
Ch.2 Three Months

'.....' (Character's thoughts)

"....." (Speech)

[…..] (Voice Transmission)

{.....} (Spell Names)

<…. > (Telepathic Communication)

It had been a wonderful three months with my new family, despite the downsides of being a baby with no control over my body.

Finally getting to experience motherly love, made everything worth it and I am so glad I got to experience it, but that is going to be coming to an end soon. The Zogratis siblings should be here any day now and the majority of my new family will die. I swear that once I am powerful enough, I will come back and destroy them.

On a happier note, I finally got an idea about what my magic might be. There was a time where I fell down off of my mother's lap and hurt myself and I started screaming in pain. When that happened there were gusts of wind, crashes of thunder and flashes of lightning along with pouring rain. From that I could make an educated guess that my magic has something to do with storms.

I also spent the three months trying to get the hang of using magic. I don't know much about grimoireless magic, but I know it has something to do with meditation to sense the mana. So that's what I did. Every night after I was dropped off in my room by either the maids, my parents, or even Sir Niaflem and his son Ralph. I was very diligent and adding on my natural talent as a royal with my large mana pool I was able to sense the mana. I found that I had the most luck in my meditation when there was a storm outside and it seemed as if I could actually feel every crash of thunder or flash of lightning. I could feel the wind even though it was outside and could feel the rain pattering against my face.

During those times, if I was able to see myself from an outside perspective, I would've seen that I glowed in a blue light that pulsed with the storm.


It has been three months and 2 weeks since I have been in this world and I heard that the Zogratis' will be returning from their mission tomorrow. That means this is the last day I can spend with my parents. I plan to make the most of it. I look out the window to see kids playing the snow, random adults talking and even a drunkard sitting on the street only to have someone help him. They were all happily smiling. Little did they know what was gonna happen tomorrow night. I wanted to feel guilty or remorse, but honestly I felt nothing. I don't know who these people were and it's not like I can do anything to save them. I can't even guarantee my own life not to mention theirs.


It is the next night and I know what's going to happen soon.

I was sitting near my mother and father and they were discussing the Zogratis siblings' last mission.

"They killed them all?" Ciel asked.

"Sigh... Yes" Loyce replied.

"Did you give the order?" Ciel asked.

"Of course not, they may be brutal and I don't approve of their methods, but at least they are loyal to the kingdom." Loyce replied.

'Not for long' I thought self deprecatingly.

As my parents were looking toward the capital, I glanced toward the forest where I saw movement almost quick enough to make me think I was imagining things until there was an explosion on the other side of the castle.

'Hmm, so it has started.'

"What's going on?!?!" Ciel asked worried.

"Were are under attack darling." Loyce answered.

"Who could have reason to attack us, we have no current disputes with any kingdoms??" Ciel asked.

The next moment the door was thrown open and Sir Niaflem rushed inside while shouting.

"We are under attack, it's the Zogratis siblings, but they possess the devil's power."

"What?!?! That's impossible. Argh, those bastards. Just let me see them, I will destroy them. Where are they??" Loyce said with rage in his eyes.

"They are at the right wing of the castle, and your majesty, they are being assisted by some of the magic Knights." Sir Niaflem said.

"Damn traitors!!" Loyce shouted his face contorted in pure rage.

What should we do now darling?" Ciel asked.

"There is only one thing to do now, we must make sure Ranto and Yuno escape. With how things are now, we do not know who is friend and who is foe, if we were to escape with the boys, they will definitely come after us." Loyce said quickly

Loyce then turned toward Sir Niaflem.

"Knight Niaflem you must take Ranto and Yuno and get them to safety, we will stay behind with some magic Knights who are still loyal and provide a distraction." Loyce said.

"But your majesty...." Sir Niaflem started before being interrupted by Loyce.

"THAT IS AN ORDER!! the Zogratis siblings were our strongest Knights, now they have the power of the devil, we will not stand a chance if we have to worry about our boys on top of everything else. We can only buy you enough time to escape with Ranto and Yuno.

My mother started to cry and one of her tears fell on my head before she looked at me lovingly.

"We were only together for a short while, and now we have to be separated." Ciel said as her tears flowed.

"I know it is difficult, but we have to ensure their safety." Loyce said while his eyes were also tearing up.

"I know." Ciel said before looking at me and Yuno.

"Goodbye my beautiful boys. I love you with all my heart and while I know you may not remember me, I want you to know I will always be with you both" Ciel said as she placed the same pendant that Yuno had, on me.

While Yuno's pendant was blue, mine was a shining grey, but otherwise they looked the same.

Ciel then hugged us tightly as if she didn't want to let us go before kissing our foreheads and handed us to Christopher.

(AN: I decided to name Sir Niaflem as Christopher.)

"Please make sure they are safe." Ciel said.

"I will your majesty." Christopher replied.

"Be on your way, they will be here soon, take some magic Knights with you on your way." Loyce said.

"It will be done your majesty." Christopher Said as he walked out of the room with myself and Yuno.

Christopher was running through the castle hallways that were now on fire, when he heard a shout.


Christopher looked over and saw his son Ralph running toward him.

"Where are the King and Queen?" Ralph asked.

"They have left the future of the kingdom with me." Christopher said gesturing to the two babies in his arms.

"Take them, we will buy you some time." Ralph said as he nodded toward the magic Knights around them.

'Ralph, my son. I swore to protect the princes with my life, please make sure you survive.' Christopher thought to himself as he left his son behind.

We made our way to the back entrance of the castle and left through it making our way into the forest where we met up with two other magic Knights, one of which was holding a basket.

"Are the princes safe?" One of the Knights asked.

"Yes, for now as I don't think they'd kill them, but we need to make haste out of the kingdom as there are no guarantees." Christopher said.

"I am having an ominous feeling that there is something more mysterious at work." One of the Knights said.

"We don't have a lot of time so let's move according to the plan." Christopher said.

The Knights nodded and the three split up, Christopher went to the south and the other two went to different areas. On the way Christopher was attacked by two of the traitorous Magic Knights and while he was able to kill them, his leg was injured and he was losing more and more blood by the second.

We continued to run and all I could hear was the sound of Christopher panting heavily and groaning in pain with every step. We came upon a Cliff and Christopher paused at the top and looked down.

"I swore to protect you my princes, and I don't think I will survive another encounter with the magic Knights." Christopher said to Yuno and I.

Christopher heard the running footsteps behind us and with one last look down the Cliff, he took the plunge. All I could see was snow falling and the faces of the Knights at the top of the cliff until everything went back all of the sudden. All I could hear was the sound of Christopher's heavy breathing and the crunch of his footfalls on the snowy terrain.

'He must be on his last leg, both figuratively and literally as he has been losing blood from running all night.' I thought to myself.

We finally exited the forest and entered into a small village with very few buildings. Christopher looked around and finally saw a good place to place us.

"There is a church ahead, it should be safe for you. This is my final spell for you Prince Ranto and Prince Yuno, please grow and become strong." Christopher said

After his words, I felt a wave of wind envelop the basket and it slowly carried Yuno and I to the doorsteps of the church where I saw another basket with another baby which could only be Asta.

'Hmm, I guess Lichita already left Asta here.'

Suddenly in perfect Asta fashion he started crying at the top of his lungs scaring the birds on top of the church causing them to fly away. I then heard sounds coming from inside the church and even heard a voice.

"Argh what is with all the ruckus this early in the morning." Said the voice before the door opened.

After the door opened a middle aged man with a pastor's cloak on walked out, he had slicked back brown hair and a brown mustache with streaks of grey coming in on both. He looked down and finally saw Asta Yuno and I.

"Hmm, more orphans? Sigh...Well more additions to the family I guess." The man said to himself.

He looked at the baskets and saw notes with our names on them but nothing else on them in the basket.

"Oh, so the two well mannered ones are Yuno and Ranto, as for the rambunctious one, you're name is Asta? Hmm, I am Father Orsi and you will be a part of my family now." Father Orsi said as he picked up the baskets and brought us inside.

'Phew, I can finally sleep, I had to stay up all night just in case something went wrong as my entrance into this world could change things so I wanted to make sure everything went well.' I thought to myself as I passed out from exhaustion.

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