
Black eyes

Hi, my name is Jenifer. I live with my family and my family contains my parents, elder sister Jenny, younger brother Johnny and me. We were a happy family living happily in a beautiful house. But everything changed as my father received transfer letter after that we moved to a complete different house which wasn't beautiful, looked haunted and was single house in that area. Johnny completely denied entering that house but as the lack of option and time we stayed there.

Everything was fine for some months then my sister started acting weird. She tried to harm the person she used to love the most, our brother Johnny. She tried to eat him and kill him. Seeing this behavior she was grounded and she would be normal for some days and again repeat her act .This process continued for months and whenever she did her eyes would turn complete black I noticed it and was terrified of her. She started to bite me too and harm me. My parents took her too many psychiatrist they said she was alright. Then, to a father of a church but he also couldn't do anything. Giving up they locked her in a room.

She was now locked in a room .Whenever my parents opened her room her room would be covered with dark nail and blood scratches all over the walls ,needles, blood, cloth dolls and many more .Every time my parents threw them away it would be the same the next time. She then was tied all the time in the room as she would try to harm everyone who visits her. But somehow she managed to escape the rope and room and would roam in jungles bringing dead animals. My parents tried to find out how and hid under her bed .They couldn't find the reason but we found them dead and covered with blood under her bed when we were searching them. We knew this as my father's diary told they were going in her room and asked us to run away if something happens to them. We took their bodies and covered them with soil but we waited as Jenny went missing. After some days she returned as nothing happened we lived happily for some days then one day I saw her black eyes. I grabbed Johnny by his hand, hit her with a vase and ran away.

As cops found us they sent us to an orphanage as case wasn't getting forward and as I was only thirteen and Johnny was only seven. We spent some years in orphanage then we were adopted by a family when I was sixteen and Johnny was ten. We neither told our adoptive family about the story nor our sister Jenny. This was a story hidden inside me and Johnny for almost two decades .Now, I am a successful heart surgeon and my brother is a successful businessman .We never visited and never tried to visit our parent's graves or Jenny.

Yesterday we went there and weren't shocked to see the condition of the house. It was covered in blood, never cleaned .We couldn't find our sister but we found a human skeleton lying in the kitchen, with those black un decayed eyes and her locket. We took her near our parent's grave and also covered her with soil and cried.

Returning back I question myself why and how she turned to that monster? Why didn't her eyes decay? How? Why? And so on. This story will also be hidden and untold as the death of me and my brother