
The Forgotten Relic

"Levon it is time for dinner," called mother from the house. As I ran from my hideout in the woods near where I lived with my mother I could feel the forest beat with magic in its trees, it's animals, even in it's dark monsters. THUM... I felt a pulse, it was different from any magic or creature I had ever felt. It seemed to call me. I knew my mother would be angry but I couldn't stop myself from walking towards it. Just as I felt I could touch it my mother called me from the trance. And I ran out of the woods into my mother's embrace and and cried. Oh wait I never introduced myself Levon Nightwatch. Weird name but it was the one my mother gave me. I'm currently three in human years but because we dragon kin grow fast and have long lives I could be 600 and still look 18 as a human. I think I look like a six-year-old but fate can be cruel. When my mother asked what was wrong I told her what I felt. With concern on her face she said "I want you to stay away from the woods till you are older is that understood." I could only nod as my mother had a look that said it is far to dangerous.





Deep in the woods in a long forgotten cave laid a simple yet elegent sword. "He is almost ready to go and take control of his fate, I will let him grow he will need the power of his dragon to wield me after all."

"So are you finally choosing a master Dalgaroth", said an ancient voice. "I am and he will be strong." Dalgaroth said. "We will see if he has the blood of that hero or if he is just another anomaly. You would do well do raise your own strength." replied the voice. With that all was left in quite and now our hero grows.