
Black dragon of hate _ High School DXD Fanfic

I don't have rights to Highschool DXD. Or for a photo. Read and you will find out.

Kriuswer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Chat with the dragon

[Author: People today have a surge of eagerness to write new chapters. It will be the fourth probably today. And if I am drawn to history, I do not know if it stopped in four.]

I woke up it was morning. Rias is still asleep. But our position was not what we fell asleep at. Rias is sleeping on me now. She used me like a mattress. And I will say one thing I do not want to get up. This is my paradise. Rias's naked body embraces me all over. Her face is on my chest. Her perfect breasts hold my stomach. Rias' body feeling on me is neisamazing. Unfortunately, all good things end quickly. It's morning. It was 6:30 on the clock. Rias slowly opens her eyes and looks at me. Seeing her looking at me. I said:

(Krius) - Hi, honey.

Rias flushed and then fell into my arms and kissed passionately. We could lie for a few minutes. As far as I know, Asia is in the bathroom now. Shower sounds can be heard from our room. Rias proposed to call Issei to take Asie to school now. Because I and Rias wanted to spend time together. Using communication magic, Rias instructed Issei what to do. They also said that I would teach Issei a lesson from today. May he become stronger.

When the conversation came to an end somewhere like five minutes later, we heard Issei talking and then took Asie to school.

As soon as we heard the sound of the door closing. Rias stands up and says:

(Rias) - Let's take a shower in the bathroom.

(Krius) -Once?

(Rias) - Yes you idiot. - Then he pulls me to him passionately. And drags naked into the bathroom.

There, I and Rias take a shower. Of course, it wasn't without a lot of fun while washing. Then, using magic, we changed into clothes. Rias in school uniform and I in my standard clothes. Black pants, white undershirt with gold print and folded jacket. Then we teleported to school.

The drugs passed relatively quickly. I spent most breaks with Rias. Rias explained to me topics I didn't understand, we talked about many topics and when we didn't talk. We usually kissed. Our association took on blushes.

After school, I met with Issei on the playground near the school. There we carried out a training program that I developed for him. During math. Heheh.

The training program included:

> Increasing Isseia's muscle mass through a set of exercises. (Running, pulling up, stumps, running with a weight on the back and the like)

> Increasing magical power (Through meditation and drinking special potions that Rias bought)

During the following days nothing much changed. Everyday boring school, then two hours of training with Isse every day. (I do not just watch as Issei exercises.) Issej also had several clients to whom Rias sent him. Asia has settled in. Rias enrolls Asia in our school. Now she was in the classroom with Isse. Asie began now more talkative. She even talked to me. I helped her learn and from time to time we talked about her powers and how she should develop them. And each evening, Rias and I had our own Heaven. And so was the week.

One day after school I was supposed to go and meet Issei on the playground as usual to train. However, suddenly I lost my strength and had to sit down. I leaned against a nearby tree and lost consciousness.

When I opened my eyes I was in black and red space. Black fog surrounded me from all around me. I saw nothing but her. I was starving but I saw nothing. Suddenly a fog caricature of smoke appeared in the fog. A giant black dragon emerged from it. Who was watching me.

I was not scared when I saw him. What should be my subconscious move. But no, I felt that it did not threaten me. On the contrary.

The dragon looked at me for a moment with surprise.

(Sanctus) - Separate. are you not afraid of me . Little devil.

(Krius) - It may seem strange but no.

(Sanctus) - Interesting.

(Krius) - Who are you?

(Sanctus) - Let me introduce myself. I am Sanctus Black dragon of hatred.

(Krius) - Hatred?

(Sanctus) - Since we are doomed to each other. It's good for me to tell you my story.

Sanctus tells Krius his story. He told him about the Great War. As he stood at God's side. What relations he had with him. How happy he was then. But when he started talking about the last day of the war. The dragon's voice changed from gentle to serious and angry. There was a feeling of smooth liquidity and agression in the air. Finally, Sanctus told how God was killed in front of his eyes and how they sent him into the void with the help of an artifact, where he vanished.

After hearing the story, I felt that hello was beginning to hate the other two dragons similarly. I understood the anger and hatred of the dragon. And I'm starting to divide it slowly.

(Sanctus) - Now that you know my story, tell me what you are going to do?

(Crius) - I will help you in revenge. But you will give me strength in return. I propose a partnership.

(Sanctus) - Partnership? - you could still feel the anger in your voice.

(Krius) - Yes, partnership. I will help you and you will help me. If you don't like my decision, tell me. And I will change it within possibilities. And vice versa.

(Sanctus) -Zgoda. But I'll tell you something. If you want more power, be prepared to pay valuable.

Suddenly I found myself in front of the school again. When I looked at my hand. My Longinus was active. I said to Sanctus wanting to check if he could hear me?

(Crius) - Pay valuable what?

The strange gem on my glove began to glow red and I heard a voice.

(Sanctus) - You will find out in time.

When I got up I realized it was late.

So I decided to go home straight away. I immediately created a teleportation circle and teleported. When I appeared at home I saw Rias waiting for me in the kitchen. When I looked at Rias her face scared me. I see her like that for the first time.

(Rias) - Krius come here. We need to talk seriously.

Thank you for reading . I didn't know how to end up talking to Sanctos. But without it, the story couldn't go on.

In the next there will be more action and it will be interesting. I await comments.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts