allow him to ask

Sarutobi outside can only look from outside greeting his teeth with anger.

You must knew , because he spread the 'will of fire' , Minato was already brainwash by him during childhood and top of that he ended up being a genius, strong, obedient and innocent hearted person with the support of sanins and jinchuriki and also he listens to him a lot , he really liked this tool person.

It even goes to the extent of framing White fang to death and leading Orichimaru astray in his life just for ensuring his ascension to the hokage throne.

Now this guy casts Ghoul Bane . You can die if you want to buy why take my Sarutobi clan' s nine-tails , bah..... village's property.

In an instant, the loss of tool person was overshadowed by half nine-tails , this disciples really not fragrant enough.

" why the nine tail is smaller but not vanished" An anbu asked with doubt

Sarutobi Hiruzen: ' do you really wish to let disappear '

Meanwhile , Minato in the enchantment looking at Naruto muttered slowly

"only 8 Trigram seal remains "

Although Minato is completely fallen in love for his wife to the extent of dieing together he is still hokage , he hasn't done much in his region but had clearly understood the darker side of konoha , he may trust hiruzen but not danzo' who goes back playing house after every incident .

So the nine tails is the chip for his son' s survival although his life will be hard but other than asking him being alive he really can't ask more. and as for Nine-tails influence on him , Naruto is still half Uzumaki there should be no problem in handling a mere beast , right??

A large number of densed black ruins started to appear on Naruto's body till they settle down around belly button in a Whirlpool like pattern.

Nine-tails who was going to sealed again looked at this father son duo with hateful eyes . and taking advantage of kushina's losing chakra in Adamantine chains , he shouts

" its now or never " giant claw went straight for a definite stab.

killing this little demon means freedom although the lose this time is not small for him .

However , the hokage couple at this time has already passed the seal key to Mount Myo'boku' via Gerotora (a scroll toad) .

Looking at the coming Nine-tail's claw that might crush Naruto to a mere pool of blood there face turned ashen.

' puffff.....'

There was a splash of blood , but it wasn't Naruto 's

Right before , Uzumaki Naruto were the stack bodies of Minato and Kushina give a Last struggle for protecting their child.

Nine-tails claw sharper then a blade instantly penetrated their body .

However , he can' only remain in front of Uzumaki Naruto 's .

Naruto 's eyes widened in disbelief . after all , watching an anime death and experience it for real are completely different things. the tears can only run out of his eyes till he started to get unconscious from shock.

Kushina made a final attempt to pass a few words to her child.

" Naruto....

Don't be picky.. Eat lots and grow strong..

Make sure that you bathe every day and stay warm..

Also.. Don't stay up late.. You need lots of sleep..

And make friends.. You don't need a lot of friends..

Just a few.. Ones you can really, really trust..

I wasn't very good at it, but keep up with your studies and practice your ninjutsu hard..

Remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses..

So don't get too depressed if you can't do something well..

Respect your teachers and upperclassmen at the Academy..

Oh, and this is important.. It's about the Three Prohibitions for a shinobi..

Be extra careful about lending and borrowing money..

Put your mission wages into your savings account..

No alcohol until you're twenty.. Too much can ruin your health, so drink in moderation..

Another Prohibition is women..

I'm a woman, so I don't know too much about this but..

All you need to remember is that this world is made up of men and women..

So it's only natural to take an interest in girls..

But just don't get hooked on bad women.. Find someone just like me..

Speaking of the Three Prohibitions, be wary of Jiraiya Sensei, you know..

Naruto, from now on, you're going to face lots of pain and hardship..

Be true to yourself.. Have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true..

There's so much.. Oh, so much more that I want to pass on to you.. I wish I could stay with you longer..

I love you" Kushina said her last words

" sorry' Minato i took your time" Kushina said with guilt.

" its okay , i was going to tell same thing...."

— after sealing their chakra inside naruto' s body , Minato's soul was suck out in the shinigami's belly .

Finally , the couple fell to the ground and passed away .

On this day, Konoha Village suffered a huge loss. Not only did it lose the important combat power of Nine Tails Jinchūriki, but it also lost Fourth Hokage, who had recently taken office.

Namikaze Minato can surpass Sannin to become a new Hokage, not only strength, but also a symbol of popularity, especially in the early and middle of the third Ninja War, he also broke the name of "Konoha's Yellow Flash" No.

Even other Shinobu villages have issued orders. If you encounter him, you can turn around and run away and give up the mission without being blamed or punished.

You know, ninjas value missions more important than life. Konoha's White Fang, the father of Hatake Kakashi, gave up the mission because he chose to save his companions during the mission, and was accused by the village and finally chose to apologize with death. .

But none of this matter to Naruto who is immersed in sweet dreams , and why not ?? After all , at last moment he finally managed to get 2 drops of Minato and Kushina's blood that splashed because of penetrations all over his alter and before he lose consciousness he transferred them into his spiritual space with the help of system.