
Black Isle

Tiny_Lollipop · Sports, voyage et activités
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

The next day Claudia was bored. She didn't want to go outside after she heard about the kidnapping. Then she thought, why can't I try to solve the case? It would mean time to herself, no one bothering her, and fun. She planned to get a new notebook for this. She looked at her piggybank and realized she would need 3 more days worth of allowance to get the notebook she wanted. She went to do the chores for today. She thought, if I do Abby's chores, can I get her daily allowance? She went to ask her mom, but then realized that she was more likely to say yes if Claudia did her own chores first.

Her mom walked in the kitchen. "Claudia, you never do your chores this early. Did you want to buy something?"

Claudia turned her back to the sink and faced her mom, dish towel in her hand. "Yeah. I wanted to buy a notebook, but I still have to earn 3 days worth of money."

Her mom pondered on that statement. Claudia had always been a good child, always finishing her chores. . "Claudia, how about this? If you finish your chores early, I can give you triple your allowance that you'd earn today."

A smile crept up on Claudia's face. "Really mom? Will you really triple my allowance?" Claudia watched her mom nod her head. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" Her mom smiled and walked out of the room. She knew that she meant everything to her daughters, especially Claudia. For she was the only one they had. Their father had passed away when they were very young, and it had been a traumatic experience for both of them.

Claudia raced to finish her chores. But she did make sure she did them well enough so she would actually earn her allowance. "MOM, I'M DONE!" Claudia yelled. She couldn't wait to get her notebook. Then she could start sleuthing right away."Being a detective is going to be so much fun,"she thought.

"Wow! You did that fast and nicely! You definitely earned it." Her mom handed her the money.

Claudia jumped all the way back to her room. She knew what she was going to get. A black sparkly notebook. The perfect notebook for a detective, sparkling and mysterious.

The next day she got her notebook and started to write. She went to her tablet and searched up some details about the case. This was an important case so she took out her pen that she rarely used, the black pen.

Twins were kidnapped on June 06, 2016.

Names: Isabella and Charlotte

Ages: 6, 6

Family: Miller

Status: Not found

Clues: None

Why: no idea

She thought she got a good start. So she put the notebook away. Then she thought, how will I get all these clues? Wait a minute … I have the same information as everyone else. Police don't get extra information just because they are police. We all hear the same story and the same clues. Wait, am I sure? She started to get more excited. So maybe I can solve the case. If the police can, I can! Claudia decided at that moment that she would be dedicated to this case. Nothing will get in her way of solving. She will solve it no matter how big or small the case is.

The following day she decided to go to the library and read as many mystery novels as possible so she can learn how to solve a mystery herself. She knew this would require dedication and hardwork, but she was ready for all the ups and downs that were about to come.