
Black Clover: Undefined

Beliefs, religion, and culture helped humanity thrive. They helped build societies, civilizations, and kingdoms. However, we cannot say that they are indeed morally good. This fanfiction tells the story of a young man who became the victim of such beliefs. After finding out the truth, he sets out to be what society thought of him to be. The one and only, devil child. I don't own the cover picture. Of course the same goes for Black Clover. --------------------

BlankPage0201 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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88 Chs

Chapter 23

"Are you sure about that?" Ryujin, the serious and stoic leader of the Ryudo Clan asked.

"I said 'possibility', a high one at that," Yato replies. On the other side of the table, the Fumihiko Mushogatake, the loud and rough leader of the Mushogatake clan intervenes.

"Then why don't you make sure before calling us here?! We also have things to do!" He loudly said. Yato just clicks his tongue at the older man's remarks before replying himself.

"I won't waste my men's lives just for a single glance of a clan of monsters. Even so, you don't have to tell me as I already planned on making sure of it." He said calmly. The three clans inside the meeting hall knew each other for years already. Because of that, he didn't get angry at the man's demanding tone even with his strong pride. Although not every member of the Mushogatake Clan is brash and annoying like so, the two other clans have developed a tolerance for those tendencies.

"Since there's that, let's wait for the result while we ready our troops for the possibility of a large-scale war. Although the Yami Clan's strength has deteriorated by a lot throughout these past years, they have the Hans as an ally." Ryujin said, finally loosening the tense mood created by Fumihiko's brashness.

--A week later--

After getting out of jail, Hisashi was immediately sent to a psychiatric clinic. Although they were believed to be something along the lines of a sham by many, this didn't stop his parents to send him there.

However, after seeing the person in charge, they almost dropped their decision. What greeted them was an old woman in her 80s. She looks unhygienic and looks like a textbook definition of a witch especially with a bunch of stuff like books and writings inside of her clinic.

Hisashi, who saw her, can't help but squint. Being sensitive to yoryoku, he can see that the lady isn't normal as there's a whole layer of yoryoku enveloping her body. However, he can't see through the spell.

"I'm already briefed by my assistant on what you need. So don't just stand there." The old witch said to the three. Just when they were about to enter, the witch held her hands out stopping Yuna and Itsuki, surprising them.

"Are you two patients too?" She said to them with a hint of irritation on her ragged old face. The couple looks at each other before answering.

"No, doctor?" Itsuki questioningly asked. Yuna just observes the old lady before she clicks her tongue and closes the door on them. Seeing this, Yuna was pissed off. She pulls her husband away from the house and confronted him.

"From where in this world did you get the recommendation to send Hisashi here?!" She angrily asks him. Seeing the old woman's attitude made her even more skeptical of the so-called 'doctor'.

Itsuki just scratches the back of his head before telling his answer. "It was a recommendation from an old friend. He said that he personally experienced the doctor's miracle."

"Why? What happened to him?"

"He said that he got shell-shocked after unintentionally causing the death of an infant he was supposed to save from a bandit attack."

Inside the house, Hisashi looks around but aside from the dim lights from candles faintly illuminating the room, he wouldn't able to see anything. Moreover, a sensation of hotness enters the pore of his skin making him feel disturbed.

Seeing the old lady ignore her and go back to writing things on her notes, Hisashi just sit obediently. Half an hour later, Hisashi can't now help but ask her.

"Uhm, ma-, I mean doctor. What do I need to do?" As if not hearing her, the old witch continued on her work. Seeing this, Hisashi didn't bother her again for another 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, Hisashi decides to call out to her again.

"Doctor, can I ask what I have to do?" But, just like before, he was ignored badly. Still, he remained calm.

After another 10 or so minutes, he calls out to her again.

"Doctor, what do I need to do?" However, still, no reaction. This time though, a hint of impatience is starting to hit him. He looks at the books and thought about reading some of them. However, he resisted his urge.

This happens again every ten or so minutes. Every single time Hisashi would ask her, she would merely ignore Hisashi. However, Hisashi's irritation would start to grow every minute. Luckily, he was clever enough to not lash out at the old lady.

By the fifth hour, Hisashi decides to ask for one last time politely and if he was still ignored, he would leave the damned house.

"Do-" However, just when he started speaking, he was interrupted.

"What are the final results of the investigation?" Hearing her finally talk, Hisashi was surprised. Hiding it quickly, he then answered the question.

"They said that it was merely a self-defense case. Given that my brother and his friend didn't kill anyone, it was a lawful civilian's arrest." He said with a slightly apologetic look on his face.

"But that's not what happened isn't it?" Hisashi was surprised by how the lady know.

"How- How do you know?" He asks. The lady then stopped what he was doing and turned to look the kid straight in the eyes. Seeing the serious gaze of the old witch, Hisashi can't help but feel goosebumps.

"Because you're not sorry."

"I'm not sorry?" Hisashi was confused by the old witch's answer.

"I've seen many people throughout my career. I've also learned many of their stories. And with that, I can see beyond what people are showing."


"Although you have regret in your eyes, a genuine regret, it wasn't what it seemed to be. You don't regret killing those bandits. What you regret, is being seen doing so."

Hisashi can't help but feel a thump in his chest. The witch's statements all hit the spot. However, it's not that he doesn't feel the regret in killing those guys, it's just that he can't.

He doesn't know why, but even with Taoru, the man he first killed, he CAN'T feel any remorse.

"You also don't have any anger issues, seeing how you resisted for five hours. A normal person wouldn't even resist more than two hours, half or less of that for people with anger issues."

Hearing her, he realized how meticulous the old lady was. Even those were a test to her. Confused, he then asks.

"What does that mean, doctor?"

"That means that we're on a dead end." "Dead end? How?"

"Although you're apathetic to those you killed, you still showed remorse, albeit for a different reason. Meaning, there's nothing wrong with your brain, nor you're a psychopath. However, your actions weren't also due to impulsive reactions caused by unstable emotions. Meaning, your case is a very special one." She said to him as she look closely into his eyes.

"Does that mean that I'm hopeless?"

"Are you an idiot? I said you're a special case, not a hopeless one." This cause Hisashi to purse his lips after being called an idiot.

"Why don't you tell me everything about you first?" She said to Hisashi. He was, however, surprised when the lady starts to glow and particles of yoryoku disperses around her body.

"You've noticed that already didn't you? So don't act surprised." As the light finally disperses, a middle-aged woman with round glasses appears. Contrary to the previous old ragged-looking witch, this woman looks like a goddess in comparison. She's wearing a black open robe and a white undershirt under that. If anyone saw her like this, their worlds would've been shaken.

Forgot to time it.

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