
Black Technology

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials

peace01 · Romance
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92 Chs

Kill the monster

Su Chen found himself momentarily lost in a daze. To onlookers, it seemed as though he had been caught off guard. In response, he abruptly halted his dialing and sprang into action.

With lightning speed, he adorned his battle armor and unsheathed his Miao knife, executing a perfect arc in mid-air. Sprinting at an astonishing pace, he set his sights on the looming dark giants that pursued them through the sky.

Yes, that was his objective.

They had been marked for death by these pitch black monsters. It was only a matter of time before they were discovered once again. However, Su Chen sought to exploit this gap—a momentary advantage that allowed him to outpace his pursuers. It was in this advantage that he would always remain a step ahead, launching attacks from all angles against the numerous small-scale black scale monster groups that roamed the land.

For the survivors and scattered troops, these smaller monster groups were a relentless menace. But for Su Chen, they were the ones facing disaster.

It was a race—a race against time and circumstances.

Furthermore, Su Chen had meticulously observed their behavior. In the past twenty minutes, only a single dark monster had shown itself. Clearly, the monsters were more cautious beyond the city limits. It was an opportune moment for him.

Across the mound, the platoon leader, who had nearly vanished from sight, gazed in awe at the figure soaring from the off-road vehicle, swiftly turning to confront the dark giant in pursuit through the skies. His mouth agape, a mixture of disbelief and excitement overcame him. Could our forces possess such advanced weaponry already? Is this a field test?

Mid-air, Su Chen engaged the pitch-black giant with unmatched speed.

Ascending thousands of meters with astounding swiftness, Su Chen's body energy rapidly depleted, at a rate of at least one unit per second. He knew he had to dispatch this dark monster swiftly.

Covering a considerable distance, Su Chen raised his arm, launching the hand cannon with precision.

Three energy units propelled the exhilarating surge of energy shells. The pitch-black monster flapped its wings in an attempt to evade, but one of its wings was grazed, pierced through by the projectile. In response, the creature exuded a putrid green substance, its aggression intensifying.

Su Chen swiftly evaded the onslaught. As the gap between them closed, he made a sudden decision. Retrieving the Miao Knife, he deftly extracted a petite, dark battery from his Anovar ring. Without hesitation, he infused it with the energy of two units, using it as a catalyst. Then, at close range, he hurled it forcefully at the pitch-black monster, taking advantage of the momentum to initiate a strategic retreat.


The pitch-black monster loomed before Su Chen, its immense size and injured wing failing to deter him. With a reinforced body and the protective embrace of his battle armor, Su Chen possessed a double advantage. The battery, propelled with explosive force, hurtled toward the creature, connecting with it in an instant.

Even before impact, the petite battery exhibited signs of instability. It swelled like an inflated balloon, crackling with electric currents. As it collided with the pitch-black monster, it erupted into a dense mass of electrifying snakes. The creature's body became brilliantly illuminated, as if struck by a bolt of lightning. The crawling electric serpents weaved in and out, penetrating its massive form. In a mere instant, the electric display vanished, leaving the enormous pitch-black monster emitting a mournful wail. Its body became carbonized over a large area, and it plummeted weakly from the sky.

Without hesitation, Su Chen advanced, delivering the final blow by severing its colossal head.

At that point, the creature lacked the ability to resist. Even if Su Chen had refrained from delivering the finishing strike, it would have perished upon impact.

Its size and advantage remained unexploited, as it was ruthlessly obliterated.

Swiftly, Su Chen drained the energy from its lifeless body. The pitch-black monster had possessed approximately eleven or twelve energy units, roughly equivalent to Su Chen's own expenditure.

Taking flight once more, Su Chen observed the gargantuan body of the fallen monster hurtling toward the ground like a cannonball.

The sky crackled with electrifying brilliance, shocking the survivor caravan that had been gradually departing in the distance.

What manner of weapon could obliterate a pitch-black monster in such a manner?

Within the confines of the off-road vehicle, He Xuanheng, a refined gentleman, gazed into the sky silently, his thoughts concealed.

Joe brimmed with envy.

Wang Li briefly cast a glance before diverting his attention, a simple, nervous, and vigilant thought emerging in his mind: What had that transformed object been? A battery? Fire extinguisher? Diesel generator? Mr. Su seemed to have collected and repurposed too many odds and ends... No, if he exhausts his supply of rags, will he come to dismantle my car? If my car is dismantled, will I be assigned another mission... well... probably not. Several vehicles from the pursued convoy had been rendered useless by the onslaught of the black scale monsters. Mr. Su had gone there to salvage the scrap... He went there to collect the rags...

Meanwhile, Su Chen marveled at the battery's incredible power. As expected, the seven modified units of magic had nearly annihilated the pitch-black monster within seconds.

What sort of battery was this? It was akin to a lightning bomb!

Su Chen's gaze darted around, eventually landing upon a pile of abandoned vehicles ravaged by the black scale monsters.

Randomly, within the leading off-road vehicle, Su Chen leaned back, wearing the relieved expression of a weary soldier.

On the opposing side, the dozen or so black scale monsters had seized the opportunity to flee into the distance. Most of them vanished into the enveloping darkness, with only a few lingering far away, their presence temporarily replacing the receding shadows. Their gaze fixated on Su Chen.

At such a considerable distance, the off-road vehicles struggled to close the gap. It would be a wasted effort for Su Chen to give chase~www.mtlnovel.com~ They had managed to create a safe distance between themselves and the pursuing beasts.

However, being ground units, the monsters needed to maintain certain intervals between them. Their collective impact paled in comparison to that of the pitch-black monster. Su Chen had no obligation to concern himself with them. He simply followed their trail, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to strike when their information couldn't keep pace with his movements.

Especially now that Su Chen had gleaned insights into the nearly one-sided exchange of information between servants and favored ones, his confidence soared.

Besides, he genuinely desired to rid himself of their presence. He Xuanheng's abilities might prove useful with clever utilization, but they could only be employed sparingly. Su Chen saw no need to exhaust those resources in this particular instance.

Once they ventured beyond the city limits, the landscape opened up, revealing a wider expanse with sparser monster sightings. It served him well and posed no threat.

Now, nestled amidst a heap of discarded vehicles, Su Chen embarked on dismantling various components. These cars had belonged to survivors, some containing valuable supplies while others lay empty. Scanning the remnants, it was evident that the apocalyptic families of these car owners had met tragic ends at the hands of the monsters. Their possessions, now rendered useless.

Amongst the wreckage, he stumbled upon a car that appeared to have once belonged to a family with a child. There was even a delicate figurine, resembling an angel portrayed by Lihua.

Su Chen extracted two batteries, rummaged through a jumble of food and crude weapons like wrenches. Additionally, he uncovered a small car fire extinguisher. As he beheld the extinguisher, a recollection jolted his mind. It seemed he had come across a fire extinguisher before, nearly forgotten amidst the dark recesses of the Ring of Anova.

Gathering his findings, he deposited them into the crevices of the Ring of Anova. With that, Su Chen took flight once more, preparing to return to the off-road vehicle.

Yet, he hesitated. A sudden change of heart propelled him to turn around and retrieve the delicate figurine as well.

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